40s++ September: listening to our bodies

I did a Cathe live metabolic workout today. Jody, you are funny, our different styles compliment each other because my BFF (who I'm planning this Disney for) is just like you. Ronne, I think the fast pass system was revamped this last year, now you can have magic bands instead of a ticket that stores everything from dining, shopping, entrance, fast passes, etc. Roxie, I feel like my age is catching up to me sometimes (I hate to admit that). Mary, enjoy these years! Murphy, speaking of age, once Ronne hits 50 we need a new group name! Since you were the only one not to be 40 when this group was formed. I can't believe we are all 50+! Gotta run....
Hi all

Roxie - I've bet you've already forgotten what it was like to be on holiday!

Jody - sounds like a good workout.

Lisa - I didn't know you subscribed. I think I'm in between you and Jody! I'd plan out some of it but not all. Too much work! I think we need a new group name anyway, don't you? Can't think what though ...

Well, the broadband work is done, it went very smoothly thank goodness. So not too much interruption in my day. Haven't managed to work out yet. Think I'm going to do some yoga.
Off out tonight for dinner with a friend. Looking forward to it.
Hi girls! I'm back! Today did a barre workout. I can't believe we have all been "together" through an entire decade! Ronne, we raised over a thousand dollars for the band in 4 hours, selling corn!? Isn't that crazy? It will help finance the trip, especially for the kids whose parents can't swing it. Lisa, I'm not much of a planner, I don't know what I want for lunch in an hour, let alone in 6 months! I need someone like you to help me! Roxie, it's funny how we fall right back into the work mode and totatly forget our vacation. I can't believe I was off for 3 months! Jody, are you still prn at places or did you take a full time position? Hi Murphy! Hope everyone has a good day! Mary
Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Legs before work and it was crazy agsin good thing it was only for 4 hours then we headed to the lake.

Ronne -I remember and want to be back on vacation.

Jody- staff changes while I was gone and I get a new tech to work withand she is slow we are so far behind.

Lisa-yes we need a new name.
Hi everyone

Quick late check-in. Amy Bento Kickbox Surge done (premix). Cake baked and DD's German exchange partner has arrived. So quite busy!
I don't know where my time is going each day! Yesterday 5 mile walk and GG extreme, today, tired, RWH PLYO2 with lots of mods. Mary, Happy Birthday! Ronne, any special plans with the exchange student? Roxie, maybe Nifty Fifty's???? What's everyone think? Ronne, when are you officially 50?
Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Chest and Back this morning. I went to work at 8 and left at 6:30 tonight long day.

Lisa-I like it.

Mary-happy birthday
Lisa, maybe we should be Iffy Fifties-- ha ha, jk. Mary, I'm still part time at two places. Mostly nights at the closer place and overall getting 2-4 shifts a week since off season rather than 3 to 5. I need to look for FT, my insurance premium is way more than my per diem benefits. Ronne I saw cake and German in the same sentence and can't stop thinking of the German chocolate cake my grandma used to make. Roxie I did 630a to 9p the other day, I feel ya.

Happy Birthday Mary! Is it 50 for you as well? Sorry, I've lost track! Hope you have a lovely day.

Lisa - I've got over a year to go yet but I'm happy to be a young'un in the 50s group! How about 50s Get Over It!? Or something that doesn't even link to age at all. Perhaps Fitness Friends 10 (for 10 years)? That sounded like a tough workout day - I never touch extreme premixes.

Roxie - that is a long day.

Jody - how about white chocolate and raspberry which is what I made (filled with a cream and white chocolate layer)?

The German girl and DD seem to get on which is a relief. They're going swimming and shopping tomorrow, then we're all going to a chocolate place on Sunday (see it made, eat it, eat some more, walk around, eat some more ...)
RWH UBC done. Really enjoyed it.
Have a good weekend!
Hi, just dog walk. Shoulder blade muscles hurt from being at the computer and typing. Right where they said it would hurt after surgery. Guess they're still weak.

Some ideas for new name: age is just a number or who cares (as in we aren't defined by age)

Ronne, all that chocolate sounds like heaven!
Hi girls! Sorry to have been missing, just so much with work, kids, etc! I have been working out tho. Have been doing Cathe live workouts, today was legs, yesterday did kickboxing, arms are sore! Cannot remember Thursday! It must be the age! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Lisa, and I are now the same age! Lisa, hope you are feeling better today. Roxie, those long days are painful. I know my legs ache on Tuesdays! Ronne, how long with the girl be staying with you? I know here they switch for 11 months. Jody, is that hard keeping track where you are supposed to go? Hi Murphy! More running today, DS was invited to another schools homecoming dance, DD and other DS have a band show, tomorrow, DD and I and her BFF and her mom are going dress shopping for their homecoming next week. We went to look at their senior pictures, to take the proofs home, they wanted a $200 deposit, for each one!? To buy a package, only $1800 for the 2?! Ok, I'm done! Had to complain a little! Good day to all! Mary
Just dog walk, was wiped out today. Haven't been sleeping well then today I took 2 hr nap. Got me to thinking that I had just changed my estrogen patch and had felt bad (and hot flashes) since last estrogen patch. Is it possible to get a bad patch in the same box?

Lisa - I like Who Cares?! I actually made myself feel a bit sick with how much I ate yesterday!

Mary - wow, that's a heck of a lot for photos. That's ridiculous. Our German girl is only with us till Saturday, a bit shorter than 11 months!

Had a nice weekend. Enjoyed going round the chocolate factory yesterday - it was very interesting and fun. Didn't manage to get any workouts in. Done some yoga this morning.
Ronne, Who Cares was my favorite too! Maybe we have a new name!?! I also over ate yes with chocolate mousse! I blame you! Naw, I figure I'm just recharging my metabolism. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
hi all, I did triple tabata pm from cf yesterday before work. Today after short sleep I'm taking mom for echo of heart, nuclear stress test on Thurs. hope all is ok. Mary, good luck w/ pics, that sounds painful, I am sure you will find alternative. Om nom choco Ronne, though I've been abstaining for a while now. Lisa, can you pitch the patch and start fresh and see? Roxie, hope you are stretched out by now.
I did HR, TV pic went out in the middle of it! I was doing 1 arm rows looked at TV and thought, that's a dark picture, maybe it's my eyes, did the next set, looked up, no picture! Had to finish on my computer (thank goodness I have the download for it)! Mary, Senior year is expensive! Jody, I can abstain from alcohol easier than I can chocolate!
Good Evening,

I went for a walk over my lunch hour. I started coming down with a cold Saturday night while we were at DD's place spent the day couch shopping with her and Gs long day and I felt horrible all day didn't sleep well either night so I am taking nyquil before bed tonight.
Hi everyone

Roxie - bummer, hope you feel better soon.

Lisa - that's funny, that you thought it was your eyes! OK, so from Thursday we become Who Cares? Everybody in?

Jody - is that just regular tests or for something specific?

Mary - you're having your long day today aren't you? Put your feet up when you get home.

SC with Core 2 premix done. Core 2 is a @*&^% - kills me every time.
Work really erratic - nice long day with kids back a bit later than normal and I'm twiddling my thumbs! So annoying.
I did 60 min of spinning. Cool day today, feels like fall. Jody, how's your Mom? Ronne, I hated twiddling thumbs at work. I also hate spinning my wheels and going nowhere. That's how I'm feeling with my Disney planning. I think it's information overload, and I've been there a zillion times. I think I just want to make it as special as I can for my BFF. Off to walk the dog, school traffic should be cleared out by now. Bye!

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