80% of what you look like is due to what you are eating....I read this article and was wondering your thoughts on it. http://www.cleaneatingonline.com/
80% of what you look like is due to what you are eating....I read this article and was wondering your thoughts on it. http://www.cleaneatingonline.com/
Honestly, I believe that losing weight is 10% exercise 20% nutrition, and 70% behavorial. You really have to make changes to your existing routine and commit to whatever program you are following and make strides towards making it a lifestyle rather than just a quick fix to fit into a pair of jeans that you like. Behavorial changes such as: starting a routine of going to bed at a decent hour to get adequate sleep so your body gets the rest it needs; Taking a box of crackers and divying them up into single serving baggies for grab and go and to create portion control; serving dinner on smaller plates so that your eyes are pleased to have smaller portions; getting up early enough to make time for exercise, or setting aside a part of each day to commit to at least 30mins of physical activity; rewarding yourself with things other than food; journaling when circumstances beyond your control fire up your emotions, and writing down those emotions rather than turning to comfort foods; deciding a time at night when the "kitchen closes" and no more food will be eaten after than time; changing one thing at a time when starting a program, like giving up soda only and nothing else, and then once you master that moving onto to the next challenge in your diet. All these things are just a few examples of behavioral changes you can make that will make nutrition and exercise that much more simple to aid in your weight loss. It's mind over matter, literally. Set your mind to something first, and you can achieve anything.