5'3" weigh?

RE: 5'3

Yes it is possible and yes its gonna take alot of discipline, but that doesn't mean you can't have many of the things you like, just smaller portions..... way to many people eat enough food for 2 or 3 people......
I just encourage you from one Rhonda to another.... :7
RE: 5'3

I agree with Candi about metabolism, it does seem to slow down as we age. I don't really go by any chart and that one would have me at 145. I am 5'4" 46 yrs old and weight about 120. I have always been active but it takes more work now. In my experience the biggest factor is a clean diet. About a year ago after some major stress I was up to about 137. Way to much in my opinion but I was doing cardio like crazy, about 90 min a day and lifting weight everyday, but...I was eating terrible!!! So, I buckled down cleaned up my diet (went Vegan) started a new workout rotation and lost 21 lbs. Down to a weight I hadn't been since High School, so you can do it. I stay about 118-120 now, and as long as my clothes fit good I don't worry much about weight.....just my 2 cents...:)...Carole
RE: 5'3

Hi runner2,

Your first question asked if you can ever get back to the "weight" you were before.....to that the answer is it is definitely possible to look and be more fit than you were 10, 20, even 25 years ago. You may weigh a bit more (or you may not) because of increased muscle mass.

You wanted to hear from other small women. I am 5'4", and I have an hour-glass and very curvy figure...sounds different from your body but....we all have to store our fat somewhere If, that is, we are not the naturally hard and lean type!) and most of us pretty much rue that body part. But it's got to go somewhere, no??

I thought I looked my best when I was 121...and I intend to get to that "best" again (just about 3 or 4 lbs of fat away right now), but I will weigh MORE because I will have more muscle.

Now onto the next question. How to lose the weight? Yes, smaller meals, more frequently. Neither stuff yourself nor let yourself starve. Eaten protein and a complex carb within 1 hour of working out. Work out consistently, of course.

How long should it take? If it's only 10 lbs, I think your rate of lose is going to be slower than if it was, say 50 lbs. Right now I am aiming for only 1/2 lb of fat a week. Have patience and faith, keep at it, trusting that it will work. I would seriously give it at least 3 months because those last lbs are so often so hard....but so worth it.

Tricks to staying slim? Just keep up with the good, clean eating and frequent meals and working out. Your body will tend to adjsut itself and its metabolism if you treat it well. And yes, you can have cheat meals both while you are losing the fat and after.

Last question.....was I born this way? Hmmm, that is so hard to answer, isn't it? Least for me, having blown up to 213 lbs at one point in my life..having done that it becomes hard to separate what was innate and what I did to myself. But, when losing all the weight I did NOT set a goal weight for myself. I just kinda stopped when my body stopped losing AND I felt I was there (as opposed to a plateau)...I just sensed that this was where my body naturally wanted to be and I liked what I saw. I think I was pre-disposed to be a curvy type of girl...certainly not long and lean. There are good and bads with my body type as there are with everyone, and you really have to love the positives and forget the "media" images to be happy with what you were born with.

Whew, I wrote a lot, I hope some of this helps!
RE: 5'3

Yeah I am 5'4 and weight a ton more than most of the people here -but I know I want to lose weight. But the actual "weight" is not y focus - its how I look and feel. I mentioned before that I can't imagine being a size 8 - I've never been one! 10 usually feels good to me. I realy just want to get back to that fro the 14 I am now. If I below it, ok - not too far, though - I favor the toned look more than muscular.. at least I think I do! :) So the advice is what - eat 5-6 times a day, small meals, no carbs at night except what is in veggies, cardio and strength training say 5-6 times per week?

Thanks for the help ! I really get a lot out of this board! :)

RE: 5'3

I also believe eating properly is a key factor but I also believe you need to fuel your workouts or your body will rebel. Clean eating is so very important. Lean meats, lots of veggies and fruit and plenty of water are key to maintaining a healthy physique. Also, a healthy physique to one is not a healthy physique to another. I am medium boned not small boned, so like Dani, if I weighed 102 I would look pretty scrawny and unhealthy.

No offense, Dani but I also think you look much healthier at your current weight :).
RE: 5'3

I received the latest addition of Oxygen last night and there was a picture of a fitness competitor that was 5'0" and 117 lbs. Well, she looked fantastic, lots of muscle but still a very feminine body. I am now hopeful again :).
RE: 5'3

Oh, Rhonda, I am SOOOOOOOO feeling your words!!!!!

The frustration I feel is so thick, I could probably package it and sell it.
RE: 5'3

Hi There! I started having a weight problem when I reached 31. Noticed my waist/stomach/hips growing & not in the right direction. That's when I started exercising but I never ate right. Had my son at the age of 38 had ballooned up 55#s & stopped counting. When I got clearance from doctor to start exercising again I managed to get my weight to 115#s but then plateaued & was stuck. I had to really bump up my weight training & do more cardio + started eating a little bit more of all the right foods. I did get my weight to shift down further. Now at the age of 51 I'm 107. I've seen better results since eating 5 small meals a day, drinking more water, changing up my rotations every 6 weeks. I no longer plateau. Would I still like to set myself some new goals? You betcha! Still working at getting even leaner & wanting more muscle mass. I've learned over the years to keep experimenting, staying focused. Do I have treats? You betcha! Not much only 2 glasses of wine on a Saturday night. That's it. HTH, Kathy:D
RE: 5'3

> I am medium boned
>not small boned, so like Dani, if I weighed 102 I would look
>pretty scrawny and unhealthy.
>No offense, Dani but I also think you look much healthier at
>your current weight :).

No offense taken Candi. I completely agree with you. It took me a very long time to finally realize that.

RE: 5'3

hello ladies!

i'll throw in my .02

i'm 5'5" and weigh 122. This weight works for me. Less than that and my boobs dissapear and my cheeks get very sunken in. It is amazing however, that 2 people can weigh the exact same, but look very different and be very different sizes. One of my best friends doesnt work out at all, and weighs the same as me but is 2 dress sizes larger. I wear a dress size 4 (as long as the bottom half is designed for a woman with hips!) haha

Eating is key. If i don't eat enough, I will gain weight even faster than if i were to eat too much. it took me a long time to figure that out. :)
RE: 5'3

Sure, I think it's an acceptable goal, if you do a moderate amount of strength training, but not too much. I'm also 5'3", and when I don't have time to workout much, like now, my weight usually drops down to about 115, but when I'm weight training more, I am closer to 120. I never workout as much as some people on this board, but if I did, I would expect to weigh even more. Unfortunately, I'll have to save that for retirement. :-( So, in short, it depends entirely upon how much strength training you're doing.

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