40s++ September: listening to our bodies

Good Evening,

I did KCM TLC Boxing this morning. The weather cooperated with us today so we got some lake time in. This weekend we are headed to Nebraska for a family reunion that I haven't been able to attend in years.

Mary-we want to spend as much time as possible at the lake including staying overnight but it all depends on the weather.

Lisa-I am definitely estrogen dominant and I am hoping menopause hits soon.

Ronne- the weather had just been weird this year.
Hi all. I have been working out but not getting to the check-in. I was channeling Ronne today and did RWH LIHI 1. I was doing good until the last 5 or 10 minutes. She was doing to much fast head stuff (that surfer thing that is like a burpee). I added on the abs and was good until out of no where my head started hurting. I stopped immediately. Tomorrow will probably be a weights day, little to no head movement.

Lisa - wow, you remembered all of your workouts from the previous days. I can't remember what I did yesterday. I would love to blame the brain tumor but I was like that beforehand.
Roxie - enjoy the vacation.
Ronne/Mary - happy anniversary
Jody - hi-fives


Lisa - sounds like you've been busy. A good day with your BFF.

Roxie - the family reunion sounds fun. Is Nebraska a nice place to visit?

Murphy - well done on the workout.

Yoga for me again, did a slightly more vigorous one but still very calming. Quiet work day, so booked myself a facial for Saturday to pass the time!
Hi girls! Sorry to have been missing, with the holiday weekend and then work yesterday, time gets away from me. Today did a barre3 workout, just worked yesterday, B&G on Sunday. Ronne, a facial! Sounds lovely! Murphy, be careful! You did give me a chuckle about blaming it on the tumor tho! Roxie, is it your side of the family the reunion is for? Sounds like fun! Lisa, I'm sorry about your neck, is massage today? I will have to look at that app! Cleaning today, then DD has band til 9, DS starts a college English class (all at the same time) tonight, and I have youngest DS school open house and DH is at the fire station! I might have to make some phone calls! Have a good day! Mary
Hey everyone! 45 min spinning, DH gone next 3 days, massage on Friday and BFF may be coming over Friday afternoon (wish she lived closer, she's 40 min away). Ronne, got a chuckle asking if Nebraska is nice, haven't been there but easter Colorado and Kansas look similar, I'd guess Nebraska is same. Enjoy your facial, I've never had one. Murphy, I can't do surfer at all, I watch since it's at the end. Mary, busy is your normal! Roxie, 10 years ago I was estrogen dominant, today I have no estrogen. It's tough being a woman!
Good Evening,

Tonite I did KCM's Circuit Burn 2 and got a good calorie burn.

Ronne-no Nebraska is not a good place to visit but it's where my dad grew up.

Mary-my side.

Lisa-yes being a woman sometimes sucks.
Hi there

Mary - it just never stops! What are you going to do when the kids go?

Lisa - enjoy your quiet days, sounds like you've got some nice plans. Actually, I remember I did see that film Nebraska last year - it didn't look anything special!

Roxie - well at least you'll still have a good time.

Did a Youtube workout today, saw it recommended on another thread. A sort of hiit/weights mishmash, quite fun, wasn't too bad.
Planning a trip away with BF, sometimes I think the internet is a curse, I feel like I've looked at every hotel there is!
Hi all. Lower body again today. I think I need to go more UB work. I see changes with the LB, but not as much with the UB. Actually, what I really need to fo is get up earlier so that I can do whatever did I want, and not what fits my dwindling time.

Gotta run, sorry for lack of personals.

RWH b/s/bi today, probably rest day next 2 days. Ronne, lol about the Internet but how did we live without it?!?
Hi girls! Quick hello to all! Today did a Cathe live, compound giant sets. More running today, probably won't be back til Saturday, high school open house tonight, football tomorrow! Good day to all! Mary
Good Evening,

I did a run/walk pn the TM for 30 minutes when we got home from the lake. It's hot humid and stormy tonight.
Hi all! The thought of Lisa and Mary being at Disney has me itching to meet and do Its a Small World or something! Lisa, thanks for the Trex shout out, just so you know, I don't do arms. Prob why I dislike boxing stuff. Ronne, where are you headed? Mary did you clone yourself or recruit another driver for the evening? Hi to Murphy and Roxie.
I've been doing some 2 walk/runs and some wts here and there. Today i did 40 min of the Terminator/Gauntlet w/o. It worked out well, I hit some body parts that were on the list and did some cardio.
Hi girls! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Today did a workout I found on YouTube, again looked not too bad and I was fooled again! I was a sweaty mess! Also did Costco and target today, my favorite places! Jody, t-Rex arms! Hahaha! Mary
Good Evening,

I had a nice time at the family reunion saw people I haven't seen in years andet cousins I didn't know I had which is leadong us to a small family reunion of just my cousins and families at the lake next summer. We left Nebraska at 8:30 this morning and got home at 3:30 this afternoon and I really needed a workout so I did a run/walk for 30 minutes on the TM.
Hi everyone

Roxie - that sounds like a nice time.

Mary - did you get anything for you?

Jody - that would be so cool! We're just doing a UK city break.

Had a nice weekend doing stuff together. DH and I went into town on Sat for an hour or so and I got some new shoes. Then the three of us went out for dinner to a new Thai place. Really buzzing and good food.
Yesterday the three of us went to see Inside Out. Loved it! Such a clever film!
Took Saturday off and did AOLIH yesterday and PS BBA today. Also added on 100 rep challenges - yesterday did scarecrows and today did triceps. My triceps felt enormous at the end!
Good morning! Today did Cathe live, high intensity aerobic weight training, it was a challenge. Ronne, sounds like a perfect weekend! Wasn't Inside Out so sweet? I loved Sadness, gave me a chuckle! I got new shoes also, for work tho, standing 12 hours, my feet felt like they got beat by a bat! Hope the new ones are better. Roxie, sounds like you had fun! Are you hitting the boat this week? Lisa, did you get into any trouble this weekend? Hello to Jody and Murphy! Have my long day tomorrow, I will see you on Wednesday! Mary
Hi all, did CF today after taking the last 3 days off (although Friday ended up being 2 walks totaling 20,000 steps!) . neck and between shoulder blades was sore after Friday massage so took it easy. Today my head felt wobbly at times during CF and I thought of Murphy as I had to be careful to not move my head too much and keep it more upright. What a pair Murphy and I make, add in t-rex Jody and I'm sure we'd be comical! Ronne, I don't get to watch the animated movies so much anymore since kids are grown. BFF and I need to watch frozen before our Disney trip! Mary, hope the shoes work, I still have left foot issue though not near as bad.
Good Afternoon,

No workout to report yet but DH amd I will go for a wslk later. It's windy today and the temps are cooler. I have lost 6lbs since January met my first goal now I need to decide on my next goal.

Mary-we are going to try and stsy at the lake tonight and go home tomorrow then try another night depending on the weather.

Ronne-it was a fun time

Lisa-has it cooled down there?
Hi all

Mary - that sounds like a tough workout! Yeah, it's a great film. I don't think I've ever seen a kid's film that's got so many ideas in there.

Lisa - I wouldn't have bothered with the film if a friend with younger kids hadn't recommended it. DD is really past the age for those now (she's 14).

Roxie - congrats on the weight loss, have fun at the lake.

AS done. Really enjoyed it, must be more than a year since I did it. I see some bathroom cleaning in my future ...
Good Afternoon,

I did Cardio Supersets Premix 1-4.

Ronne-lake turned out not to be so good the wind blew alot and I forgot our pillows we came home this morning.

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