10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may not know...

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

What a weird and fun topic!

Here goes:

1. I know all the words to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Every lyric and every line of dialogue from start to finish.

2. I am extraordinarily terrified of sharks (I can't even get in a swimming pool because of it.)

3. I have five fairly large tattoos, but I wear clothes that cover them all the time.

4. My favorite color is charcoal grey.

5. Before I got braces as a kid, I had to have ten teeth pulled.

6. I was in college for 10 years.

7. My brother got married last Tuesday and I didn't go. :(

8. I love Indian food.

9. I'm completely and hopelessly in love with a man that doesn't love me.

10. I adore British comedies (A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Black Adder, Young Ones, etc.)
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

1. I dated my husband for 13 years before we married.
2. Regarding said husband, he didn't propose, we just agreed to get married on a mutually convenient date.
3. I coach a team of 5 and 6 year olds for Destination Imagination
4. I'm a land use / zoning lawyer but prefer my full time mothering job.
5. I can crack my gum so that it sounds like a machine gun for about 20 seconds straight (WOW - it that annoying)
6. I have a psychotic postal lady who really makes me question civil service protection.
7. Between my husband and I (both in our 40's) we have 19 sets of aunts and uncles all still living but for one uncle.
8. I think obesity, type II diabetes and their ramifications present a HUGE problem for our economy that must be addressed!
9. I love it hot and humid in the summer so I can sweat like a pig outside (do pigs sweat?)
10. I hate to fight (why am I a lawyer?)

1. My favorite musician is also Prince, followed closely by Bruce Cockburn and Tom Petty.
2. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride.
3. My favorite song is American Girl.
4. I love really hot chicken wings, with french fries and beer. But my favorite food is cheeseburgers!
5. I spent a month in the hospital when I was 19 after I fell 28' off the balconey at my hotel in Daytona, on Spring Break. I broke my pelvis and later got a blood clot in the other leg.
6. I was hit from behind by a car while walking my bicycle on the shoulder of the road. I only got bruises from that, but I was literally knocked out of my sneaker.
7. I want to learn how to fence and I'd like to sky-dive on my 40th birthday.
8. I have gone skinny-dipping, but never with men.
9. I was always the last picked for teams in gym class.
10. I wasn't asked to my high school prom.

Edited: I'm an INFP.
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Oooh, this is so interesting! I read every post!

Here is mine...

1. I am 37, divorced with two boys aged 13 and 6.

2. I am profoundly deaf but can hear reasonably well with a hearing aid, when I am looking at you and you actually open your mouth while speaking. :) We are just learning how to sign.

3. Most people think my "accent" indicates I am either from Brooklyn or France. I am sure the French are happy to know they sound like they are from Brooklyn! Hehehe. :eek:

4. I have a master's degree in Instructional Technology and finished first in my class. Eh-hem. I am a little competitive. ;-)

5. I have not had a drink since November 13, 2002. (The day Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.)

6. Like Luna, I am TERRIFIED of sharks! I am convinced I was eaten by one in a previous life. When we are at the beach, I spend the entire time scanning the horizon....

7. I am an ENTJ and have that small problem of always ending up in charge of everything.

8. My 3 brothers, 1 sister, 2 sons, 3 nephews, 2 nieces and I all have the same lips, eyes, and facial shape. You can pick us out of a crowd.

9. I used to write creatively before I got paid to write technically. My secret goal is to be a successful novelist and leave Corporate America forever.

10. I am an avid reader and am trying to read 52 books in 52 weeks.

Edited to add....I LOVE John Denver and Neil Diamond! lol

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Okay, here's mine! :)

1) I have lived in New Jersey all of my life.

2) I love motorcycles and DH and I dream of owning a Harley one day!

3) I have 2 tatoos...intend to get a 3rd one day.

4) I love country music and country line dancing...even went down to TN about 4-5 years ago for Fan Fair, the country music festival!

5) I exercised for 30 minutes per day for 5 out of the 7 days I was on my honeymoon (2 years ago).

6) I love anchovies but I can't stand eggs!

7) My parents divorced when I was 5 but became best friends and my mom and step-mom (dad's new wife) became friends as well.

8) I only have ONE first cousin.

9) I don't mind washing dishes too much but I hate loading a dishwasher.

