40s++ September: listening to our bodies

Good Evening,

I just went for a walk over my lunch today still not feeling great thinkI have a sinus infection now.

Lisa-I had 11,000 steps in before 2:30 and then walked another 4,000 before I left work.

Lisa - can you take a break from your planning and come back to it at a later date? I get like that when planning a holiday.

Did a Jillian Michaels workout for a change. Pretty good. Weather nice here today, autumnal but sunny. Tidied up the garden a bit.
Hi girls! Missing again! Dang work and kids! Today did a barre workout, yesterday was work, can't remember Monday! Lisa, I'm sure BFF is going to enjoy herself just being with you! Roxie, 15,000 steps! That's a lot! I bet your legs are tired! Ronne, kind of glad fall has arrived, I do enjoy the slightly cooler temps! Hi Jody! Hi Murphy! Well, probably won't be back til Sunday! I have to work tomorrow, then tomorrow evening, Twins have their powder puff football game, DD is playing, DS is in the kickline, should be amusing! Friday is the homecoming football game, eldest DS made homecoming court, so he's excited, other two are in the band, Saturday is the dance, having to get DD's hair makeup, etc. I'm tired thinking of it all! Good day to all! Mary
XT CBS today. Mary, that wears me out just reading it! Roxie, good job on steps! Everyone is passing me, I don't get any step credit when spinning. Ronne, yea, taking break from it today. I'm close to having things planned enough. I just get sidetracked when I find a new website. The Internet is a huge time waster! So tomorrow we are 'who cares'!
Mary, your kids sound like they are having a fantastic year so far! Ronne, the tests were heart tests for my mom. I watched the echo on Mon, tomorrow is the nuclear stress test. I did bc pm of BM2. Ha, I'll probably be the last post on the 40's thread ever! oh well, who cares? : D
Lol Jody! Way to end the thread!

We're now 'who cares' instead 40's! New October thread started, checkin there!

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