Any ideas? (VERY long!)

RE: Thanks!

I Just wanted to add that I Have gone thru this same thing .So I try to stay away from the scale . Last time it happened I was up 8 pounds one day down 5 the next . Then back to the normal after another day or two. ..I have since started to take Vitamin B-6 And B-12 .Seems to of helped tons THIS CYCLE !!!!In fact My period surprised me !!!! I do think its hormones ... So just keep up the good work You'll be fooling those hormones real soon !!!! Hugs to you ..Oh I'm 43 and most likly right behind you on that Change LOL :) :) :)
I haven't started menopause yet, and I admit that I face it with some trepidation. However, I can tell you that my mother told me that it was very gradual and didn't bother her much. I do not ever remember her gaining 7 lbs. in one week, and if she had, I'm sure I would have heard about it. My understanding is that normal menopause takes many years and happens quite gradually, not overnight as you are describing. Of course, I do think you should ask your gynecologist, and I hope that more Catheites who are experiencing menopause will chime in here, but I find it difficult to believe that what you experienced this week was caused entirely by hormones.

Just my two cents worth. Please keep us updated.

I am pushing 48 and nothing like that has happened to me, but my mother, who had a hysterectomy at 42, but kept her ovaries and went through menopause, never noticed anything like that. In fact, she has no idea when she would have gone through it, because she never experienced ANYTHING out of the ordinary. And in all the commenting and complaining I've ever read here, on other boards, amongst my friends, I have never heard of anything that sudden or dramatic either as what you describe Debbie.

I do feel so bad for you. I'm sorry it's happened, but I would look into it, because it doesn't seem normal. Hopefully it can be fixed.
Debbie! I just saw your post...

Have you eaten any pepperoni pizza or diet soda? It just sounds like water. Real fat takes longer to form. Maybe it's air! Just kidding. But really, fat takes longer than that to form, so it has to be water.

If you are retaining water, it may be related simply to pumped muscles. You know how beginner exercisers complain about "bulking?" Did you do a tough ab routine?

Water retention comes and goes at all stages of life, but maybe estrogen puts the brakes on and forces bloating to be more gradual. Maybe less estrogen allows the changes to be more sudden? This could account for a noticable change in either direction. I don't have any information on this, it is just a guess!

Next time I feel this way, I will remember you did too! Let us know how things evolve.

Thank you for being there for us! You are really special! You really helped me become a step instructor and I will always remember you!

P.S. Just editing to add, maybe you are about to have TTOM again today or tomorrow...
Hi Debbie,

Hugs from me too. I just wanted to repeat a couple things some of the others mentioned. Moving is very stressful!! I have moved numerous times over the past 16 years and it is not easy on a person.

I know you mentioned you have been hitting the Hard Core, have you been taking rest days? Maybe you are pushing a tad too hard. You were recovering for quite a long time.

I am going through a bit of downer right now too, so I know how you feel. We can get through these things, we are strong and beautiful women...

Debbie - first, I'm sending HUGE hugs.

Second, this sounds just like my PMS. I get really bad pre-menstrual symptoms, physical and psychological. Every month I get supremely bloated, my stomach is all fat and jiggly looking (admittedly some months are worse than others) and I dare not weigh myself during this time as I would just be reduced to a blubbering mess. Now, you say you've gone 70 days without a period? Perhaps, as someone else suggested, you are about to get one. Or maybe your body is just used to retaining all that water and it will settle back down into some kind of regularity soon. In any case, if it hasn't changed within a week or so, I would see your ob-gyn and have it checked out.

In the meantime, just remember that you're beautiful and we all think you're fantastic :)
Wow, you guys are incredible! First let me say thanks so much for your kind words. I can't tell you how much better I feel after reading ALL the comments everyone has posted. I am taking all thoughts into consideration and will not stay negative about my situation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am thinking it is truely hormonal and stress-related and also agree that menopause doesn't happen overnight. I have had several symptoms over the past year indicating it started. Nothing serious enough to complain about at all. If I breeze thru it with just what has happened so far, I will be thankful. It was just the drastic body change that really did happen almost overnight that shocked me bigtime. Maybe it was happening for a couple weeks and just all of a sudden SEEMED there??? Ha! Anyway, enough blubbering....THANKS to all who took time to encourage me and shared your thoughts. I will keep you all posted in the next few weeks. Okay, off to pack! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You must have read my mind!! I am not going through this yet but will be probably sooner than later. I am also worried about it for many of the reasons you have mentioned. What I do know is that it's different for all of us ("your mileage may vary") but exercise not only will help with your body, it will help with your head as well. Hang in there. I don't know you as well as some of the others on this forum seem to but I'm sending hugs anyway.

"Don't forget to breathe!"

I'll accept all the hugs I can get! Thanks for your encouraging words. I DO KNOW that exercise helps BOTH the body and mind. Thanks for the reminder. Guess I was having a real down moment and just let all spill out. I am feeling better today and know that because of everyone's tips, that I will continue to persevere. I LOVE the endorphine rush I get from exercsie alone and I will never give it up just for that reason. I am determined to make it "work" for my problem too! ;-) Thanks again and I look forward to getting to know you better. HUGS 2 U 2!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

It appears you're getting some great advice. I can't provide you with any personal advise. All I can do is offer my support and a virtual hug and kiss. I also think that you're bloated with some extra water weight. Just eat clean and stay away from high sodium foods!

