Announcing "The Intensity Series"

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I'm excited to announce THE INTENSITY SERIES (six new videos), a combination of your fitness suggestions and my fitness desires. Before you read about them I would like to ask for your help. I have posted a format for each of the videos and I would greatly appreciate if you would contribute your thoughts as to whether it sounds good as is or if you would rather see it changed somehow. To keep things as organized as possible, I'm asking that you please post your thoughts in the VIDEO QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Forum under the specific video that you are commenting about. We already have the video categories set up in this forum waiting for your comments. Please note that these titles are not the actual video titles but simply "category titles" to help me distinguish between all six. As always your input is golden to me and thank you for your time. We hope to post a final format decision within two weeks.

1) IMAX 2.....This workout will be approximately 60 minutes in length and will include a warm up, 10 interval cycles, and a cool down complete with stretch. Each interval cycle will consist of approximately 90 seconds of each of the following: STEP AEROBICS(an easy repetitive 32 count combo repeated 6 times), ANAEROBIC BLASTS(consisting of 2 to 4 combined heart pounding movements per opposed to one movement lasting the entire blast), RECOVERY(easy low intensity movements to allow the body recovery time). We will research the option of having a bar graph count down the remaining seconds in the blast cycle, however we cannot make promises:).

2) Upper Body Split....The length of this workout can vary as it developes. My thoughts are to keep it in the 45 to 60 minute category. It will consist of a warm up and upper body exercises using the pyramid approach. I have not decided upon using a full pyramid, or pyramid up only, or pyramid down only approach. The exercises will be based on a super set method and start with the larger muscle groups first followed by the smaller muscle groups. The workout will finish with focus on abs and core training plus a concluding stretch.

3) Lower Body Split....The length of this workout can vary as it developes but I am thinking of coming in just around 60 minutes (no longer than that). It will consist of a warm up and all lower body exercises using the same pyramid and super set approach as in the upper body split. The first half of the tape will be standing leg work and the second half of the tape will be seated or lying leg work. It will be designed so that it can easily be divided into two separate workouts (standing or seated). There will be no ab or core work on this video. The workout will conclude with a stretch.

4) Boot Camp Circuit....This workout can be 45 to 60 minutes in length. What are your thoughts about length? I was thinking of doing 10 cycles of four minute "boot camp blasts" after a warm up. Each four minute blast would be broken down as follows:
a) 45 second upper body blast (brief rest follows)
b) 45 second tough core exercise (brief rest follows)
c) 45 second tough leg exercise (brief rest follows)
d) 45 second tough cardio blast (brief rest follows)

The workout will conclude with a stretch.

5) Cardio and Weights....This workout will be approximately 50 to 60 minutes. It will consist of a warm up, 5 cardio/weight cycles, a brief ab workout and a stretch. Each cardio cycle will consist of 5 minutes of step aerobics and 2 to 3 minutes of upper body weight exercises. These exercises will most likely be super sets. The weight will range from moderate to heavy. Would you like to see leg exercises included in the weight portions or would you rather save you leg reserves so that you are able to go all out on your step aerobic cardio portions? Or perhaps some weight cycles with legs and some weight cycles with upper body? Your thoughts please?

6) Muscle Endurance.....I have two thoughts on how to do this workout. One way is to simply do another which is similar in style to Power Hour but with a slightly different approach. If so, what things would you like to see more or less of for that matter (remember that low ends are good for you ;-))

Another way I was thinking of doing the muscle endurance workout was in a 60 minute circuit style fashion. A warm up followed by 6 five minute cycles of total body weight work, then finish with core work, push ups and a cool down stretch. Each five minute cycle would consisit of the following breakdown and focus on a particular muscle group:

Example of a leg and shoulder circuit cycle:

a) one minute high intensity leg exercise with moderate to heavy weight (ie: step ups).

b) 2 minutes of compound exercises (using light to moderate weight for upper body, while doing a lower body exercise, ie: squats with side lateral raises)

c) 2 minutes of an upper body exercise with heavy weight (ie; standing over head press). BTW, a rest is included after one minute of the overhead press and then continue for another minute

d) brief overall rest setting up for the next cycle

This would be a totally heart pounding muscle endurance workout.

Thank you again for your input:) Cathe

I LOVE YOU, CATHE, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!:-jumpy:-jumpy:-jumpy:-jumpy I'm the guy on the beer commercial saying "I love you man."


I've been dying for an IMAX2 and pyramid training videos!! Everything you put out is so great!!!


Oh my gosh, my heart is pounding just thinking about all of the tapes. They all sound so perfect! IMax 2!!!!! :-jumpy!! I am still in awe of you, Cathe...even contemplating coming out with 6 new vids when you have sooo much going on in your life. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!!! And, anoher big thanks for asking our input!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I just got a workout reading the descriptions. I am soooo excited! These tapes sound like the best tapes yet!!! They sound just about perfect as is.
My heart go kertump-kertump (anerobic phase) as I read it. I don't even know whether I could comprehend what I just read. But I'll buy them... where do I sign?

INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!! I still can't make it thru the first IMAX, but I can't wait to attempt the second. Can't wait to preorder!!! Can't wait to see Honeybunch's response to IMAX 2. Are you there Honeybunch Imax queen at 4:30 a.m.

Thanks so much Cathe... and HEAVEN HELP US ALL! As if your previous videos weren't intense enough!! ;) I am so looking forward to all of these!
These all sound so great, and I'm sure whatever you decide to do with them we'll LOVE them! :)

I'm going to start my "Intensity Series" saving right now! :)

Thanks Cathe, and thanks for the incentive to knock out interval #10 from Imax 1 before Imax 2 hits the streets! :)

OK, my heat rate's in my training zone just reading about these! I'm in! When? When? When? I must keep repeating to myself "Patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue....!"
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-02 AT 08:57PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm really pleased that you're doing an IMAX 2. I love IMAX, it's the best video on the market.

I would like to suggest that keeping the length of all the videos between 50 - 60 minutes. If you go to 50 minutes, I never feel like I've gotten a good workout. I can understand the need for shorter videos but that's what CTX is all about, right? I wouldn't mind a one 65 - 70 minute workout. But the closer to 60, the better.

Just my humble opinion.

Keta. :D

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YES!!!!:-jumpy:-jumpy:-jumpy This is the best news I've heard in a very long time!!! I think your ideas sound absolutely fantastic and I can't wait until I can preorder.I think it is so great of you to tell us your ideas and ask for our input- it really is great to know that you care.But then we already knew that!! THANK YOU!!!! You really are the best there is!
Dear Cathe thank you :-jumpy

I would love to purchase any of these vids no real comments I'm now wondering I was planning on sending in an order at the end of the month for Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max along with MIS and Step Blast, after your annoucenent.

All I can say is I have never come across a bad Cathe video.

Thanks for the news I will watch this space for updates with bated breath.


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