Any workouts you wouldn't buy again?

All I would say is to be aware of what you are buying with Imax 3. It is severely high impact to a much greater degree than Imax 1 or 2. Personally, I think there are moments when the impact is excessive and it worried me, even though I do not routinely suffer knee problems. So, apart from the risk of injury, I do not think Imax 3 is a necessary purchase especially since Imax 2 is so brilliant.

Hardcore Extreme is again, not necessary. It is a repeat of selections of the cardio and weights work from different workouts in the hardcore series so if you have all the rest, given the usefulness of the extra features Cathe's discs provide, you can mix and match your own selections without having them pre-programmed for you. Also, again, the impact is severe. I have never used Hardcore Extreme and probably never will. Imax 3 I have done once.

I just posted today on the Weight Watchers Board that I think High Step Challenge is my favorite circuit workout! I has such great variety and the time FLIES when I do it!:7 :7

I probably wouldn't get KickMax or Timesaver. Kick Max just doesn't get my heart rate going until the blasts and I mish-mosh my own stuff if I'm short on time!

High Step Challenge is good and the reviews are good. Look at the clips and read even on Collage about ti.
IMAX3 maybe. I love and feel blessed to have all of my Cathe collection in short time.
The ones I would not buy again are MIS, Power Hour, Timesaver and the Slow and Heavy series.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
I bought the DVD that has Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength, and Body Max on it, and even though I got it cheap on Ebay (only like $14 including shipping), I'm not sure I'd do that again. I am okay with Power Hour, but it's not my favorite. With the other two older workouts... as superficial as this sounds, I'm completely turned off by the "oldness" of them, and have had no interest in them, even though I've tried.
I wouldnt give ANY back if I were paid double for them! Even Basic Step has a place in my recovery weeks rotations.... Got rid of all the firms and 90% of the miscellanious instructors but NOT Cathe! They are all timeless to me:)
>Why wouldn't you buy High Step Challenge again? Just wondering
>as I am considering adding it to my collection.

It just isn't a workout I reach for very often at all, and I like HSTA better (even though the way the music is treated--manually speeding up or slowing down the tempo--can be a bit annoying).

Also, on a more superficial note, I just don't like the whole fake tan/hairpiece look.
>Anne: What else don't you like about CTX besides them taking
>up too much room? I was thinking about getting them but I
>might rethink my decision.

Not Anne here, but aside from some moves being space hogs (some of them can be modified) the series has a LOT of step days in a row and a LOT of impact. 5 of the 6 workouts have plyo moves, and 4 of the 6 incorporate step. That can be too much for some people. It certainly is for me. I planned a 3-4 week rotation with CTX, and had to cut it do 2 1/2 weeks because, even with modifying some moves to lower impact, my knees (which had been feeling fine) started to tell me they didn't like it. I do like the weight routines a lot, though.
I have almost everything currently available on this website, and I would not give ANY of them back!!! If they all somehow (GOD FORBID) got damaged, I would pay full cost to replace each and every one!
Gotta say, I LOVE Kick Max!!
I LOVE Step Blast!!!!! The biggest endorphin rush I ever get exercising I get towards the end of that one. The music and the sequencing of the exercises is PERFECT!
I sold all of my Firms, WHFN's, and TLT's for extra Cathe money. The only negative feeling I have about the Cathe workouts is that I stubbornly waited so long to try them!!! What I could not accomplish in 3 years of working with the other 3, I was well on my way to accomplishing just a few months into working exclusively witht the Cathe's.
They are effective, which is great, but they are also so motivating and FUN!! For 3 years working out was something I had to do, now I look forward to it every workout day!
p.s. Happy Purchassing!!!
Oh, also, HSC - LOVE IT!
and one of my absolute FAVORITES (when I'm looking for a REAL butt-kicking) is IMAX 3. If for some reason you had to pay full price for that one every month, I would! (Not that I want these folks to start raising their prices!) But IMAX 3 is workout GOLD to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:7
I really enjoy all the workouts I have so far. I can honestly say that I think my very favorite is the Imax 2/cardio and weights DVD. I am extremely hooked on cardio and weights and Imax 2 is great as well.

