10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may not know...

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

1. I am a Christian.
2. I've been engaged 3x; been married to the 3rd guy who proposed for 18 years. Third time is the charm!
3. We have a 17 yr old daughter who is graduating HS in June.
4. Our parents have each been married only once and are still married - 44 years+ - both couples!
5. I love all genres of music EXCEPT rap.
6. I can eat chocolate til I feel nauseous and when the feeling passes, eat some more!
7. I have been weight training for 23 years and won 2nd place in the middleweight group of the U.S. All Natural Bodybuilding Championship in 1999. (First and only contest I ever entered! The owner of the gym I worked at encouraged me to go for it and paid my entry fee!)
8. I exercise and have a healthy lifestyle because my body is a temple.
9. I love dogs.
10. I log on to this forum almost everyday!

This is a great thread!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

1. I was 40 lbs overweight from age 10 to age 17.
2. I refused to let that happen again and it hasn't.
3. I started as a Kelly girl where I am working now. Over a 24 year period, I've worked my way up through the ranks, got my undergrad and Masters and am still working for the same company but in middle management where I will retire with a good pension.
4. My peers voted me MVP in 2002 which placed me in the top 10% of a corporation which employs over 100,000 people in a field dominated by men.
5. I had asthma as a child which I outgrew at age 22.
6. My first husband and I eloped. I was 19, he was 17. It was a 21 year disaster.
7. My father and first husband are alcoholics.
8. My daughter dropped out of high school and has turned out to be a valuable member of society and a wonderful wife and mother.
9. I have a nine year old grand-daughter.
10. I married the second time to a man that has an undergrad in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in Psychology and is a Licensed Mental Health counselor and the most generous man on earth.
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...


1. I was in two Broadway shows
2. I have 3 ferrets (love them)
3. I married my prom date.

4. Bought our first house in April
5. I live in NJ
7. I work at Bliss spa in Soho
8. I bite my nails terribly. Since I was a kid
9. I'm protestant and my husband in Jewish
10. I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Just tried clomid>(fingers crossed)

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

I guess I left out number 6
6. my favorite movie is Steel Magnolia's
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Ok, here I go!

1. I moved to DC to go to college (Howard U.). Met my husband in the area and stayed! I've been here for 15 years. (Herndon, VA)
2. I got married in Barbados in 1997
3. I am a horror fiction author with 6 Bram Stoker Recommendations under my belt (www.lmariewood.com)
4. I am a serious horror movie buff... even though they scarethe tar out of me!
5. I have 2 cats - they are brothers and are 12 years old.
6. I used to collect coins until the harsh reality that there wasn't any money at the end of the rainbow set in (at least not for the grade I had!)
7. My new hobby is scrapbooking
8. I took the trip I had been waiting for for 25 years last year - Egypt!!!!
9. I am a HUGE boxing fan
10. My passion is sundresses
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Really cool Lisa! Just went to your web site. Think I'll try on your books but sounds like I'll have to sleep with the lights on. LOL

I had NO idea you were an author! How great! Not sure I should confess this to you...hubby & I go to the movies EVERY Saturday night and the ONLY ones we don't go to see are the horror movies. I don't know if I could sleep after them. I might just have to buy one of your books and see if I can get past that fear! BTW, loved your "sundress passion"! Too cute!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Lisa!

1)I'm 39 and married 13 years. Live in the suburbs of Philly.

2)I have 2 kids, both born on April 21st that are 3 years apart.

3)I was born in India, but lived most(36yrs) of my life here.

4)I understand my native tongue fully, but respond in English only(as do the rest of my brothers and sisters).

5)I love silly little romantic type movies... for ex. "Never Been Kissed Before" or "Pretty Women"...I get sucked in everytime.

6)I'm uncomfortable speaking to people face to face, but I can go on for hours and hours on a phone.

7)Deep down(most days), I like when men make nice comments when I pass by. It makes me feel alive, and if I'm having a bad day, it puts me on cloud nine.

8)My parents had an arranged marriage(she was 16, he was 26}( ). Her maiden name was the same name as her married name, too.

9)I've gone skinny dipping and been fined for it, too. I had a gun pointed towards me and then handcuffed. I'm really a good girl!:+

10)I don't want to grow up! I like who I am today. I happy with what I've done in life so far. I'm in the best shape of my life.

11)I'm starting to realise that maybe I've always have ADD or at least an adult version of it.

12) I worry way too much!
RE: Lisa!

