Accomplished mommies and their snoozin babes 4/18-4/24

if anyone has dvds that did not work, just email me of fb and i will redo them... it was my first op and i still have a lot to learn!
mel- you know, running and focusing on a goal that was YOURS might have been helping you while you have so much going on personally. you have a big family, a big job, your dad to worry about, which also makes you worry about mom.... no wonder you are having a tough time. are there any muddy buddy runs near you? they have kids ones that are a mile or two and then a team run/bike and they are a blast. you get muddy and crazy and it is just fun. that could keep you going... also, once the girls can go in the stroller, you will be able to get out more... even if a few short runs throughthe day. when i get sad, i put money and snacks in the strolletr, we run to the store, the park, etc. all day. also, i did my body fat on one of those scales. you do that too? your milk and pee can make it higher! i did it beforfe and after peeing and it was a 5 percent difference, so feed the girls and pee b4! just saying bc you are so fit in your pics, you look like 15%-16%, not 20 something. we have a similar physique and i was15...
i am a crappy parent today. i came unglued n jimmy fort really dumb stuff. john has napped 45 minutes all day. i am so selfish, i really wanted to workout and could not, although i did run but i wanted to do more insanity and abs. we are having air conditioning in stallled in the next few days and i feel weird working out with fat hairy men in my house. so, back to me being a lousy mom, i started crying and he held me and fell asleep on me. bah. parenting is so hard.
hi girls
the chaos has begun with 5 kids running around lol. Kara has been entertained though! I am loving chatting with my friend. We met with I was preg wih Haley and she was preg with her first, Avery...we were neigbors and spent our days strolling and nursing lol. Her youngest is about 2 and still nurses a few tmes a day. Anyhoo...we are having a good time. I DO get stresed when my house is a wreck..but Imt rying to be flexalbe!

Melanie-hope you are feeling better
Waves toe veryon!
Christine~ you are too kind. My workout top (black) hides alot of my flabby fat. LOL I will definitely pee & lactate prior to getting on that scale though. My friend I ran with this weekend is also amenorrhea due to running. She is very thin. Those muddy runs sound fun. My size 6s are falling off me though...and I wonder if I'll gain some more weight with the lighter workout load? I might have to get some more clothes! :eek::eek:

I am so emotional, I nearly cried myself hearing about you crying & holding your weeone and sleeping. I can relate. Not bad mommy's real life. Parenting, life, is hard. But worth it! I love love love love love being a mommy....even when everyone is crying, kicking screaming & just plain upset. Eventually everyone goes to sleep & life will be good again.

I LOVE Eziekel bread. Just ordered all the ingredients so I can make it in my breadmaker, or at least attempt to. Anyone ever order from RedMills? I think this will be the beginning of something very beautiful. Whole grains, kinda refreshing to find a place that sells them.

Susan, I get uptight when visitors come b/c my house always becomes a mess. Then, being the controlfreak I am...I cringe when they offer to clean up b/c I want "everything in it's place". I sometimes want to cut playtime short just so I have time to put my house back in order. lol Nowadays I don't have playdates. Having five kids is enough to keep most people away. ;)
wanted to check in real quick. Haley and Avery have hijacked the computer room for a slumber party. Melanie-my good friends know not to even ask to clean up..espcially the kitchen. I am having fun...but dreaming of Thursday afternoon when I can clean lol.
I have ordered from Red Mills...only place I can find whole wheat pastry flour. I LOVE Ek bread ...would love to make some. Melanie-when you sugar detox to you cut out ALL sugar...I don't mean fruit..I mean for instance ketchup etc.

We agreed to pay 1500 of closing its done deal if inspection goes well.
Good morning. Jumping on quick while I have a free hand to type. This week has been a bit nutso..but what week isn't with kids?? Caden and I are still both fighting colds, and he continues to work on the teeth. I cn't believe how big of a bear it's made him! Because of time yesterday. I was only able to do CLX burn 2. I liked itbetter than the first one and feel it in my legs today. I've been thinking about trying bands, as you sggested, Christine, but I have this mental block that I can't get a good workout without actual weights.

