OK, this kind of goes along w/some of our posts from the last few weeks about minor weight gain & how much it matters. I was waiting til I had a few spare minutes so I could say everything I've been thinking about & have it be understandable without pi$$ing anyone off.
First of all, I noticed on Cathe's home page the average age of forum members is 43. How cool is that? I can't talk about this stuff w/most people I know, I get that eye raise/smirk/STFU look. But you guys really get me!
So. When I first gained this weight I was horribly depressed. I mean, I was seriously down on myself & I had a lot of trouble dealing w/it emotionally. I felt that what separated me from the crowd, what made me different, was the fact that I had the drive & discipline to have 15% BF & to keep it year after year.
After 3 different diets & little to no weight loss, I realized I need to start being more realistic. I spent the last 2 Saturdays cleaning out my closets & putting all my small sizes in the attic. Today my closets are pretty much empty LOL. I tried on every piece of clothing I had & I must admit, it was pretty depressing in a lot of ways. I cannot believe that, less than a year ago, I was so flippin tiny! And even worse, I totally took it for granted! Now all those beautiful clothes I can't fit into anymore are up in my attic waiting to become a Thanksgiving feast for moths.
In other ways it was kind of liberating. I don't have the mad scramble in the mornings anymore trying something on & tossing it in a corner b/c I either can't pull it up past my a$$ or, if I can, I can't button it. Now everything in my closets fit (from Stacey London: you don't dress for the size you want to be, you dress for the size you ARE!). And I know what what's in my wardrobe, what I'm missing, & what needs replacing.
I did some self examination. I did what I hate to do: I really LOOKED at myself in the mirror. And you know what? I didn't hate what I saw. OK I have more jiggle than what I'd like. But I'm muscular, I'm fit & I'm healthy for my age. Some might even say I have a much healthier & attractive look than I did 10 lbs ago. Not me, but some.
Then I started doing what one poster suggested (& I apologize for forgetting who b/c it was such a great suggestion). I started listing the things I liked about myself. I was really happy to find that list was longer than the list of things I didn't like about myself.
So, maybe I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm no longer at 15% BF & probably never will be again. Maybe I'm starting to accept that I'm not Cathe, I'll never be, & I need to be who I am instead of trying to be someone else. Maybe I'm starting to accept that the new, curvier Laura is better than the old, boyish Laura. It's been a long road getting here, & I don't think I'll ever stop trying to get back to that ideal weight, but I'm no longer losing sleep over the fact that I'm not there right now.
Or maybe tomorrow I'll be all kinds of pi$$ed that I don't look like I did less than a year ago. But today is a good day.
First of all, I noticed on Cathe's home page the average age of forum members is 43. How cool is that? I can't talk about this stuff w/most people I know, I get that eye raise/smirk/STFU look. But you guys really get me!
So. When I first gained this weight I was horribly depressed. I mean, I was seriously down on myself & I had a lot of trouble dealing w/it emotionally. I felt that what separated me from the crowd, what made me different, was the fact that I had the drive & discipline to have 15% BF & to keep it year after year.
After 3 different diets & little to no weight loss, I realized I need to start being more realistic. I spent the last 2 Saturdays cleaning out my closets & putting all my small sizes in the attic. Today my closets are pretty much empty LOL. I tried on every piece of clothing I had & I must admit, it was pretty depressing in a lot of ways. I cannot believe that, less than a year ago, I was so flippin tiny! And even worse, I totally took it for granted! Now all those beautiful clothes I can't fit into anymore are up in my attic waiting to become a Thanksgiving feast for moths.
In other ways it was kind of liberating. I don't have the mad scramble in the mornings anymore trying something on & tossing it in a corner b/c I either can't pull it up past my a$$ or, if I can, I can't button it. Now everything in my closets fit (from Stacey London: you don't dress for the size you want to be, you dress for the size you ARE!). And I know what what's in my wardrobe, what I'm missing, & what needs replacing.
I did some self examination. I did what I hate to do: I really LOOKED at myself in the mirror. And you know what? I didn't hate what I saw. OK I have more jiggle than what I'd like. But I'm muscular, I'm fit & I'm healthy for my age. Some might even say I have a much healthier & attractive look than I did 10 lbs ago. Not me, but some.
Then I started doing what one poster suggested (& I apologize for forgetting who b/c it was such a great suggestion). I started listing the things I liked about myself. I was really happy to find that list was longer than the list of things I didn't like about myself.
So, maybe I'm starting to accept the fact that I'm no longer at 15% BF & probably never will be again. Maybe I'm starting to accept that I'm not Cathe, I'll never be, & I need to be who I am instead of trying to be someone else. Maybe I'm starting to accept that the new, curvier Laura is better than the old, boyish Laura. It's been a long road getting here, & I don't think I'll ever stop trying to get back to that ideal weight, but I'm no longer losing sleep over the fact that I'm not there right now.
Or maybe tomorrow I'll be all kinds of pi$$ed that I don't look like I did less than a year ago. But today is a good day.