Alpha Omega Check-In *AUGUST*

wow! these double wave loads are killer. did disc 21 today, and i'm glad they're over. then did "tight buns& killer legs" w/kelsie. needed to work my lower body again this week. that is a great little workout and hits all those icky places.

christine, you are probably right, i'm kind of an over-achiever in everything i do. i have always had to learn to tone myself down a bit. :)

have a great weekend, everyone.
Jen, I think Cathy's rest day was yesterday. How is your weekend going?

Cathy, WOW you did a leg workout after an STS workout? You really are an over-achiever!! :D

Iris, I wonder how you are feeling today after our first week of CLX? I have to say, I am sooooo exhausted today! I may have to re-arrange my workouts next week so I'm running on the opposite days of lifting. Starting next week I have to run even farther (20 minutes non-stop by Friday's run! :eek:) and I think that is going to take a lot out of me. I don't want to overdue it, so I will really have to pay attention to my body next week.

I just got done with "Cool it Off" (60 minute stretch). It felt so darn good! I almost fell asleep during the floor stretches. :p
Hello Ladies,

It's good to see everyone checking in on a Saturday :)

I have been busy today, but am finding time for relaxation too.

Christine, I can't believe I was able to do a cardio workout today. I contemplated taking the whole weekend off, but figured I could manage a 30 minute cardio workout. I went with 4DS Kick-boxing. It was great and worked me thoroughly. I then did half of Recharge. I needed to stretch, but was also pressed for time, so only did half the video. I am feeling pretty good right now. Tomorrow I will take a full rest day and get myself ready for Monday when it starts all over again, lol.

What did you think of your first week of CLX? I find I am most sore in my upper back (Lats?) and shoulders. I definitely worked my legs the whole entire week. Each workout got my legs, and I think I'm starting to see results already. I noticed today during the kickboxing workouts, that my legs felt stronger than usual. I think we both have to pay attention to what our body tells us next week. For you, the running sounds intense too, and me, well I just tend to want to squeeze in too much, and considering all of my workouts are done after 5PM, it can be a bit much. The good thing is, now we know what to expect from the Burn Circuits.

Hello Cathy, every time you mention the STS disc you did for the day, I am amazed at how fast the rotation is going.

Jen enjoy the rest of the weekend and your break before returning to work on Monday :)
Doing homework by figuring out an estimated advertising budget on a product that will boom in the medical industry. Product launch expenses for three years from infancy to market stabilization. Sounds like fun?? Working out is better.
Hello Ladies,

Weather's a little gloomy here again. I was out for a little while doing some shopping, and now I'm just relaxing while watching my favorite channel on TV HGTV. Love those home shows.

Today is definitely a full rest day for me. My back is actually kind of sore and I know I need to get myself rested and ready to go again tomorrow, lol.

I hope everyone's having a lovely day :)
"I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. 9But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." (Luke 12:8-9)

Jen, I don't miss homework, that's for sure!! I hope you're enjoying your weekend besides your homework.

Cathy, what crazy workout did you get yourself into today? :p

Iris, the weather has been gloomy here all day too! I love watching home shows too, now that I have one! lol :) I have to agree with you that I feel sore the most in my back, shoulders & legs this week! That's awesome that you feel stronger and got in a cardio workout yesterday, but I have to say that I have felt like a tired, achy zombie all weekend! My face looks like I haven't gotten any sleep, but I have! I think that doing CLX with the C25K program might be a bad idea. Would you be upset if I gave up CLX until I'm done with C25K??? I hate to do that, but I'm not sure I can do both, and I don't want to give up the running program but I also don't want to feel too tired and over-worked all week. Maybe what I can do is run M/W/F as usual, then do Chalean's Burn Circuit 1 on Tues and Burn Circuits 2 & 3 on Thursday (skipping the leg work in Burn 3)? Oh, I just don't know!! :eek: Then I worry about cross-training with my cardio, but I guess I can't worry about that right now since I'm focusing on running. I hate agonizing over all this, working out shouldn't be like this, I should be having fun, right!? Okay, mini-meltdown here, but I am R-E-A-L-L-Y tired!!! :( I can't believe how it all caught up to me. I'm going to have to pray about this the rest of the day and let you know what I decide tomorrow. I do know that I can't lift and run on the same days anymore, and I think adding in her HIIT workouts will be too much high impact for me, with my runs.

