Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than Usual?


This is really off the topic of exercise, but here goes anyway. I am 42, married for 20 years, the mother of six children-ages 19,15,12,9,6,and 3. I cannot say that I have really ever been very excited when it came to sex---BUT all of a sudden I think about it all the time. I can't get enough. My husband and I spent over 2 hours last night taking a bath, massaging each other with lotion, kissing, and getting hot. Had some more fun this morning--Happy New Year!
What is going on? He even asked me if I was really his wife. I said I wasn't sure and would let him know. Have any of the mature women on this forum had this happen to them? I am not complaining. I just don't know what is happening to me. It is a bit unnerving to get excited just holding my husband's hand. He is the one who normally has to get things going.
On second thought I I guess this does have something to do with exercise after all.
Any thoughts on what is going on would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Oh my do I wish I were you well maybe my husband wish that I were you, LOL. That is so weird because I do go through that phase maybe 2 to 4 times a year wishing it were more. I am 37 and been marry for 16 years so were kind of close but I only have 2 boys and you have 6 god bless you. Maybe something is in the "air" or you just going through a good and wonderful phase and hope it last;-)
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Thanks for replying Barbara. Since my post has been viewed by over 100 people and I hadn't gotten any replies, I was beginning to think I was a pervert or something. Maybe I am going through pre-menapause or something. But I don't want this to end--having more fun than I can put into words.
It is not just the sex. I want to be next to him, touch him, talk to him about all kinds of things,look into his eyes, make love with candles burning(usually always was in the dark), hold his hand, kiss him for no reason--I better stop--I am getting HOT--just typing this.
He gave me the best compliment a couple of nights ago. He said, "You are so HOT!" In 20 years I have never felt so sexy and alive.
Well, I hope I am not a pervert.
Thanks for responding. At least I am not alone. Or maybe you and I are the only ones who ever feel like this. The rest don't know what they are missing!
I never really thought about it much, but nice to know I'm not alone! I've been married 23 years, and am 44 yrs old. No kids. But about 3 years ago something must have happened. Sex has always been good but like you I just can't seem to get enough either. I think that men go thru this about 18-23 and us women....well sometimes we get this peak in our 40's. My husband has been floored with my aggressiveness. And seriously, that bath sounds nice..:). Don't think its perverted at all and if the hubbies like it....lucky for them!...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

You are definately not a pervert. Welcome to the wonderful world of hormones! The increased appetite could be due to an increase in hormone (can't remember if it is progesterone or estrogen). I've experienced this myself (am 46) and wish I could experience it more often. Go with it and enjoy it as, more than likely, won't last. I went to Barnes and Noble this morning and picked Dr. Lee's book on menopause and will start using natural progesterone cream. I'm really hoping this will balance things out and that I will actually get some of my drive back. Emerita now has a natural product out that will help women with low libido.

Bottom line, you and hubby thoroughly enjoy your new found desire! }(

Take care and Happy New Year!
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Heather you are not a pervert. Hey you have been marry for so long and it is so nice to have those feelings. I love when "those" feeling comes around for me but wish it were more often. The compliments must of really been nice to hear. I don't know but since I started to excerise with Cathe's video I feel so much better about myself then I did when I excerise alone on my bike or lifting weights in the basement or jogging. So who knows maybe you feel better about yourself now to feel the love in the air;-).
Thanks for all the responses. Glad to know this is kinda NORMAL for my age. Just wish I would have known things could be like this. My husband started crying because he had never felt so loved before.
Hey, Carole, You said this happened to you about 3 years ago. Does that mean you still feel like this or did it only last a short while. Cause I don't want this to ever end!
Not to worry Heather....its still going on....He says I scare him sometimes, which of course makes me smile. It's funny how the tables turn on occasion. Not sure how long it might go on, but enjoying it all the way. :)...Carole
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Well, I'm 42 also, so I'm hoping this will happen for me soon. You go girl!

