5'3" weigh?

RE: 5'3

>Some of you have seen my pics and I am not 140lbs or under.
>I take it that this chart does not take into consideration
>muscle mass, b/c I'm just about 43 yrs of age and 5'4. I
>weigh 154+. Dani, you're right when you say some people look
>better at a certain weight than the chart says they should

Haydee, you look AWESOME!! I definitely agree that I don't think the chart takes muscle mass into consideration!!
RE: 5'3

I guess this thread is a clear indication that different weights work for different people. After being obsessed with the scale to determine my goals and having weighed everything between 89lbs - 130lbs I have reached one conclusion. Bone density and muscle mass have a lot more to do with what you weigh rather than height. I guess that would have a link with age as the average woman loses muscle and bone mass with age.

As an eg, most of the women in my family are approx. 5ft 3" and they all weigh in the 120's. They look slim. I on the other hand have to be 110lbs to look that slim. I can only guess that in addition to a very narrow bone structure, I also have light bones. I also really have to work to have an average amount of muscle mass. The only weight in which my gut doesn't hang out is 105lbs but I don't have a regular period at that weight. I used to feel that was unfair because I didn't look all that thin and I knew that there were other women, taller than me, who had perfectly healthy cycles at that weight.

I guess we all have to find our own individual ideal weights. I personally don't weigh myself anymore but have an healthy size which is a 4. I also find my body works with me to maintain that size. I am generally guilty of doing crazy things when I either gain or lose from that set point.
RE: 5'3

I was 125, not 135...just for the record ;-)

ETA: I think everyone's perception of themselves (and of everyone else even) is different and everyone's "IDEA" of a thin or attractive body type varies...there is just no right or wrong answer when it comes to this subject IMO. And when you take into account the person's bone structure which plays a big part AND the amount or type of exercise they get...sooo many things come into play here.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: 5'3

Hi ,

I am 5'9 and my weight is 123 lbs
At Monday my weight is 4 lbs heavier than at Friday because in the weekends I eat more and delicious. I like to cook all kind of food.
Like to cook Mediterranean,Indonesian,Spanish etc.
Monday till Friday I try to eat normal. I always eat candy,s ,Dutch candy, called "drop" my favorite.
The last year I lost 11 lbs.
Not from less eating( that,s more) but because I do more exercise.

RE: 5'3

I think we've lost the gist of the original question which was: I used to weight x pounds and now weigh y pounds. Can I get back to x pounds?

I was in your shoes where once upon a time I used to weigh 115 pounds (I'm 5' 2.5") before college. After college, I gained quite a bit of weight (definitely more than the freshman 15). I didn't get back down to 115 pounds until I was 35. So, yes, you can get back down to that weight. However, as several posters indicated, 115 pounds may not be an ideal weight for you now. I know that I got as low as 108 pounds (I still had a protruding belly and cellulite in my thighs) and found that was too thin. I'm at 118 and trying to get back to 112-115 where I feel comfortable in my clothes.

Wow Haydee you look really awsome and I wouldn't even think that you did weigh at 154 so I guess you are right about not taking into concideration of muscle mass.
RE: 5'3

I'm 36 years old with 2 girls(4 years and 20 months) and 5'4" and weigh 107. My heaviest was 124 last January.
RE: 5'3

I am 41 years old, 5"2 and weigh about 125. I would love to lose 3 to 5 lbs. I have a medium build and wear size 4-6. I have come to realize that maybe I'm not meant to lose those last few pounds.

:) :)
RE: 5'3

I want to know why that when you get older, Dani's "height/weight chart shows you should weigh more?

(and I so agree that there is SO much not taken into account with these charts, and we should all be careful not to get PARANOID about our weight)

But of course having said that, Im chewing the ends of my nails because I weigh more than I should according to that chart) DRATS!


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: 5'3

Wow, I didn't know this thread was going ot get so busy! I am glad alot of you answered my question.
Now my next question is , if you weighed more at one point in your life,how did you lose the unwanted weight? Was it really all diet and discipline? I admit my problem is not my workouts.I like to pick and I love sweets.When I was 118 lbs I looked good.I don't ever remember being 115 lbs so I don't intend on going there.If I wanted to lose 10 lbs how long should it take me to get there? Should I eat smaller meals? Not eat after a certain time at night? I just want to feel comfy in my clothes again.I have read that some people are good until they get to their ideal weight and once they are where they want to be they will have a cheat meal once a week or a treat.
I am really asking....what are your tricks to staying slim? Or were you born this way? Any advise would be great!
RE: 5'3

I'm 46, 5'2" and weigh 117. Up until about 10 years ago I could eat pretty much what I wanted and it was easy to take weight off without much exercise. Basically just rode my horse. Now I have to watch what I eat and put a lot of time in exercising.

Sometimes I think the more fit we are, the harder we have to keep working and even then, we still have to "shock" our systems to get them to respond. What next, a rotation of monthly Ironman competitions?

I still wouldn't trade the fitness I have today for how I felt years ago. No comparison.

RE: 5'3

I am 5'4" and range between 125-130 lbs.I would really like to see the lower end of 120 lb more though.I like the chart though b/c it says that I am underweight,first time for everything:)
I think with some clean eating and good cardio you should see what you want.Don't kid yourself with the food intake b/c when you only need to lose 10 lbs, I think you have to keep focused.
RE: 5'3

Reading this thread I feel huge. I am 5'4" and must say I weigh much more than any of you. I am trying to lose some weight but have been where I am for so long that sometimes I think my body won't let the pounds drop off : )

I know it probably is possible to get the weight off but how I love to eat.

RE: 5'3

If we are doing Ironmans next month, I want to be on Haydee's team!!!

You know what I think is really cool about this thread is how respectful everyone here is of other people. I think that says a lot about how supportive we all are. Awwww, group hug. :7 :7 :7

That said, back to the question of how did you lose to get back to a lesser weight.... after both of my babies I was... much larger (eh-hem!) than I am now, because NO ONE TOLD ME that you don't have the kid and then slide right back into your size 4 jeans! LOL How shocking was that! Anyway, I lost the weight primarily through increasing cardio. You also need to strength train, though, because otherwise your skin may sag - those crash diet places do not tell you that. I also avoid junk food at all costs, although in the summer I could eat ice cream until I turned into a cow.

Marie:+ :+
RE: 5'3

I believe the difference in age weight is associated with many things. In my experience, as I got older, my metabolism slowed down making it more difficult to keep calories burning. I also agree with Netta that as seasoned exercisers, it does take more to shock the system. Then there are hormonal issues that come into play where due to decreased estrogen, your body wants to store the fat so it can store the estrogen it finds. And then there's the heredity issues. I think we all tend to overlook this important factor. Yes, you are not a slave to heredity but you can only do so much to control it because it's in our DNA.

Looking at Diane Sue (WD), you can just tell her body type is not one to store fat (SHE LOOKS FANTASTIC!) I'm not saying she doesn't work extremely hard because I've looked at her rotations and know she does. But, I really think no matter how hard I worked, I could never look as slender as she does due to body frame and heredity.

Just my four cents.
RE: 5'3

Susan(SCM)... Me too, I am 5'2" and right now weigh 103... I feel great and I definatly don't go hungry AT all... last weekend we went and ate at burger king for lunch and then ate mexican food for supper that night....
I do exercise of course to maintain.....
But I am soooo glad to see your post....:7 Rhonda:7

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