Thanks for listening to my rant! It's really directed towards everyone, I welcome any suggestions!! I just really felt lousy this weekend and I know it's because of over-training. :(

I'm sorry you felt soo lousy this weekend. I understand exactly what you're saying. CLX is tougher than I thought it would be and I am finding myself readjusting my thinking too, lol. You should be having fun, otherwise it's not worth it. Last week, I didn't find myself loving any of the workouts, but did love the idea that I was done working out in a short period of time. I have been thinking about this type of workout, and I find my legs got worked a lot last week. That's not a bad thing, but I want to work my upper body too, so I will see how things feel this week. If I don't feel my upper body is worked out enough, I'll have to modify the exercises to take some of the focus off the lower and work the upper more. Don't feel like you have to keep going, it's worse if you push yourself and feel crappy.

I am surprised I really don't feel as worn out as I'd expect to feel. My back was pretty sore this morning, but with taking today as a full rest day, I am starting to feel better. Still, I know I have a habit of pushing, and I'll have to remember, if I do take the 30/30 class tomorrow after Burn1, I will definitely have to either stop after the cardio section, or really keep the weights low. I have to save some energy for Tuesday's Cardio boxing class.

I hope you feel better tomorrow, but really feel free to stop CLX if you need to. It'll be there waiting for you to pick it up again :)
Big decision, another hospital in another city are added to the mix after Friday. The facility is a lot bigger and will offer me some opportunities I will not otherwise have. It is about 2 hours away but the commute for a short time is doable. Please keep me in your prayers. Thanks.
Jen, is this hospital near the city where you will be moving to? I will keep it in prayer for you!

Iris, thanks for understanding, I knew you would! :) It's funny, I just came on to post again to mention that CLX has been particularly hard on my legs, and then I saw your post about the same thing. I think that is wiping me out the most because my runs get my legs good too. I also think that lifting as heavy as I can because there aren't that many sets, combined with the killer leg moves, is tough on me. It all comes down to how much these increasing runs are taking out of me too! I ran two 5 minute intervals last week but this week I'm supposed to go 5 min, 8 min, then 20 min! No doubt I will be extra wiped out after that. Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun running, lol. I feel so accomplished when I get done, but I definitely need the extra rest.

I agree Iris, I didn't love any of the workouts either, but did love the shortness of them! I also felt upper body jipped. Let me know how you decide to modify, if you do.

Okay, this may sound crazy, but since I'd like to continue training my upper body with heavier weights (but not super heavy weights), I may take on Cathe's Gym Styles right now to work with my running and prepare me to pick up CLX in the future. BUT, I will only do her timesaver premixes, which are only 30 minutes long. I don't actually need the rep overkill and I know that eliminating the combo moves right now (upper/lower) is the best thing for me. Sound okay?? :p

ETA: I just previewed the timesaver premix for GS Chest/Triceps, it looks like it will be plenty of weight work to get a good burn in 30 minutes (minus the lower body pain :confused:)!
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No, this hospital is on the other side of the State. The opportunities are there.
BTW, I talked to my friend after 3 weeks. We seem to be getting along.
Jen, you have my prayers. The more opportunities, the better :)

Christine the Gym Style series is great. Also, other short intense workouts are included in the 4DS series. I enjoy the weight-lifting work in 4DS.

I posted a question on VFF about CLX and I'm looking to push through this Burn cycle, and get to Push. I think Push is going to be much better, because there are no compound moves. One woman made a good suggestion also. She said if I feel my upper body isn't getting worked well enough, I could separate the upper portion from the lower. This way I can use heavier weights for upper, and lower to non for the lower body. I'm going to try to continue the workouts as they are, and see what happens.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1)

Iris, I saw your post on VFF, I even bumped it up to see if anyone else responds. I thought about splitting up the upper/lower body work, but then I thought that defeats the purpose of a shorter workout and I'm just not that crazy enough about them to make them longer. Let me know what you decide to do. I did read somewhere in the reviews that a lot of people needed encouragement to get through the Burn Phase because apparently, the Push & Lean Phases are better.

Jen, I'm happy to hear you and your friend are doing well! God can restore all things, including our relationships!

Cathy, how have you been feeling?

Today's workout was Week 5, Workout 1 of my C25K program. I ran for three 5 minute intervals with about 2 minutes rest in between. It felt so good when I was finished. Even though it's super hot & muggy right now, it was actually pretty nice and breezy this morning! I thought about working out a bit more at home but had to go to the eye doctor. This actually gave me the chance to see just how much running takes out of me without even doing anything else! Now I really see why I was dead by the weekend, LOL.