Shari }(
Hmmm...I've always been like this.
I think about sex...I dream about sex and I've been like this since puberty hit. I'm now 29.
I started exercising when I was 18 and noticed I felt even sexier. Then, I few years later when I really started lifting heavy I really noticed a surge in my sex drive. From what I read heavy weight lifting causes a raise in growth hormone and testosterone (sp??)levels. Plus, with lower bodyfat there's less circulating estrogen.
So,have you just recently lowered your bodyfat and/or started lifting heavier weights? That might be the cause.

I feel sorry for women who have no interest in sex. I can't relate. I've even been made to feel like something is wrong with me. Female co-workers and supposed friends actually feel threatened by a woman who is's not like I was after their men or something!

Enjoy it!
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

hehehe. Had to smile reading your post. A friend of mine and I were discussing how in your early twenties your husband chases you around the bed but by your early forties you're chasing him around the bed!


I think it's normal, and I think it's a wonderful breath of fresh air for a marriage when this kicks in! Yay for us and Yay for our wonderful honeys!
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Oh I can't wait now. Well I will be forty in 2 1/2 years. This is a very interesting thread.

This is Cheryl here your old cyber friend, the mother of ten children. I have to say my husband and I have always been very passionate with each other. We have been married for 30 years and the sex just keeps getting better and hotter.

I always laugh when I see articles in these women magazines that tell couples how to light the fire again after being with someone for a few years! I can honestly say, my husband and I have always lusted after one another and we laugh and wonder is this normal after 30 years - we are more attracted to one another than ever!

I think it is because we do things God's way - we never usse artificial birth control and are just open if I were to conceive. It just seems to make it more intimate. Here we are 48 years old and things just keep getting better. We feel really blessed.

I am glad you have a newfound lust toward your husband and not to somebody else! (HA-HA)

Keep in touch (get it?)

RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I am reading with interest here. God bless you, Cheryl! I admire your strong faith! (And all of you brave ladies!)

I have to admit I feel much sexier just being in shape. Hubby's glad I have the energy I need, LOL! I'm 44.

Heather - honey, enjoy! As a mother of four grown children and 5 (with #6 on the way)grandchildren ages 16 to 4 let me say - sex is heavenly and so very delicious. I went into instant menopause at 37 due to a hysterectomy. Suffice it to say that presently (i'm 52)I enjoy lovemaking more than ever especially with my younger DB - LOL. I guess something was missing in my dull marriage, especially in the lovemaking dept. It is now a distant memory and my sexual appetite has not been spiraling down, on the contrary my DB asks me if all women my age behave as naughty - LOL. As a mom with a full time job, living single, etc. nothing compares with lovemaking with my DB. I've often asked myself what was I doing with my ex all those years - YIPES!!!! Enyoy your wonderful time with your hubby Heather and don't question it. And to all my friends on this forum who at one time or another felt that they didn't feel they way they used with their partner I say this to you all... make a little time for him/her. Be more attentive, be more patient and surprise each other. Be open minded to new ideas, don't think that everything you haven't done is taboo - believe me - it isn't but old wives tales. In the end you'd be surprised how fulfilled both of you will be. Happy New Year to you all!!

Take care,

Naughty @ 52 Iris - LOL!!
I am SO jealous!! The way you are now was how I was in my thirties, but when I turned 40 it went away, and I've been trying to find it ever since. Enjoy!!
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

I have always had a healthy sex life, but when I turned 40, I turned into a horndog, lol !!! My dh is quite pleased, lol. I also find all men quite attractive. Don't get me wrong, I'm no hussy, but I do appreciate the male species. I'm thinking every man from 25 to 80 is sexy. What an eye opener! Thanks for this thread, I was also thinking if I was alone in these feelings.:)
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Well....Swissmom....I can sure relate, sounds just like me! I have always found men attractive...although football player types seem to stand out. I think this thread is so cool. Funny though 600 veiws and not many posts...:)...
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Not many posts, I think, because it is a HOT topic!


Even though I did respond yesterday,I couldn't help it!
RE: Any Other Mature Women Enjoying Sex a Bit More than...

Very incredibly HOT...I think...:)...Carole

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