Alpha Omega Check-In *AUGUST*

I truly believe my old neighbor has a great faith in our LORD and is loved by many people. She is kind hearted. Back in the day, she used to make me and my ex homemade baked Christmas cookies so we gave her a bunch of fresh fruit. She loved it. Her cookies were the BEST!! The last time I visited, I rode my bike from the city to her home and it was about 18 miles one way up hill. She remembered it.
Hello Ladies,

It's been one of those days. We are working on changing some things in my dept. and one of the Account Exec. who's renewals I do, is going to be reassigned to my manager, and we are going to do sort of mini shift of accounts. This woman is a very nice person, but she's a perfectionist, and people just don't want to deal with her. I've been doing well working with her, I thought, but she's very difficult to please and I have expressed that to my manager a few times. She finally decided to take action, and of course, I felt bad, I felt like they didn't feel I was competent. She insisted to me that it has nothing to do with that, that I am one of the most consciencious people in our dept. and I go a step above what I need to do, but she feels I deserve a break from the insanity this woman puts me through. I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. On the one hand, I feel like I am no appreciated for my hard work and I feel like I always fall a step short. That's the way this account exec makes me feel. I should be relieved, but in this economy, no one wants to feel insignificant. I think the break will be good, because it will allow me to learn new things, as I won't be soo swamped. Please keep me in your prayers ladies. I would appreciate it :)

Christine, no CLX cardio for me. I headed to the gym right after work, and took the cardio portion of the KB class. I do feel sore today, so it wasn't hard to use self-control and stop when the instructor said, go grab weights. I jumped on the elliptical for a little extra cardio, but only did about another 5 minutes, and called it a day.

I think the fact that I feel soo well worked after such a short weight-lifting workout, is going to make me push through it with a little more excitement. Those workouts are definitely not easy. My abs are sore now as well, from those bench press/leg lifts.

Tomorrow, I'll do Burn 2 and maybe abs and that'll be it.

Have a great night ladies :)
Iris, enjoy your break and take it that your superiors may actually care about you.
Today, I am looking at a house, visiting the lady I am escorting on Friday, walking with a longtime friend, and doing homework. Enjoying the week off but coming down from the stress of work has taken longer than expected.
Have a Blessed Day.
"So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." (Galatians 5:16)

Jen, sounds like you have a very nice day planned! I hope you enjoy it. I used to work in a very stressful law firm and I couldn't even enjoy my weekends because I knew it would all start over again on Monday. I understand how de-stressing takes some time! I got laid off in January, which was a blessing in disguise for me, and it took a few months before I was feeling better. God knows what you are going through and has good plans for you, just keep your eyes on Him!

Cathy, hope all is well!

Iris, please don't feel bad about the shift in work accounts. Like Jen said, it seems to me that your manager took your concerns into consideration and cares about you! I'm sure she wouldn't say all those nice things to you about your work if she didn't mean it. The woman you were working for made you feel like you weren't doing good enough, and I bet someone who is that much of a "perfectionist" will never be completely happy with anyone's work! So, I say to celebrate! :) You do great work and now maybe you can work for someone who will appreciate that!

Chalean's Burn Circuit 2 was tough on the legs again! This workout combined sumo squats & various lunges with bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, tricep overhead extensions, and back rows. My legs fatigued faster than my upper body but I pushed through. I do need to invest in 12 lbs though, I think my biceps can handle that. Let me know how you make out, Iris!

Today's workouts were my C25K run (tough today in the humidity and the fact that my legs were still ultra sore from CLX!), and Burn Circuit 2, Turbo Jam Floor Abs, and Slim & Limber.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

ETA: I forgot to add the weights I used today:
Sumo Squat w/Bicep Curl: 10 lbs
Lunge w/One Arm Tricep Kickback: 5 lbs
Dead Lift Row: 10 lbs
Sumo Squat w/Overhead Tricep Ext (Killer!! I was breathing heavy here) 10 lbs
Deadlift w/Double Row (my forearms were burning & legs were shaking!!) 10 lbs
Bowler's Lunge w/Single Arm Row (legs on fire!!) 10 lbs
Bicep Curl w/Abductor Balance: 8 lbs
Lean Lunge w/DBL Row: 10 lbs
Triple Threat Push-Ups (one on my toes, the rest on my knees)
EXTREME SET: 3 super slow on my knees - OUCHY!!
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Hello Ladies,

Thank you Jen & Christine for your words of encouragement and advice. When we met today to go over the changes, my manager went on to reassure me that this is meant to give me a little break from working with this same account exec. The new one I'll be working with is much more relaxed and easygoing, so I am should just enjoy this while it lasts. We have one girl who is skating on thin ice, and if they eventually get rid of her, or she quits, I will be handed down her accounts, so while I don't wish for anyone to loose their jobs, (including me), I need to learn how to savor the lull for now.