Melanie andChristine-I hope you both have better days today. I go through a funk pretty often...just a moody person I guess. Melanie-you are Supermom in my book! and, Christine, you could never be a bad mommy! Jimmy comforting you shows how much he loves you!

waves to everyone!
Sorry to have to cut this short. I hate how work has put such a crimp on my forum time.
Christine- I agree that you are not a bad mommy but I think we all feel that way when we take time for ourselves. Its the part of being a mom that sucks. We give ourselves such a guilt trip sometimes.

Melanie- Your post about loving being a mommy almost made me cry. It gets so frustrating but at the end of the day, you are right, everyone goes to sleep (eventually) and its a new day. About the DVDs, it could be that your DVD player doesnt like that brand of DVD. It sounds silly but sometimes we couldnt watch one brand of DVD in a certain DVD player but it would work just fine in another. See if it works in another one. That's great that you get to visit your dad again and esp on Father's Day.

Susan- I get stressed out when people come to my house and clutter it up. I go around picking up after everyone and can never just sit and visit. I am anal like that. I'm trying to be better about it. Have fun with the houseful of people! It sounds like fun! Also, fingers crossed on the inspection!

Lisa- Doesn't it suck when work gets in the way of forum time? I think about you guys so much when I dont get to check in all night or all day and wonder what I am missing. Don't worry, we are still here. :D I hope you and Caden feel better soon.

I did Core cardio balance or something like that from Insanity last night. I have mixed feelings about it because I had such low energy that it was probably perfect for me but then I felt cheated and disappointed that I didn't get my butt kicked. This is still my rest week from STS so I guess it is better than nothing. Hoping to have more energy tonight.

Waves to all!
Hi ladies! We are back at home now. I am still trying to get everything unpacked. We had so much fun. I haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet. I started Insanity this week. I love it!!!! I have been able to keep up pretty good except for the floor drills.My core is still weak from pregnancy, but I'm working on it.
Melanie- I enjoyed reading about your race. I don't know how you find the time to train. I would love to run a race one day.
Well Jacob is sleeping .I've got to use this time to get some work done.
I typed the LONGEST post ever last night and then my battery died and I lost it. Agh.
SO, we are all teh same about company. I was laughing when I read about each of your comments and DH asked what was so funny. He lughed too, I never sit still when there is compnay. I am always straightening up and picking up after people. WHen I go to someone's house, I would NEVER leave crumbs on the counter, or dishes in the sink, or not make the bed. I go by the guest room and see that the bed is not made, I have to go in and do it. It makes me cringe. I know I am anal, but still!
Melanie- You have a lot on your plate. I am so sorry. And your comment about being a momma is me too. I love being a momma even on the days that make me cry. I get so frustrated. Jimmy made me melt and that made it all worth it, and showed me that all my hard work is not for nothing!
Susan- How did Haley respond when you surprised her at school with her friend? Did she flip?
Jen- How is DH liking the new schedule?
Lisa- You haave your hands really full with work and teeth and baby! I hear you on the band thing, but it might help. I have found that lifting heavy really aggravates my elbows and wrists, from having to hold the weights while doing legs. How did you like those bowler lunges? I was sore for a week from those!
Kendra- Seriously, how many loads of laundry came home with you? Goodness. Do your older ones help around the house? I love insanity too. Over time the floor stuff gets easier, it took me a few months to be where i really was content.
Priscilla- How is the ankle and the back?
John is loving food. He freaks out when we take the spoon out of his mouth and loses it. Last night he had turkey and sweet potatoes. He loves the orange veggies. We are hoping that someday the whole solids thing will help him sleep. He still gets up for a bottle at about or two and wakes up at 4 to screw around, sometimes i can get him back down for an hour or so. I need more sleep. THis four or five broken hours for four months crap is getting old. How does DH tune it out? It must be a guy thing. Jimmy is not phased either. He can sit there and ignore the shrieking. It is really mystifying. Maybe because they only use one side of their brain.
Okay, going to try to run when the AC guy comes. I am missing step, so will try IMAX2 or 3 and Coremax today. My biceps are still hurting from Gym Styles Back Shoulder Bicep that I did a few days ago. Lugging around fatso does not help!
Okay, got to empty the dryer.
Christine- How many veggies/fruits has John tried already? I feel like I am so far behind! I took oatmeal to the sitter and asked her to feed him some before his second bottle in the AM. He's not big on it yet but hopefully soon. If not, oh well. I agree about being a guest at someone's house! I never would be sloppy. Luckily the few people we allow (yes we allow) to stay with us are good about cleaning up after themselves. My girlfriend even strips the bed and was going to start the laundry for us until I told her to sit down! She washes all the dishes, even ours! So far DH likes the schedule. He just started it today. He slept pretty good (with a sleeping pill) and is still awake at work, which is a good thing. He was a dream this AM, helping me get bottles ready which really cuts down on my time. I'm just so used to it being me and J at night that I am a little nervous having him there EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT. I get crabby without my "me time" which will now have to be my workout time because I have flabby arms. :p

