Hi Ladies,
I have been soo busy today. Finally am relaxing in bed while posting to you guys. Just got done posting a thank you to Cathe for my signed calendar page. I don't know if I mentioned here. My friend Melissa was able to go on the road-trip, but I couldn't make it, much as I had wanted to. She surprised me with an autographed calendar page. It is the coolest thing, and I immediately hung it in my workout room. I think Cathe is soo gracious to take time out to autograph things. Even though I wasn't there, she was still kind enough to personalize the picture for me. It was/is soo special to me
Cathy, your ticker looks great now.
Jen, I'm soo happy to hear you are getting even more leads. You'll have your pick very soon, I'm sure.
Christine, how are you? You've made me eager to get back to Gymstyles with the pre-mixes. I always did the workouts all the way through, and they were really draining to me. I tend to forget about the premixes sometimes.
Well, onto my workout. I was soo rushed today, I barely got to finish Burn 2, and had to skip abs. Ok, some of those moves are really not feeling right for my body. There's that one where you do a bowler's lunge. That just did not feel right. I feel like a pretzel, lol. I am also finding that some of the exercises are really hurting my back. I am used to lifting 30-35 lbs. for deadlifts, but for some reason, I guess combining them with a row, plus the super slow pace, seems to really be bothering my back. For the first time, as I was working out today, I started thinking that, come next week, I think I am going to split the upper & lower portion for these very uncomfortable exercises. This way I should be able to go a little heavier for upper, and lower (to no) weights for those tough lower body exercises. I have to find a way to make these workouts work for me, because I have a thing about finishing what I've started. I wish I wasn't that bad, but I am. You should see how hard I was on myself when I had to stop STS, one workout short of completion. One workout! seriously, I should consider the series complete, but I didn't. Over that one little final workout, I still feel like I failed with STS. I drive myself crazy, lol. The CLX workouts are good, but I am not going to insist on doing them as written.
Have a great night ladies

Chat more tomorrow.