Jen, Oh my can I relate to what you just said about it taking longer than you thought it would to come down from the stress of work. Like Christine, I am sometimes like that on weekends, it's almost to where I can't fully enjoy the weekend, because I'm stressing about how close Monday is! lol. I can soo relate. How did the house hunt go? Did you enjoy your walk?

On to my workout. This was a tough workout. I had my heart rate monitor on, and I was amazed to see that I burned as many calories on this strength training workout as I do with a full cardio workout. My legs were SHAKING!! Christine, that was really tough. Here are my stats:

Sumo Squat w/Bicep Curl: 15 lbs (15's were really tough going at that slow pace)
Lunge w/One Arm Tricep Kickback: 10 lbs
Dead Lift Row: 15 lbs
Sumo Squat w/Overhead Tricep Ext (Killer is right!) 15 lbs
Deadlift w/Double Row (started with 15 for 5 reps, then dropped to 10 lbs to complete my 12 reps) (This is harder than it looks)
Bowler's Lunge w/Single Arm Row (legs on fire!!) 10 lbs
Bicep Curl w/Abductor Balance: 8 lbs
Lean Lunge w/DBL Row: 10 lbs
Triple Threat Push-Ups (2 on my toes, the rest on my knees)
EXTREME SET: 3 super slow on my knees

I don't know how I did it, but I managed to do an ab segment after this.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but I'm thinking this series may require 2 rest days. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Have a great night ladies.
WHEW!!! disc 19 KICKED MY REAR!!!! i don't remember it being so hard, but those double wave loads 'bout killed me. i hit failure several times before i finished my reps. WOW! tough workout.
went and swam w/my grandkids this afternoon, and had dinner w/them. they are so fun. so, i'm kinda tired. will post more tomorrow.
"This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe." (1 Timothy 4:9)

Cathy, sounds like you had a great workout yesterday! How are you feeling today?

Iris, how do you feel today?? Are you sore!? I'm pretty sore in the biceps/back and a bit in my triceps. My legs are still pretty sore too. That's awesome that you burned as many calories doing Burn Circuit 2 as you would doing cardio. I always wonder how many calories I'm burning while lifting, I need to get a HRM! I did Burn Intervals & Ab Burner today. Wowie, that was one tough circuit workout! It's like Cathe's Bootcamp x10! I modified some of the cardio to make it a bit easier, and I used 5lb & 3lbs during the muscle endurance work. Warning, this one gets the legs good too!! :eek: Now my body is REALLY sore & tired, lol.

I'm glad that you feel better about your work situation. It's great that you're working for someone who is easy going, that makes a big difference in stress levels!

Jen, how did your house hunt go? Did you enjoy your walk with your friend?

Today's workout was CLX Burn Intervals (cardio & light weights), Ab Burner, and a stretch with Slim & Limber. I may walk the dog later too, it's really nice out today. No more humidity, horrah!!
today i did tracie long's core cardio , from her "revolution series". i am either really tired this week or i am forgetting how hard these workouts are. LOL! this one fried me too. although i did almost the whole thing on an 8" step. it is a super fun workout and great core work at the end.

feel pretty good, christine , so far. kinda pukey after that hard workout. but, that happens to me alot for some reason.
ain't nice here, it was 97' at 8:30 last nite. maybe that is why i feel pukey.
Hello Ladies,

Thank god the weekend is almost here. Just one more work day to get through before the weekend :)

Oh my goodness. I am soo tired, today's workout got me everywhere. Christine I screwed up the workout though. Instead of doing Burn Intervals, I did Burn it off. Burn it off is basically Burn intervals without the weight work, so I completed Burn it off, and then did Burn Intervals, but pretty much only the weight segments. I used 5's & 3's like you, and had to skip a few reps. That was a burner! I wonder how I'm going to get through Burn 3 tomorrow. Chalean must know what she's doing, but I'm wondering about working Endurance after yesterday's heavy weight workout. We'll see how we feel tomorrow. I found the cardio in these workouts great, only thing is, I can see myself growing tired of doing the same workout over & over, so I'll be doing other workouts too. So far it's looking like I may need 2 rest days, and if so, it will be Sat. & Sun.