Kendra- Welcome back! Hopefully your trip was exhausting but relaxing! I love those kind of vacations. You need a vacation from the vacation! Yay!!! Another Insanity junkie! I am not any good at the floor drills either (except the sprint things and mountain climber type things). But those ones where you hit the ground, do pushups and have to hurry and jump back up....umm no, not happening yet. I am usually far behind but it is still fun cause it challenges me. Insanity definitely helps the core! You will be strong in no time!

I read a quote today that said something like: You never know when it will strike but there comes point at work when you finally realize that you are not going to be productive at all so you just give up. That is EXACTLY how I feel today at work. I've not accomplished any work related activites. I HAVE: reserved a hotel for our anniversary, researched swim hats and SPF shirts for James and gone to lunch to wish our interns farewell! :p
he has tried all of the 1st stage foods and a lot of second stage. we do not do oatmeal unlessi mix it with bananas and prunes, he like it that way! do not worry! each kid goes at their own pace! we noticed he was eyeing our food and gave him licks of our food and he dug it! at dinner, he sits on my lap and has a jar of veggies and a meat/brown rice jar. one thing, he hates the spoon. so i just dip my finger in and he sucks it right off, try it! it is messy and gross, but it works better! your day at work cracks me up.
ok, so one of the ac installing guys is so cute. agh. i will feel turbo dorky doing step with him a few feet away. but a girl has to keep that back fat in check, you know! and i hear you on the dh home every night. i love a night here and there alone. i can have a glass of wine and nibble from the fridge and wear ugly sweats, crawl in bed withh the kids and watch 90210 or dwts.
got 9 miles in right before a huge downpour. took jimmy to target to spend his allowance. he had ten bucks saved! he wanted to buy me something with it. how cute! we got cars instead... and lots more baby food. i feel like such a bad mama with all you gals making your own!
ok, got to get the troops lunch and hopefully a nap so i can exercise. the hottie might lose status if i see his butt crack. esp if it is furry.
Christine- LMAO at the furry butt crack! Sad thing is, I have seen one and can totally picture it. How long have you waited in between foods with john? Feels like you have flown through the stage 1 foods. I want to be more consistent with it. At least do Insanity with ac guy there, it looks much tougher and bad a&^!
Christine- I am not a happy person when I don't get to workout. I can't wait until school is out so my oldest can watch the baby when I workout. Right now I workout when he naps. Or if he's awake I put him in the swing and hope he falls asleep.
Laundry is never ending in our house. I brought about 5 loads back. Plus I had already gotten behind when I was packing.
We went to Oragne Beach in South Alabama. We live in North Alabama so it's about a 5 hour drive for us.
ahhh, the hottie is runnign the SF marathon , too, with his hot girlfirend. I did get imax 3 in, and realized that insanity has made that not seem as hard as it used to be. It used to be one of my toughest! Felt good to get a lot of cardio in. Jimmy starts a new art class today called preschool picassos. i am looking forward to seeing what it is like.
Kendra- We are very alike! If I do nto work out, I really growl.
Okay, back to figuring out dinner.
Lentils for lunch, Jimmy asked for them INSTEAD of Pepperoni pizza. I love it.
CHRISTINE!!! You did Imax3 without me?@!??@@? lol Had to work today....woulda rather done imax3. :p I think on Sunday I will either do it or go for a long run.

Got my IT roller in the mail today from amazon. Also got a new water bottle, hat visor, and that kettleball DVD which never seemed to come from the place I ordered it from. lol

Kendra, I do 90% my laundry on the weekend & then put it away during the week.