Prayer request please! I've had a pain in my right eye since Saturday morning, which has actually subsided to a dull ache. It's more annoying than anything and hurts the most when I look to the right. My eye doc says I have very dry eyes and that might be causing some of the pain. Can you please keep this in prayer for me because no one is really sure what's wrong. I hope it goes away soon! Thanks! :)
Thanks for bumping my post Christine. I think people on VFF are tired of hearing about CLX and not really replying, but I figured it was worth a shot. I'm planning to continue the program as prescribed, and surprisingly, I'm actually looking forward to today's workout. I'm not going to add additional weight work like one of the women on VFF suggested I could try. If I feel I'm not getting enough weight work, I can always just choose to do the entire 30/30 classes and get in some added weight work that way. I want to give this time and see how it goes. I previewed Push & Lean yesterday, and got psyched to move onto the Push phase, but then I got to Lean and saw the Compound moves return :( I have never been a fan of compound moves, and that is what's making this harder for me, but on a positive note, I do like that at least they are slow and controlled moves.

I'll keep your eye situation in my prayers :) One of the girls here just went to the doctor at lunchtime and found out she has pink eye. She said she felt pressure in her eye, but she really doesn't look like she has pink eye. I've been touching her papers all day, so hopefully, I won't get a case of pink eye, lol.

I'll check in later tonight after my workout at home and the gym. I feel pretty good energy today, even though it's really hot out. Hope I continue to feel this way :)
Iris, I think that's a good plan. If you need more weight work, stay for the whole 30/30 and get in that Burn Intervals workout too. (You could also try Lean Intervals for variety) It seems like all the VFF'ers talk about the programs a lot when they first come out. I guess CLX is old news by now, lol. I talked to one of the VFF'ers about CLX & running because I came across an old post where she said she was doing CLX & Couch to 5K and was struggling. She said it definitely got harder to keep up with CLX and running as the running weeks went on. She did complete both programs at the same time, but I know I made the right decision for me. Did I tell you that I weighed myself this weekend and lost 2 lbs though?? It's the first time the scale has moved again since I finished SI6. Yeah, I knew the Push Phase had compound moves again. That one actually combines upper, lower, and abs. It seemed to be everyone's favorite though in the reviews.

Thanks for your prayers, my eye really hurts! :( As a matter of fact, I shouldn't be on the computer again because it makes my eyes more dry!

Oooh, I hope you don't catch Pink Eye either! I hear it's very contagious so be careful to wash your hands after you touch any of her stuff.

I look forward to your workout post!
Christine, I agree with your doc but I would visit him for a checkup. You are in my prayers.
Iris, how was your workout? And, Cathy?
Long day at work, thinking positive about my future. The other hospital is the University of MI Medical Center in Ann Arbor. They have a new direction in healthcare that is so astounding that the President can't touch it. Housing is very expensive in the city but outside of the city is very affordable, better than here.
Back to post my workout. Starting my 2nd week of CLX - Burn. It was tough again today. I upped my weights for a few of the exercises and it was a challenging workout. I was dripping in sweat when I was done, but i still managed to go to the gym and take the 30/30 class. Now that was one tough class. I stayed for the entire class and I think I will be sore tomorrow.

You're right about VFF Christine. When a workout is new, they are all over it, but now it's old news to them. The new craze is "Insanity" now. I've actually looked at the clips for Insanity, but I no longer enjoy working out at such high intensity.

I hope your eye feels much better tomorrow. It could be allergy related too.

Jen, the other hospital sounds like it could be a good opportunity for you too. It's good to explore your options, and see where the Lord leads you :)

Have a great night ladies.
ok, i did disc 23 and that is a tough workout. had to go down in my squat wts a bit. was hurting my lower back again. do ya'll find you have to go lower w/narrow squats as opposed to regular squats? i don't know, but , man i had some pain in the left side of my lower back.

anyway, very tired, so ttyl
"Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death." (Proverbs 11:4)

Cathy, I never use heavy weights to squat but sometimes when I squat too deep I do get some lower back pain. I hope your back feels better today!

Jen, I love road trips! Where are you headed this weekend, to the University of MI Med Center that you mentioned? Thank you for your prayers!

Iris, how do you feel today? A few more people responded to your question over at VFF, did you see it? I don't think these words will ever come back to bite me (ha ha) but, I will NEVER do Insanity!! :p :confused: It looks way to out there for me! I don't enjoy that intensity anymore either.

Today's workout was GS Chest/Tri (timesaver premix), TJ 20 minute cardio & standing abs from Ab Jam. I have to say, I felt so much better doing the GS workout. There's just something I love about following the instructor along with the reps, instead of counting on my own, and even though I did the 30 minute workout, I got a good burn! I can use it similar to CLX in that if I go as heavy as I can, that will make up for the lack of sets. I had a lot more energy to do the 20 minute Turbo Jam afterwards and I had fun! :)

My eye feels much better today, but still not 100%. I am thankful that it feels better though! So, please keep the prayers coming and thank you for them!!

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