Cathy you were out like crazy too :) Doesn't it drive you crazy when you do a workout you think should be easy and it kills you? I had that happen to me on Saturday with a Tracey Staehle Boost Your Metabolism workout.

Jen, how's it going. I can't believe your vacation is almost over. Then again, I'm sure you can't believe it either. They always go by too fast.

Have a great night ladies.
Hello Friends.
Checking in to say Hello. Visiting with my friend last night was great and today was good too, Ben & Jerry's is a great tradition to bring to a friend's house although my suggestion almost burnt the place down. Friday is Ann Arbor to help an elderly woman for her doctor visit. Please keep me in your prayers, something has to open up for me. Thanks.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Jen, I love Ben & Jerry's ice cream!! I don't have it often but when I do, I can eat the whole pint myself! :) My favorite flavor ever is Chunky Monkey!!! Mmmm, I want some now! :D What did you mean when you said it almost burned the house down? How was Ann Arbor today? I'm glad you're enjoying vacation!

Cathy, maybe you're so tired because you seem to have some pretty hardcore workouts everyday! When you're not working out, you're running around with the grandkids going swimming and horseback riding, right? I think you should take a few days to just rest, maybe that will help you feel better. Sounds a little like you're experiencing over-training or burnout? Oy, I am sure the heat is not helping either!!!

Iris, how is the new workload going? TGIF! :) How do you feel today? When I was reading your post I thought you were going to say that you did the entire workout of Burn Intervals after Burn if Off. I was going to say you are crazy woman!! :p But, just doing the weighted part makes sense. It is kind of weird doing that type of muscle endurance after heavy lifting, but like you said, she must have done that for a purpose. I am pretty sore today all over.

I did Burn Circuit 3 today. It was all shoulders & legs. I have to say that I already went into this workout with extremely sore shoulders, so it wasn't pretty, LOL. There are two moves that felt akward to me, those were squats with calf raises. Trying to add weight to the move just made it feel even more akward. I did most of the lower body exercises with no weights since my legs are fried anyway, and still got a really good burn! Other than that I used 5's and 8's for my shoulders. I surprised myself that I could use 8lbs, with my shoulders being weak and already sore, but I made it through a few exercises with that weight. My general impression for you is: you will work your legs hard yet again and probably want to cry (lol), and you'll work your shoulders good!! Good luck! :p

Oh, on a side note, I really don't care for the way Chalean and her sister dress. They are too provocative for me! I mean, is it necessary to sell sex in a workout video?? Sorry, just had to share how I hate that. I mean, I know Cathe works out in itty bitty outfits sometimes, but for some reason I just don't get the same feeling from her that she's selling her body. Okay, enough about that!

Today's workout was the aforementioned CLX Burn Circuit 3, plus standing abs from Ab Jam and a stretch with Slim & Limber. I also did my third C25K run from Week 4. It was so nice and cool out this morning with a gentle breeze, it was awesome!

Have a great weekend everyone! :D
One more thing... here are my stats:

Sumo Squat w/Overhead Press: 8 lbs
Lunge w/Calf Raise: No weights
Squat w/Lateral Raise: 5 lbs
Lunge w/Frontal Press: 5 lbs
Squat w/Calf Raise: Started out with 8lbs, but dropped the weights due to akwardness
Sumo Squat w/Deltoid Raise: 8 lbs
Squat w/Double Overhead Press: 8 lbs (shoulders are burning/screaming now!!)
Lunge w/Lateral Raise: 5 lbs
EXTREME SET: 3 push-ups on toes
Sumo Squat w/Calf Raise: No weights
EXTREME SET: No weights, just super slow

My workload hasn't really changed yet. I forgot to mention, I still am doing the same person's renewals through the end of October. Yet I will actually be starting on the new person's accounts as of September. I don't know how they worked it out that way, but I didn't complain because the other person's accounts are small, and actually September is a quiet month. Nothing to do on her accounts.