Susan, I'm so excited that your house has sold. Should be downhill from here. Your house is beautiful. Oh, and I loved the pics of Kara....she's looking alot like Haley

Lisa, are you getting into swing of things? Is the scale starting to behave?

Jen, LOL about production thing. I just got added responsibilities at work on Monday. Urgh. It's hard to do when I spend an hour pumping milk/shift. Yup, actually 75 minutes....but 15 minutes is after pharmacy is closed.

I have tomorrow off, then work Fri & Sat. I really want to try that kettleball workout but it's going to have to wait until Sunday. I have a run brewing in my bones (and brazilian butt lift).

Waves to all my beautiful cybermoms!
Mel- I will imax3 with you anyday. Or the hardcore extreme with imax3? You name it! It band roller is awesome. I love it for my calves and quads too! I have missed you here!
Art class was great. Jimmy did four crafts .
Off to vacuum and mop up after the workers.
Have easy 8 slow miles and maybe clx and abs.
Lisa- love those bowler lunges. Keep giving it a chance it gets better.
so what's the first thing I read when I jumped on tonight? Furry butt crack. How nice. lol

Kendra-oh the joys of returning from vacation. I can only imagine how much you have to do. I do what Melanie does with the laundry.

Christine-your stories of Jimmy are so sweet. He's quite the little boy. I thought the same thing you did the last time I did IMAX3. A few intervals in, I went to the blast only premix. I've only done Insanity a few times, but it has me craving really intense cardio workouts...and Insanity kicks my butt, and I don't even keep up with everyone.

Melanie-how many hours do you go between pumping? I feel SO busy at work that I only do it twice during the 9 hours I am there. A sample day: nurse at 6:30, pump at 10, pump at 2, nurse at 5:30..and then every hour or so until she goes to bed at 8. She doesn't eat much during the evening, but I try to put her on often since she isn't during the day and is often sleeping until 4am or after. My supply has gone from pumping 3 oz per session to 2--yes, you read that correctly. only 2-3ounces. I wasn't kidding when I said my supply has always been awful! The only reason I'm bothering with it is because I really enjoy nursing her when I can. Maybe I should try to add a session??? s for the scale, it is stuck at around 130, but that's better than the 134 I was at for weeks on end. My pre-preg is 125, which I hope to reach once I completely stop nursing.

Jen-Don't feel like you're behind with the food. Caden didn't even start solids until close to 6 months old, and he did the basics for quite awhile...mainly because I just didn't know what else to make for him besides for the basic fruits and veggies. I hear ya on the me time. Once the kids go to bed, I LOVE having the house to my house on the nights DH is gone.

The kids were miraculously both in bed before 8, so I said to heck with the fact that my house is a mess and did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning instead! Such an enjoyable (in a masochistic kind of way) workout! I so need to do kegals though because there is something about those jumping jacks that just isn't working for me. I probably won't do Insanity so close to bed again left me a bit too wired.

Priscilla-hope you are having a good week at work!

Hi, Judy, Allison, and Susan!!
Christine, the running photo I have is on my phone (and fb). :) I might buy one from photographer? I guess I felt a little it looked "too busy". Plus I haven't really used my room lately b/c I've been running so much. I really think I'm going to continue with the running until Fall & reserve CharLEAN/Insanity for FAll/Winter when I'm stuck inside. So maybe I can mix RevAbs with running (after butt lift)? How long are the RevAb DVDs? The rotation duration is short but many days are 2 workouts.

Lisa, I nurse eat girl b/w 5-6AM before I leave, then at work: 830, 11:15, 130, 330 & 6PM. I get about 24-25oz each day and it is almost enough to feed my peanuts when I"m at work. My girls are still under 12lbs, but are growing well. They have 50% juice/water mixture 2.5oz bottle each on days I work as well. So far, we have not had to supplement with formula and they are not ready for solids.

Jen, yewhew! Did you hear that? My girls have yet to begin do NOT feel behind. They just don't seem developmenatally ready & we're not rushing it. All my kids started closer to the 6 month mark and being preemies we figure we'll wait 6-7 mos or until they really seem ready.

Well, I"m off to bed soon. Waiting for my eldest boy to make his way home from youth group....

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