10) My ex-boyfriend set me and my DH up on our first date.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Ok, this is irresitable. :) And I don't remember seeing it when it orginally went around, but here's my spam to add to it.

1. I'm about to turn 46 and I'm in the best shape of my life.
2. I used to teach ice skating, but haven't skated in 5 years.
3. I take a weekly ballet class and have for years.
4. I've kept a journal since I was 8 years old.
5. I met my boyfriend on an online forum about J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series.
6. I've been to Russia twice in my life.
7. I want to go live in "Enchanted April" for a while--or at least have that type of vacation.
8. I want to learn how to ride a horse and take a vacation on horseback.
9. I've never gone camping.
10. I like to knit when I'm not working out.
11. I could go on forever with these. : )
Oh my. What DOES one reveal in such situations? Oh well, here goes:

1. I don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol - I've never had a drink, never been drunk.
2. My favourite band is Tool - Maynard James Keenan could rip my fingernails out as long as he was singing while he did it.
3. I absolutely adore techno music and yes, I've been to raves. Several, in fact.
4. I've been married twice. I now live with a man 10 years my junior.
5. I spent my teen years living in Europe with my Mom and Dad.
6. I have one child - a girl - Sophie, who is 7, going on 21.;)
7. I seem hard as nails, but I actually cry at stupid things like long-distance commercials and Disney movies.
8. I have one tattoo, a pierced belly button, pierced right nostril and two piercings in each ear.
9. Before I die, I would like to learn to drive standard and fire a hand gun (and I have no idea why).
10. I am the worst singer in the whole wide world (I inherited that title from my Mom).
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Where was I when this thread started?
Here's my list:

1. I was born in Saskatchewan and am living there now but have lived in 2 other provinces.
2. We name our pets after food - Candy (German Shepherd), Honey (Pom), Taffy (Collie), Sugar & Spice (cats),etc. etc.
3. Apparently went out with my dh for a coke a year before we started to date and he spilled coke all over me...and I don't even remember it.
4. Youngest in a family of 10 kids
5. My closest sister in age is 6' tall - I'm 5'2"
6. Got married 19 years ago at 19 years old!
7. Got pregnant with all three of my children while using birth control - #1 the pill, #2 the sponge, #3 the condom.
8. Love chocolate.
9. Love to knit and read at the same time.
10. Follower of Jesus
Ok here it goes!!!!!

1. I'm 32, married 9 years in July and have three little girls.
2. I went to school with my husband and sat behind him in eleventh grade and never spoke but hi and bye to him.
3. I am the youngest of three sisters and my husband is the youngest of three brothers.
4. I graduated tenth in my class and never went to college.
5. Found out I was pregnant two months before my wedding and one week after I bought my dress.(needless to say it needed to be sized)
6. My father had a brain anyerizm(spelling) this summer while on vacation with us. (He made it)
7. My mother is five years breast cancer free last week.
8. I have twin sisters (one is getting married for the third time and one is getting divorced for the third time) Go Figure!!
9. I have an irrational fear of getting breast cancer.
10. I am a homeschooler.
When I lived in Chicago it was the fun girls day out to get tickets to Oprah. She is the home town girl there and we all love her because she IS Chicago. I went with my gal pals to a show that was about estranged families (who has seen that one a hundred times). The family was reported not to have spoken in 16 years or something and they gave away during the last 5 minutes of the taping that they had reconciled only a week before. Needless to say, the show was a bomb! Sally the famous stage manager asked people in the audience if they would like to come back and tape another show the next Monday to make up for it. She also asked us if we had some extra time and if we could stay late - who doesn't have extra time to hang with Oprah. The show that they were filming was on "white lies" and social lies and how much more women are believed than men. I had to tell a story and a guy had to tell a story, and then we both told the other person's story on tape. My tape was the one chosen for the show. We had to keep a journal for the weekend on how many times we lied and bring it. Oprah brought the guy and I down to the mic when she played my tape. The audience voted that the guy was lying and I wasn't. I was lying, but much more believable.
She was very nice to us and gave us Oprah t-shirts during the taping and we were treated like rock stars.
I always have a soft spot for her and even though I don't live in Chi town anymore, she's still my girl.

My friend also used moonlight as the weekend super in her building and he has been in her huge condo - he says that it is unbelievable.
This is such a COOL thread!

