What an inspiration you are! Thanks so much for sharing, and I agree with everyone else - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your strength in all things is awe inspiring.
Congratulations! You shoud be so incredibly proud. You are an inspiration to us all, not only physically, but mentally as well.

I'm not sure if you remember me, but you helped me over a year ago. I am proud to say that I have been alcohol free since May 22, 2005. It has been a glorious year and I am so proud of who I have become in the process. My negative family influences no longer wear me down and I am standing on my own two feet, making my own decisions.

Congratulations and my eternal thanks to you for getting me on the right path. I'll never, ever forget your kindness and the way you helped change my life.

Keep on rocking!
What a wonderful story. I have so much respect for you pulling yourself out of that dysfuntion. You have SO much to be proud of. Thank uou for starting the day on such a positive note:)

A-Jock, your are truly an inspiration! I congratulate you on your sobriety and the wonderful joys you've experienced and are continuing to enjoy in your life because of it.

I'll do a mish-mosh today in your honor! :)

Congratulations Annette, Thanks for sharing your history. I am so proud of you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)

Thanks for sharing.

I almost cried reading your post. I just want you know that you are among my very favorite person here and I never skip reading your post. Your writing just beams out your confidence and strong inner shelf. You have no idea how encourage that is to someone who needs to hear it

Thanks for being an example for us to follow.

Cheers to your accomplishment and for many more years of continue success.:) :)
You have truly been such a role model to me. I can't even begin to describe how your post has touched me and strengthened my resolve against my own addiction (food.) Thank you for sharing and a big hearty CONTGRATS!!!

I always enjoy reading your posts. I've even gotten daring and done a few of your mish-moshes. }(


Congratulations an infinite number of times! You are a brave woman! What an awesome accomplishment! No doubt it was one of the most difficult things you have ever had to do in your life. I am giving you a standing ovation! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Now if I could only be as brave and try one of your mish moshes! :p

You were the first person to reach out and help me with the confusing way (at the time) of exercising. And as I can see, you have touched many others as well.

Because of you, I've learned a lot about rotations and how to fit it in my schedule. Now, I am able to do big girl workouts.

You are an amazing person. Thank you for the courage to tell us about your life. Perhaps by doing this, it could save someone else from an alcoholic death, by reading your story and being inspired to live a better life as you have.

We need you in this world, drill max it is.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

If I had a bald head, my skull'd be gleaming for you right now. Instead, I'm bobbing my ponytail in your honor.

You're such an inspiration to me. Your fitness level, your kindness, your brevity, wit, I could go on and on.

You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!!! I have read a lot of your posts here, offering advice and wisdom to those who have less exercise experience. You are a huge asset to those of us who have questions. You are a huge asset to anyone who needs inspiration to overcome something and improve her life! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself here. It means a lot to many people.


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