Age Poll

Age Poll

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I hope this is a poll that won't offend anyone, but I have been curious lately of the age profile of all you inspiring Cathe followers.

I myself am 35 (and a half) and I definitely had a slowing down of my metabolism at 30 - that's when the weight started creeping on regardless of my exercise habits. I know it's a matter of a change in my diet (mostly portions).

I'm often inspired when I read about the wonderful success stories of those who say they are in so much better shape than when they were younger, and it got me to wondering how many of us Cathe devotees are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, even 50s (you go, girls/guys!).

Anyway, regardless of our ages, I think we are a great group of people on the road to life-long health and fitness together!
I'm 45 today and I am in better physical shape today than I was in my 20's thanks to Cathe and this forum.

I'll be 38 in January and I, too, found that at 30 and then at 35 things started changing quite a bit as far as my actual shape and how/where things went or felt :) I've always worked out so that hasn't changed but in my 20s could eat what I wanted and do ok...that came to a halt in my 30s and I've noticed the older I get, the more I have to watch both diet and be consistent in working out. I'm thankful we have someone like Cathe to keep us on our toes in the workout dept.


Happy Birthday! I hope that when I turn 45 I'll be able to say the same, though I was super fit in my early 20's. Guess I'd better get steppin'!;)
I turned 46 on October 27, and I'm in better shape now than when I ran three miles a day in college!! Thanks to Cathe!!!

I'm 48 and am in the best shape I've ever been in my entire life!
(And I just keep getting better!)
I'll be 49 next March, which means the big Five-Oh is looming on the horizon...but I feel like I'm in great shape for my age, thanks to Cathe!

I work out six days a week, regularly do a workout I concocted called "Double Mainia" - all 20 Intervals Only from Imax 1 and 2, do sit and stands with #60 pounds on my back, chest and back work with up to #50 (although, I must admit, Cathe still has me whipped on Biceps (bi's on MIS with a 35 pound barbell - yikes!)and do all my step work on 10 inches for extra intensity.

No way on earth is this a brag, just an honest assesment of how far I've come with Cathe's workouts (I could not have done these things even 2 years ago ... she is my goddess!!) and to encourage you youngsters to keep going and realize that age is just a CAN stay fit as the years roll by, you just need to keep at it and Cathe needs to keep making these incredible workouts for us!

I am 37 1/2 and in the worst shape of my life but hopefully by the time I'm 38 1/2 I will be in much better shape!!!

I am 37 and in so much better shape then when I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1995. I am so much stronger Cardio Vascular wise! and I love it!!! Thank you Cathe!! I have used Buns of steel and ESPN's Body shaping but always got bored and quit exercising. And hopng to get even better!! I am not stopping now!!!
Hi, i'm 52 and feel wonderful since my discovery of Cathe. Age is only a number and a state of mind - so that makes about 30 something. Great thread!

Take care,

I just turned 39 this summer and can really feel 40 breathing down my neck :eek: ! I definitely feel like I am getting better and better with age, though, thanks to Cathe! I'm certainly in the best shape of my life, and I feel like there's no end to how much I can improve. I like that she and her crew are all right around my age. I look at them and am just amazed at how awesome they look! Not that I think I'll ever look like that, but it definitely gives you something to keep striving for, which is great.

Now if she could come up with something that would keep your face as young as her workouts keep your body, she'd really have something :7 !

Here's to good health to all of us at every age--that's really all that matters!

I turned 45 on Saturday Nov.1st. I discovered Cathe about 4 and a half years ago. I start my day with a 5 mile walk ( even in the cold winter) and then I pick one of my Cathe tapes. Today I did CTX Step & Intervals. I am enjoying the Body Blast tapes especially the weight tapes.
I have my aches & pains but I am in better shape than my 20's.

Technically I am closer to 40 but I put in the poll 39 I will be 40 in March. I need to hold onto 39 as loooooonnnnnggg as I can,LOL!!!:7 :7

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