1) Met my hubby in junior high, dated at 16, and married at 20.
2) Been married almost 15 years and have six children. (I wanted ten but have changed my mind.)
3) Was a cheerleader for three years
4) Have never been off the continent....only country I've been to is Canada and would love to go back.
5) Grew up in Michigan and now live in TX.
6) Sometimes I like rap songs (don't tell my kids). :p
7) I love elderly people. I have a respect for them...someone has to care, right?
8) I have given birth to three of my children at home with a midwife. One waterbirth, one footling breech (I do not recommend a homebirth with a breech).
9) I like to watch: The Amazing Race, forensic files, Dr. G, Trauma (Any medical show.)
10) I WANT to be a NURSE!!!!
11) I used to be a dancer.
OH! Excellent Thread!!!! (Even if we did have to revive it:)

let's see:

i started singing jazz in bars when i was 12

i detest commercials (radio and tv)

i had a pen pal on death row(pretty interesting!)

i have had 3 almost-death experiences

i can brush my teeth using my toes to hold the toothbrush

i am VERY afraid of rodents and being under water

i love Marilyn Monroe

i have always wished my name was Jenna and if i have a daughter i am going to name her that

i love salsa dancing

i have never been to the opera, but have always wanted to go

Oh cool! I want in...

1.I grew up in MD
2.I was extremely obese my whole life until I lost 150 lbs at 16
3.I am a lifetime weight watchers member since 1992
4.Exercise is my ultimate stress reliever - I tend to overdo in times of stress (as some of you might of figured already)
5.I'm a type A personality all the way
6.I'm a wine snob after going to New Zealand for my honeymoon
7. My son is my first and he is my world
8.I've been married since 10/02
9.I've never found anyone who kicks my bootie like Cathe
10.I eat healthy but I love me some good junk food every now & again - hello chocolate, I love you!!!

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Hi I originally posted on this thread over a year ago when it was first started and so I thought I would add two more things:

1) I am an INTP

2) I was an apprentice ballet dancer with a major ballet company in NYC for 2 summers when I was a teenager. I then decided to go to college and then grad school but continued to make time for ballet even in grad school, I was able to take several ballet classes/week in Philadelphia.

Oh heck...I am repasting my post from over a year ago here to keep things together.

1. I've never married and have no kids, but I have a neice and nephew that I love to death.

2.I never knew my first name till I was in kindergarden (my family called me by a nickname and never told me my real name but enrolled me in school under my legal baptismal name). Was very confusing for awhile.

3.I love to read. My latest favorite "take me away from it all' book is Daughter of the Forest by Julliet Marillier.

4. I am a science geek. I have a Ph.D in Molecular Virology and am a founder of a biotech company.

5.I love to watch figure skating and Sasha Cohen is my all time favorite skater.

6.I love Disney World.

7.I hate the window seat of airplanes. The view when the plane banks gets me sick.

8.I am a Sagitarrius.

9.I like to watch old movies on the old movie network.

10. Paul Revere and the Raiders was my favorite band when I was a kid.
:D Wow! We are a cool group!

1. I am 34 years old
2. I have been married 14 yrs and have 3 kids. One girl,12
and 2 boys,10,8
3. I will be the mom of a teenager in a week and feel very underqualified.
4. I live on a farm. We have cows and goats.
5. I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist and love my job.
6. I have been using fitness vids/dvd for 12 years.
7. I raise a huge garden every summer and keep my freezer stocked with the bounty from the garden.
8. I can drive tractors and use farm equipment.
9. I work part time and take care of all the household so hubby can work all he wants.
10. I love white water rafting!

:D Renee
Fun thread!

1. I am married to DH for 10 years and have two beautiful children ages 9 & 4.

2. Ran off to Vegas to get married.

3. I am a compulsive shopper...tee hee

4. I am an avid coffee drinker.

5. I am an Aquarius.

6. Love all types of Asian food.

7. Smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 18 years.

8. I should own stock in Bath & Body works.

9. I have had my belly button pierced since I was 16 and it made it through 2 pregnancies.

10. I love scary movies!

Hey Renee

I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist also! I taught RT in upstate NY in the late 80's. I haven't worked in the field since my 3rd child was born in 1991. I'm sure ventilators are much different now, LOL!

PS My former forum name was Likes2bfit and I replied to this post with that name last year.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

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