Must have weight workouts:

Muscle Max – slower pace is great for heavier lifting
Muscle Endurance – light weights, fun
Pyramids – you can really gage your progress with this one
CTX Upper Body
Legs and Glutes

I’m just not fond of 3-day splits

Must have cardio:

Kick Punch Crunch – I’ll take this anyday over Kick Max!
Step Blast – a feel-good workout!
Low Max – I use the 45 premixes – so I get 3 workouts for the price of one!
Cardio Hits – I’m having too much fun to notice the outfits. Love the music on PowerMax and the pace of Step Works

Must have circuits:

High Step Training Advanced – great variety on upper body work. Great premixes. And I must be a masochist with all the leg presses
Muscle Endurance/Bootcamp combo – Okay, I’m cheating on this one since it’s a premix.

I bought the entire Hardcore Series, only kept Low Max, Muscle Max, and Gym Style Legs. The rest were sold. I also had Timesaver, but once I purchased the rest of the BodyBlasts, I sold it.

I love my Cathe workouts but there are some that I just couldn't connect with and would never buy again.

Slow and Heavy Series
Power Hour
Rythmic Step

Videos I reach for again and again.
PS Series
Boot Camp
CTX Series
MIC -but only the step portion

Now I have the others that I didn't mention and they get thrown in the mix for variety, but that my lists of can and can't live without
:) !


this must be so difficult for you, wading through a sea of other people's personal likes and dislikes.

The only way for you to tell if you should buy a workout or not is to be honest with yourself about what sort of workout you like and what your goals are.

Some on here have said they hate Slow & Heavy, and yet I have found it to be the only series to really build strength and definition for me. As an ectomorph, for whom building lean muscle is hard, S&H is the only series to really do the trick. Too much endurance isn't really what I need.

So, what is your body type? What are your needs and goals and do you love steady state cardios or favour intervals? Do you prefer strength work or endurance? Do you like to separate your cardio work from your strength (in which case Step Blast and GS series are good purchases for you) or do you like to get it all done at the same time (in which case think Boot Camp, High Step training, etc). If you know that you hate circuits, then whether someone else loves Boot Camp or not is really neither here nor there! If you hate it, unless you have willpower of steel to make yourself do it, you won't ever use certain DVDs and there's little point buying them.

Good luck wading through all these different opinions!!!!!!

Aside from her beginner workouts (I have the first three) there aren't any others that I wouldn't buy again. There's a couple I never do, like Hardcore Extreme and IMAX 3, but even those I wouldn't get rid of because I may be in the mood some day. When I first started home exercise I hated circuit workouts and never did any of Cathes. I glad I bought them though, because now I love circuits, they're all I want to do. So you see, you just never know!

I'm suprised so many people on this thread don't like CTX. I love this series. It's probably the one I use the most.
Of those you are thinking about: CTX, Rhythmic Step, Interval Max and MIC, KPC + L&G, SJP + SB, Imax 3, Hardcore Extreme, I use all of them regularly except Interval Max and MIC (these are occasional).

Imax 3 and SJP&SB are two of my favorites (Imax 3 is my favorite of the Imax's). I rarely use CTX by itself anymore but every week use parts of it to tack on to other workouts be it weight work or cardio. I couldn't live without KPC & L&G. And I use Hardcore Extreme on the weekends.

It does depend on you, but I think they are all great workouts. Also regarding Slow and Heavy, my biggest strength gains were with this series and I rotate it in with GS when I'm doing strength rotations!

I personally Love everyone of them I find there are days I want a little less or a little more. With Cathe you get it all. My personal favorites are Bootcamp, Gym Style Legs, KPC, Kickmax and the High steps. There are 2 or 3 I can not comment on as I do not have them yet Timesaver and Hardcore Extreme I believe.

I used to dislike circuits, and thought I would never use Cardio & Weights (I bought it to get Step Blast, which is on the same DVD)., I am interested in doing circuits because of the tremendous benefits of doing such workouts. So, for the first time in about two years, I did Cardio and Weights a couple of weeks ago, and have it in my rotation to do next week, too.

The point is, you never know when you will change your mind and want to do a workout you never thought you would.

With that said, I have never taken a shine to Imax 3. I've tried it a few times, but the pace is too fast and the impact too high, even though I don't use a step. It's just really hard on my body, especially my feet, which tend to give me problems, anyway. That's not to say that you won't find it a fantastic workout, though.

BTW: I have the CTX series on DVD, so it doesn't take up any room in my workout collection. Still, I don't reach for this one as much as I used to now that I've got many of Cathe's newer workouts, which I find are superior.

Lastly, don't shy away from the Slow & Heavy series. It's a great one to break through plateaus and build strength.
I buy whatever Cathe puts out -- but I did have to get rid of her beginner DVD's -- they got old really quick.

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