Dear Cathe ~
First let me apologize for my late thank you to your most generous Road Trip. I have no real good excuse other than life got busy. So let’s just pretend this arrived via snail mail. (then it’s not so late!)
Anyway - You know how at Disney World, when Cinderella comes out, all the little girls run over with their autograph books to be signed, and want pictures to be taken? And when Cinderella says “Hi, what’s your name?” the little girls are speechless? Well that’s exactly how I felt at the Road trip weekend. Not that you aren’t the sweetest, most gracious hostess I’ve ever met. You have incredible amounts of patience giving out hugs, kisses, autographs, to every last one of us (crazy girls) all with a smile. You never tired of our never ending demand on your time. Each one of us wanted a little piece of Cathe to take home – and you so graciously obliged.
Rather I think I was star struck. For 6 years, you’ve been that great lady in my TV who keeps me motivated morning after morning. So much that I actually miss YOU (and the girls) when I skip a workout. And of course, after seeing you day in & day out for 6 years, I think that you’re all “my friends”! So when you each walked in, and to me it was a familiar face – I had to remind myself that though I know SO much about you all, you don’t know me! Ha! (which sort of made me feel like a crazy obsessed fan)
Anyway – as I got up my courage to get a picture with my Cinderella, my tongue was tied! I couldn’t find the first meaningful thing to say to you!
It was one of those situations where I felt like I could sit down with you and chat for hours, but when I needed to narrow it down to one meaningful question or statement – my mind went blank. (short of blurting out “I love you, you are the absolute most amazing person I know!!” but that would have really solidify my craziness!!) 
As I left the weekend in awe (still admiring you from afar), I realized how relieved I was. For 6 years, I’ve had this fantastic picture in my mind of what a cool & fun friend you’d be. On my trip down to NJ, I started to get pangs of anxiety. What if Cathe’s not everything I’ve made up in my head?? And lo & behold, the reason I have the impression that you’re a sweet, kind, funny, silly, intelligent, compassionate, and driven lady, is because YOU ARE. The real you comes across in everything you do. You can’t make that up. You are just so REAL (like the Velveteen Rabbit!) that it comes right through the TV screen, the website, the blogs, the forum’s, EVERYthing. And of course – this made me love you even more! What a lucky family you have!! Actually, anyone who comes in contact with you is a very lucky person. You exude sincerity and compassion in all that you do. This is hard to find.
Now that I’ve rambled on, a Thank You just won’t suffice. The generosity and love (for us and what you do) that you showed on this road trip far surpassed any expectations I had of this weekend. From end to end, this trip was top notch, classy, entertaining, educational, and just plain spectacular. Unlike any trip I’ve ever taken. Anyone who listens – I tell them over & over how great you are. I give your DVD’s as gifts, and just love to share with everyone how you aren’t just a workout. I tell them how they have to be careful, because soon you’ll become their obsession as well.
Since I had 7 hours to drive home and reflect on the weekend, I remembered the 2 most pressing (And silly) questions I have when I workout with you each the morning, (And yes, there are mornings when my mind wanders a bit, bad bad I know).
1) You’re so good at queuing and knowing when to give me that extra boost about form or endurance, it’s almost like you’re watching me workout! Which makes me wonder does anyone do your workout with you, from the other side of the cameras while you're filming?
2) Do you know your left from your right?
For awhile I thought maybe the workouts were filmed as a reflection because you are so good at saying Left (for me), when I’m pretty sure it’s your right! But now that I’ve seen the studio, I know that Is not the case? Do you find yourself getting confused in real life? (b/c I don’t even teach aerobics but always say right when I mean left or vice versa!)
So to My Cinderella (with a cackling, whip cracking twist) – Thank you for being you, from the bottom of my heart! I am cheering for all your new ventures to be huge successes because no one deserves this more than you (And your fabulous crew).
Big Hugs,
Ps. This is the best I can do at adding a picture to my signature.
First let me apologize for my late thank you to your most generous Road Trip. I have no real good excuse other than life got busy. So let’s just pretend this arrived via snail mail. (then it’s not so late!)
Anyway - You know how at Disney World, when Cinderella comes out, all the little girls run over with their autograph books to be signed, and want pictures to be taken? And when Cinderella says “Hi, what’s your name?” the little girls are speechless? Well that’s exactly how I felt at the Road trip weekend. Not that you aren’t the sweetest, most gracious hostess I’ve ever met. You have incredible amounts of patience giving out hugs, kisses, autographs, to every last one of us (crazy girls) all with a smile. You never tired of our never ending demand on your time. Each one of us wanted a little piece of Cathe to take home – and you so graciously obliged.
Rather I think I was star struck. For 6 years, you’ve been that great lady in my TV who keeps me motivated morning after morning. So much that I actually miss YOU (and the girls) when I skip a workout. And of course, after seeing you day in & day out for 6 years, I think that you’re all “my friends”! So when you each walked in, and to me it was a familiar face – I had to remind myself that though I know SO much about you all, you don’t know me! Ha! (which sort of made me feel like a crazy obsessed fan)
Anyway – as I got up my courage to get a picture with my Cinderella, my tongue was tied! I couldn’t find the first meaningful thing to say to you!
As I left the weekend in awe (still admiring you from afar), I realized how relieved I was. For 6 years, I’ve had this fantastic picture in my mind of what a cool & fun friend you’d be. On my trip down to NJ, I started to get pangs of anxiety. What if Cathe’s not everything I’ve made up in my head?? And lo & behold, the reason I have the impression that you’re a sweet, kind, funny, silly, intelligent, compassionate, and driven lady, is because YOU ARE. The real you comes across in everything you do. You can’t make that up. You are just so REAL (like the Velveteen Rabbit!) that it comes right through the TV screen, the website, the blogs, the forum’s, EVERYthing. And of course – this made me love you even more! What a lucky family you have!! Actually, anyone who comes in contact with you is a very lucky person. You exude sincerity and compassion in all that you do. This is hard to find.
Now that I’ve rambled on, a Thank You just won’t suffice. The generosity and love (for us and what you do) that you showed on this road trip far surpassed any expectations I had of this weekend. From end to end, this trip was top notch, classy, entertaining, educational, and just plain spectacular. Unlike any trip I’ve ever taken. Anyone who listens – I tell them over & over how great you are. I give your DVD’s as gifts, and just love to share with everyone how you aren’t just a workout. I tell them how they have to be careful, because soon you’ll become their obsession as well.
Since I had 7 hours to drive home and reflect on the weekend, I remembered the 2 most pressing (And silly) questions I have when I workout with you each the morning, (And yes, there are mornings when my mind wanders a bit, bad bad I know).
1) You’re so good at queuing and knowing when to give me that extra boost about form or endurance, it’s almost like you’re watching me workout! Which makes me wonder does anyone do your workout with you, from the other side of the cameras while you're filming?
2) Do you know your left from your right?
So to My Cinderella (with a cackling, whip cracking twist) – Thank you for being you, from the bottom of my heart! I am cheering for all your new ventures to be huge successes because no one deserves this more than you (And your fabulous crew).
Big Hugs,
Ps. This is the best I can do at adding a picture to my signature.