As for CLX, we'll see how things go in a little while when I get to workout 3, lol. Yesterday's workout was tough. My shoulders were sore, my biceps kicked in as soon as I started lifting. Even those 5 lb. DB's. I pushed through it, and expected to be dying today. I am sore, but in a good way, but I have a feeling as soon as I start lifting today, I will be feeling the burn. My buns are sore too. Surprisingly, my legs are ok. After today's workout, I think we will both be better conditioned to take it on next week. I think I've been more sore with these workouts than I was doing STS, or maybe I've just forgotten the STS burn, lol.

Thanks for preparing me for today, lol . I'll let you know how it goes later.
The house almost burnt down from grilling bacon the Q. The fat caused massive flames while the grill was on the deck. Yesterday, I ate chunky Monkey for dessert. It was worth it.
The UofM hospital will be getting my resume although I am MSU fan. The hospital has chosen to admit fault when a mistake is made up front to the patient, etc.. This decision has saved them money plus it is ethically correct. HE had a reason for me to visit today.

Peace Out.
I'm back to report my workout. This was another tough one. I was shaking all over. Here are my stats:

Sumo Squat w/Overhead Press: 10 lbs
Lunge w/Calf Raise: 10
Squat w/Lateral Raise: 8 lbs
Lunge w/Frontal Press: 8 lbs
Squat w/Calf Raise: Started - 8lbs
Sumo Squat w/Deltoid Raise: 8 lbs
Squat w/Double Overhead Press: 8 lbs (Reached failure at 10 Reps., my poor shoulders could not take another rep)
Lunge w/Lateral Raise: 8 lbs
EXTREME SET: 3 push-ups (1 on toes) I have to work on doing more on my toes
Sumo Squat w/Calf Raise: 10 Lbs.

This was yet another tough workout. Every single one of these has worked my legs too. If these workouts don't do something to my legs, nothing will.

Christine, I have to agree with you on the outfits. Many people have said that. I mean, Janelle's shorts might as well be underwear. They are soo short, they barely hold her goods in, lol. I know I find short, shorts comfortable for working out at home, but I'd never go to the gym dressed like that, never mind film a video looking like that. I don't quite know what's up with that. They are hanging out everywhere.

Glad it's Friday, and the weekend is here. It was another tough week. Have a great weekend ladies.
well, yeah , i am pretty busy most of the time, christine. and , yes the heat is quit exhausting.
well, glad ya'll encourage rest days. cuz i took one today. went runnin around w/dil and grandkids this am, then came home and napped w/them, then di d some chores. so, i will do disc 21 tomorrow. though about doing it tonite, but i just don't feel like it. so, hopefully i will be energized tomorrow.
have a great weekend.
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Cathy, yes definitely take your rest day(s). The harder you workout, the more you need those rest days. I myself, am trying to talk myself into taking 2.

Forgot to mention also, after disc 3, I did Ab Extreme. Not the whole way through, my abs were pretty fatigued today. Not a bad workout.
Cathy and Iris, get some rest this weekend.
Christine, your stats are quite impressive. Your DH must be scared of you.
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20)

Cathy, I'm glad you had a rest day! I definitely encourage it. :) I take two days off per week, but try and do my nice long stretches on those days (the 60 minute ones). Recovery & rest are just as important as the work you do!

Jen, no my husband is definitely not scared of me, ha! If I ever reach the point where I'm lifting heavy enough for him to be scared, I'm going to have to stop, LOL. Hey, wait a minute, Iris lifts heavier than me! :p

Iris, I know what you mean about the leg work, my legs are the most sore out of my whole body! My bum is also very sore, hee! My upper body is okay today, but I am definitely tired, and happy it's my rest weekend! Let me know if you try any of her other workouts today. I might do some stretching later. Any plans for the weekend? I hope you are able to relax and forget about work.

No workouts for me this weekend, although I'd really like to get in some good stretching. My hubby and I went shopping for blinds in NJ today. We had some breakfast first, went to the blinds store, and then tried to find me some weights at a sporting goods store. They had 12lbs, but they were $25.99 each!! I will just stick with your idea Iris, holding 10's & 2's in my hand. Do you know where the State Line Diner is in NJ? That's where we had breakfast, it was good. I had eggs with blueberry pancakes and stole some of my husband's french toast! :D Now we're off to Lowes. What would a weekend be without a trip there? HA!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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