All of the workouts in the Lift, Move & Restore series include comprehensive warm-ups


Staff member

A very important, and often overlooked component of any workout routine, is taking the necessary time to warm-up. A proper warm-up not only raises the temperature of our muscles for improved flexibility, but it also loosens up our joints, increases blood supply and oxygen to our muscles, and it gives us the time to prepare both physically and mentally for the workout we are about to do. Our performance and efficiency increase when we ease in and prepare for what’s ahead.

Warming up becomes even more important as we age because all the benefits that a proper warmup provides help to reduce the risk of injury. When our muscles are stiff and unprepared, the risk of tearing, ripping, and harmful twisting increases. Warming up loosens things up and ensures that our bodies are primed for physical exercise.

All of the workouts in the Lift, Move & Restore series include comprehensive warm-ups to ensure that your muscles and your mind are ready for the challenges ahead.

Pictured here are Cathe and cast in the new Pilates Fusion workout. Cathe is leading everyone into a side to side to lunge while gently tossing a foam roller from side to side. This movement is calling upon both the lower and upper body, while also raising body temperature and challenging your coordination.

Learn more or pre-order here:
Some of the bonus workouts descriptions say the above, so I would think that it would
have some sort of a warmup…..or not…..:) maybe something along the lines of that
short little warmup in STS2 Metabolic Standing Abs.
Yes, it's hard knowing since the bonuses are being touted as "workouts" as in we're getting 16 workouts instead of 8 with bonuses. And " stand-alone" should mean with a warm-up as that underscores the point of this posting.
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A very important, and often overlooked component of any workout routine, is taking the necessary time to warm-up. A proper warm-up not only raises the temperature of our muscles for improved flexibility, but it also loosens up our joints, increases blood supply and oxygen to our muscles, and it gives us the time to prepare both physically and mentally for the workout we are about to do. Our performance and efficiency increase when we ease in and prepare for what’s ahead.

Warming up becomes even more important as we age because all the benefits that a proper warmup provides help to reduce the risk of injury. When our muscles are stiff and unprepared, the risk of tearing, ripping, and harmful twisting increases. Warming up loosens things up and ensures that our bodies are primed for physical exercise.

All of the workouts in the Lift, Move & Restore series include comprehensive warm-ups to ensure that your muscles and your mind are ready for the challenges ahead.

Pictured here are Cathe and cast in the new Pilates Fusion workout. Cathe is leading everyone into a side to side to lunge while gently tossing a foam roller from side to side. This movement is calling upon both the lower and upper body, while also raising body temperature and challenging your coordination.

Learn more or pre-order here:
I just found out my surgery is set for December 11, so I’m hoping maybe this series will come a little early and I can try out these new workouts beforehand. I’m hoping we’ll be able to come up with the funds , I’m waiting on a call from the financial counselor to see if we can negotiate a lower hospital price, more in line with a estimate I was given a few weeks ago. If not, we’re going to try to figure out a back up plan.
I also hope that each individual DVD includes comprehensive cool downs/stretches (when appropriate). I do not care for having to swicth out DVDs to do a cool down or stretch.
I'm with you on this!

I'm doing the original STS this fall. The warm-ups are ~2-3 minutes and the cool- downs are less - one quick stretch for each muscle group. (There is a bonus extended stretch on each DVD though). STS2.0's cool-downs are too short also. Yes, yes - Cathe encourages you to put in another DVD, but it's simpler and easier if they were just included in the workout.
I guess I'm the "odd" person on warmups & stretches in a workout, but I prefer shorter
ones. I guess because when I use the blender and want to keep a workout around the
30 min. mark and want to get as much in the workout as I can, it's hard to do if the
warmup is 8-10 min. and the stretches are like 5 min. or more, because that is about half of my timeframe and I'm not able to put much in the "actual" workout part. :) Another reason is
alot of the warmups (10 min or more) are like actual mini workouts in itself and I'm
tired before I actually get going!! LOL!

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