Take care of yourself and try to RELAX! I know how stressful moving can be.

RE: Debbie

Debbie, I'm sending you (((hugs))) too. I really don't know much about menopause, but there could be a variety of reasons for the weight gain, that many here have mentioned. Having moved several times myself knows first hand how stressful it is. Once I bloated up so much I was almost unrecognizable (I keep a picture of myself during that time, just for laughs). Please try not to be discouraged. I'm glad you're feeling better today.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Lorrayne and Susan!

Thank you! I will take care of myself. I am feeling much better. The sun is shining today! :7 Thanks for your hugs. Susan, I have a pic of my daughter and me sitting on lawn chairs on vacation down in Florida years ago when I was MUCH heavier. Guess what we are doing in the pic? Eating CHEETOS! :p It is a head-on shot and the OLE thighs look like tree trunks! Uuuugh! Thanks you guys. Everyone has been sooo kind.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie! You need to have your FSH levels checked out through a blood test & see your ob/gyn. My first indication I had were irregular periods & moodiness. My doctor placed me on Mircette 28 (a very low dosage birth control pill) to regulate my estrogen. It took all the bloatedness away. I stayed on Mircette 28 for 2 years & when I went off of Mircette I took AM/PM Balance from Natrol to control my hot flashes & night sweats. All of your symptoms point to perimenopause. Do you have hot flashes & night sweats yet? Weight gain is the first indication as well as irregular periods. Unfortunately right now there's nothing much that I can advise you to do except to keep eating very well limiting pasta & breads as well. Try to only eat fruits/veggies/fish/eggs. I would even limit consumption of turkey & chicken just to experiment to see how your body reacts to these changes. I'm also assuming you like fish. Your already doing Hardcore & I would definitely keep to this rotation. FYI: I'm into full fledged post-menopause now for 1 1/2 years & the weight just flies off. That should make you feel better.;-)

Also an excellent book to read (if you don't have it already) is The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr. Christian Northrup. HTH, Kathy:D

Thank you for your advice. YES, I am in perimenopause for sure. Just started yesterday after 72-73 days! Uuugh! I have had several nights of mild warmness and a bit sweaty but nothing major. I have been irregular about three times the past year but this last time thought maybe I was done. But, guess NOT! I am trying REAL hard on the clean eating aspect. I love pastas & breads but try not to eat them too often. I could eat salads every day and eat lots of them. I make my own olive oil and basalmic vinegar dressing with seasonings. I eat a huge salad almost every day. I am not a fish eater other then maybe Tuna in water out of the can once a week. I eat chicken in water out of the can several times a week on my salads. Just curious why you say to eliminate chicken & turkey??? I use them for the protein. Thanks for the encouragment that the weight flies off after menopause. I highly doubt that will happen to me but any steps in the right direction will make me feel better. I have the book "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" by C. Northrup. I wish I had bought the menopausal one instead. I am going to dig that book out today and see what all it mentions. Thanks for the reminder. Again, thanks for your help. MUCH appreciated!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie! I just wanted to offer you (((HUGS))). Please don't cry because you are just so beautiful inside and out. I don't know much about menopause yet, but the hormones might be playing a role here. I know your hubby didn't mean anything by what he said. I'm sure it is hardly noticeable. Sometimes I get bloated around that time of the month and it definitely has to do with hormones. Hormones do crazy things sometimes. I know by talking to you over the years your hubby is definitely your biggest cheerleader. Please don't get discouraged and just keep on doing what you're doing.

Dani :)
Thanks Dani! You're so sweet! No, hubby was actually just understanding what I was saying. The part that bothered me was that it WAS noticable! Arrrgh! Yes, those hormones sure are not nice guys, are they? Thanks for your kind words!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Kathy!

Hi Debbie! The reason I suggested for you to eliminate chicken & turkey was because it gives you a more "full" feeling rather than always feeling "light". Fish has much more protein + Omega 3 fatty acids. I wouldn't eat chicken out of a can if I may be so bold to say to you. I would prefer that you eat chicken cutlets cooked on a George Foreman grill. Do you happen to have one of these? His grill is GREAT! That's too bad that you don't enjoy fish:( I would also use legumes in your salads. You can prepare a black bean/corn salsa to go on top of your chicken or turkey. I would also suggest ISOPURE protein powder (there are some w/out sucralose) to use either in a fruit smoothie or in your oatmeal.

Try yoga more often too. This will destress you especially at this time of your move. If you don't like yoga you already have Cathe's Stretch Max. You could do this instead. Take warm baths w/aromatherapy (not HOT). We don't want you to have a hot flash while your trying to relax!LOL Just some suggestions. Peri & menopause in general affects all of us differently & what worked for me may not work for you. Hang in there this is NOT an easy time. Hope the move goes smoothly. Take care, Kathy:D

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