Age Poll

Age Poll

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Yeah, Angela, but we 40-somethings are giving you a run for your money!! GO 40-SOMETHINGS!!!:D And c'mon you fifty-somethings!! VOTE!! We don't want these young'uns taking over!
Susan, what an inspiration you are! I wish I could get my mother, who's in her 60s, to lift weights. I gave her the book Strong Women Stay Young a couple of years ago, but I don't even think she read it. I think the kickboxing is out of her realm at this point, but I know she could lift moderate weights and walk regularly for great benefits...if only! She takes various medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., but just doesn't seem to put 2 and 2 together when it comes to exercise. :-(
I will be 36 on Nov. 17th. I am very impressed by everyone here. I hope to eventually say that I am also in the best shape of my life. Slowly but surely, I will get there.
I will be 48 in December, I work out every day - I have had 10 children - my oldest will be 30 in December also, and my youngest is 2 years old.

I keep getting in better shape every year. I have been doing Cathe faithfully since 1995 - people can NEVER believe I had any children at all let alone 10 of them. I actually got carded a few weeks back. I haven't bought any alcohol in years. When she asked for my ID, I asked her if she was joking - I had to go out to my car to get my license. I said to her "Lady, I am almost 48 years old, I have ten children and my oldest will be 30 in a month and you are asking for my ID. She says "Yeah, right!"

That made me feel really good the rest of the day. I will always work out until I die! I love the way it makes me feel and how I can improve my looks as I age.

We aren't getting older we are getting better!

Hey, look at Cathe, she is a prime example of someone who is getting better and more in shpae with age!

Oh yeah, I wear a size 3, too. And boy do I have muscle definition!

I am 44 and I will turn 45 in May. I am in the best shape of my life. Yes, I eat peanut butter on crackers every day, and no, I don't eat always most cleanly. Yes, I could get into better shape. But I am enjoying my life more now than ever before! And most of what I eat, I actually need!

I am going to start teaching step aerobics at my local YMCA soon! This never would have happened if my mother had not mistakenly ordered Interval Max for me in December 2000. Thanks, Mom!
>Susan, what an inspiration you are! I wish I could get my
>mother, who's in her 60s, to lift weights. I gave her the book
>Strong Women Stay Young a couple of years ago, but I don't
>even think she read it. I think the kickboxing is out of her
>realm at this point, but I know she could lift moderate
>weights and walk regularly for great benefits...if only! She
>takes various medications for high blood pressure,
>cholesterol, etc., but just doesn't seem to put 2 and 2
>together when it comes to exercise. :-(

Snowbee, my Mom is 67 and is in great health. The only medication she takes is synthroid for a sluggish thyroid. She takes long cardio walks, in the park and on the treadmill, and lifts some light weights (I've been trying to get her to do heavier weight lifting). She has had a clean diet for as long as I can remember, and, unless my view is distorted, which is possible, she is the picture of beauty and vitality. It all seems quite natural to me, as she has always been very health-conscious. I really wanted to share this so people don't think of the sixties as having to be a time for being in bad health! I'm really proud of my Mom, and inspired by her. :)

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