Sorry for not checking in the past few days! I have finished STS Disc 10 & 11 and Athletic Step the past few days. One more STS workout to go and Mesocycle 1 is done!!
Cathe really knows how to get you with those lower body workouts! I am really liking STS a lot but I am also really looking forward to the recovery week next week.
I have all the Shock Cardio workouts but haven't gotten around to them all yet. I'm trying to get to them all in the next couple of weeks. So far I have done Athletic Step, MMA: Boxing and MMA: Kickbox. MMA: Fusion is tomorrow. I love MMA Boxing! I even like the core conditioning part and I really hate that stuff but it's interesting. I love the boxing combinations and the leg drills too. I wish I had a heavy bag to try out the bonus add-on day.
I really liked Athletic Step too - just straightforward step - no dancy moves. MMA: Kickbox was good too but seemed a little easier than her other kickbox moves but still a fantastic workout! Have I enabled you yet?? LOL
When you get to 100 posts, you will be a "Catheite" like Elle mentioned. I think you get "Cathlete" after 300 posts and there's a "Decathlete" but I think that is a crazy number of posts.
I agree - it's hard to go back to work! Sorry to hear about the leg and the soreness from the vaccination - hope everything is OK now.
I think you have a great approach - don't stress over the eating. I think the more we stress about this stuff, the worse it gets. As long as we keep trying our best, it will work out in the end.
Welcome! Glad to have you join us! I'm loving STS too. Sorry to hear about all those surgeries but it sounds like you are doing well now which is great.
I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss right now. Just keep eating well and working out and it will happen. I lose very slowly so I understand the frustration. And STS could be playing a part too. I'm just finishing week 4 and I have had some serious water retention going on the past few weeks and it's starting to come off now. I remember seeing a post in one of the other forums that you could see 'gains' or no losses for the first few weeks as your body adapts.
You're doing fantastic with those walks and incorporating jogging intervals too!! I haven't seen much difference in weight (as mentioned above) but I think I will either see it this week or next week when my body catches up. LOL I have noticed some strength gains already which is cool!! I'll keep you posted.