Celebrating With You!!!


I am celebrating with you. As of this past Sunday, I have not had a drink in 12 years. I stopped drinking the day my beloved grandmother died (July 16, 1994) and never looked back. I was not a full-blown alcoholic, but I was sliding down a slippery slope. I traded Southern Comfort for Southern food (and 18 to 24 cans of Dr. Pepper a day) and binged my way up to 260 pounds. I walked away from alcohol and never looked back. I can testify that the food stronghold has been much harder to conquer, but I am finally learning to walk in health and wholeness instead of drugging myself with something. It is tough because I have a very addictive personality, but it can be done. I exercise my freedom and enjoy dessert and other treats in moderation, but I do not trust myself with just one drink. I would rather eat my calories than drink them anyway.

Congratulations to you and Angela and all the other clean and sober Cathe girls!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Celebrating With You!!!

Congrats.......I actually can relate. I a recovering drug addict......clean date 4/6/87.....same year as you.

It's no easy feat!! Stay strong!!
Rocky and I have been anticipating this inspirational post as well. You have a lot to be proud of - congratulations!:)
Congratulations, A-Jock. Everyone here is right -- you are an inspiration to us all. Well done!!


Thanks to everyone for their warm sentiments. I've always thrived on the support that is found here amongst us all, and it's always interesting, and gratifying, to me to see how everyone copes with her (and his) own individual challenges while building and maintaining a life of fitness and healthy habits.

Beloved Heather and Lorajc - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Sometimes you DO have to go through hell to get to heaven, the heaven of a healthy and real life, and it's sustaining to know others are walking that particular path as well.

And Letswork - your post moved me more than I can say. I do remember our communications earlier in 2005, and I must say I was quite concerned for you. I'm so proud of you, if I have any right to say that. And I want you know you have a sister here.

Thanks again to everyone! Let's get to our goals holding hands.

Oh, and btw - yes, I'm creating a mish-mosh in which Drill Max, Boot Camp and Kick Max blast challenge are prominently featured. Not bad considering that Drill Max hasn't even been produced yet.

Come my 20th anniversary next year, I'm celebrating by going to Cathe's Roadtrip if she has one.



"Come my 20th anniversary next year, I'm celebrating by going to Cathe's Roadtrip if she has one."

Miss Nettie-I'm holding you to that! And, Jilly and Jules better go too!


From a fellow friend of Bill W, I salute you.

I hope you found some fun and unique way to celebrate the gift of your life!

Thanks for being part of this forum. You're so knowledgeable and level-headed that I always look forward to reading your posts.

You go!
I applaud you A-jock! I love reading about this annual celebration of your! Thank you for giving others hope by sharing your story.
What else can I say that hasn't already been said?

Your constantly positive attitude and encouragement to the rest of us to push for our personal best is inspiring!

You go! Congratulations to you!

Susan L.G.

What an inspiration! I bet just posting that helped many, many people have hope for their own futures for whatever they're battling. Thank you for the positive energy.

: )

Wow AJ! Seems like just a few months ago we were celebrating your 18th.! What an awesome accomplishment and it is just so neat to see how much you enjoy life. Keep up the great job and we look forward to meeting you on a Cathe RT! Yeeeeah! CONGRATS!http://bestsmileys.com/excited/3.gif

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Just read this and need to add congratulations and say thank you. I have 4 years and 2 weeks and though doing very well in so many ways - life is a bit hard now and isolation has once again become my very good friend. I'm feeling a little sick today because an old 'friend' asked me to speak tonight and though I told her I hadn't been to meeting in a long time she still wanted me to share. So, your post along with what I'm doing tonight has made me realize that I can choose not to isolate simply by getting my body there. In so many cases it really is a better choice for me to do exactly what I don't want to do. You really are an inspiration - like everyone else I always read your posts - in fact if it wasn't for your reply to one of my posts I never would have attempted Imax 3 (another fear conquered!) Thank you.
Congratulations! What a major accomplishment. You should be real proud of yourself as we all are of you.

Congratulations! You are definitely a positive role model for people to take personal responsibilty for their lives in a positive way.

Thank YOU for being part of this forum. :*
Hi A-Jock,

Congratulations, what an inspiration you are. I've been a lurker for quite some time now and you're one of my favorite posters. Actually, when I started reading these boards I thought you were Cathe but with a different username. I love the workout advice you've given us and your mish-moshes are awesome.

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