"I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. 9But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." (Luke 12:8-9)
Jen, I don't miss homework, that's for sure!! I hope you're enjoying your weekend besides your homework.
Cathy, what crazy workout did you get yourself into today?
Iris, the weather has been gloomy here all day too! I love watching home shows too, now that I have one! lol

I have to agree with you that I feel sore the most in my back, shoulders & legs this week! That's awesome that you feel stronger and got in a cardio workout yesterday, but I have to say that I have felt like a tired, achy zombie all weekend! My face looks like I haven't gotten any sleep, but I have! I think that doing CLX with the C25K program might be a bad idea. Would you be upset if I gave up CLX until I'm done with C25K??? I hate to do that, but I'm not sure I can do both, and I don't want to give up the running program but I also don't want to feel too tired and over-worked all week. Maybe what I can do is run M/W/F as usual, then do Chalean's Burn Circuit 1 on Tues and Burn Circuits 2 & 3 on Thursday (skipping the leg work in Burn 3)? Oh, I just don't know!!

Then I worry about cross-training with my cardio, but I guess I can't worry about that right now since I'm focusing on running. I hate agonizing over all this, working out shouldn't be like this, I should be having fun, right!? Okay, mini-meltdown here, but I am R-E-A-L-L-Y tired!!!

I can't believe how it all caught up to me. I'm going to have to pray about this the rest of the day and let you know what I decide tomorrow. I do know that I can't lift and run on the same days anymore, and I think adding in her HIIT workouts will be too much high impact for me, with my runs.
Thanks for listening to my rant! It's really directed towards everyone, I welcome any suggestions!! I just really felt lousy this weekend and I know it's because of over-training.