Janice, how in the world did you dig this up? You really ARE the researcher I believe you to be!:)

Ok...here goes:

1. I live in San Diego but I grew up in Mission Viejo which is about 80 miles north of here.
2. I have also lived in Hawaii, Japan, and Maine
3. I have always wanted to live on a farm and have horses
4. I am the youngest of five and we all still get together at my parents house (the same one we all grew up in) for holidays and we are all very close. I think I am very lucky.
5. When we moved to Maine, we took two weeks and drove across country to get there.
6. I know more about sports than my husband
7. I have climbed to the top of Mt Fuji
8. I have one dog and one cat and if I could I would take home all of the animals at the shelter.
9. I'm going back to school to be a nurse
10. I believe chocolate chip cookies are their own food group

and, I'm an ISFJ.

:) Nicole
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Okay, here goes...

1. I've been married for 13 years and am childless by choice
2. I counted mosquitoes for a summer job in college.
3. I jumped out of a plane once and was also a scuba divemaster for a number of years
4. When we retire, we're selling the house, moving aboard our boat, and heading south.
5. I'm 46 and I'm in the best shape of my life thanks to Cathe!
6. In high school my best friend dated Bruce Willis.
7. I was a music major in college but now I'm a programmer/analyst.
8. I'm a DIY kind of gal and own my own power tools.
9. Quilting and family tree research are two of my favorite hobbies.
10. I am a compulsive list maker. If I don't have it on a list it just doesn't get done!
1. I live in Chicago and Victoria (50/50).
2. I am 25 years younger than my husband whom I met at work.
3. I have no kids, nor do I want any.
4. I love exercizing with Cathe, but I also love taking step classes in a Victoria gym. As good as Cathe, maybe better.
5. I love shopping online and in person.
6. My parents have been divorced since I was 4, but they get together during all the major holidays. Go figure.
7. I hate going on vacation, where I cant either go to the gym or workout to Cathe tapes.
8. I just had my long blond hair cut short (shaggy) and high/low lighted.
9. I work in a lab doing research on Parkinson's Disease for half of the year.
10. I enjoy reading mystery novels, except scary ones; because I am a wimp.
10 things about patti;

1. i am 42(feel great), have a 17 year old son,been with my
boyfriend for 11 years(will eventually get married)
2. i am an absolute freak for fairies
3. took my first real vacation to Florida last summer(have never
been very far out of Michigan)
4. i love country singer and guitarist Keith Urban, not bad to
look at either.
5. after my son gets through college, i want to go back to college
to study horticulter
6. i believe in dreams, their meanings and their messages
7. i am eating chocolate ice cream while i type this
8. i am the most loyal friend you could ever have
9. i believe all good religions are the same thing just explained
with different words
10. i think we make our own happiness, but threads like this
one really help.

thanx for listening!:+
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

I love this thread! Here's my story

1. I live in Pennsville NJ (not far from Cathe's gym, but I haven't visited yet)
2. For my 40th birthday, my husband arranged a trip for us to the Poconos. As it was a suprise to me, he worked out arrangements for the kids and even phoned my work to arrangd my vacation!
3. I have a 75 gallon aquarium and keep African Cichlids.(fish truly are amusing)
4. I'm a girl scout leader and an Avon lady.
5. My family(2 daughters, 13,11 $ 1 son, 15) think I'm nuts for waking at 4:30 am to workout
6. I hate that I get tired so early at night, but I love my morning workouts
7. I have 3 cats, only one of which really cares about if I'm around or not.
8. I have more exercise DVD's than movies.
9. I just had my kitchen totally redone and I'm in awe everytime I enter the room!
10. I fell off my step once in front of my DH and was totally embarassed! I hate to workout in front of the family.

1. I am 37 years young.
2. I have lived in Montana my whole life except for 4 years in Colorado for veterinary school.
3. I met my husband in a bar August 17, 1989. We got married Jan. 4, 1992.
4. My favorite TV movie ever is Lonesome Dove.
5. My favorite TV sitcom ever is/was Seinfeld.
6. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption.
7. My favorite food is mexican (enchiladas especially)
8. I have no children by choice, but consider my dogs "my babies"
9. I recently burned a CD with both Sara Evans and Eminem songs on it.
10. I am the youngest of 4 children and the only girl.

This has been fun.....I feel like I know you all better already!!
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

1. I grew up in Minnesota, but moved to California (San Francisco) in 1980 and don’t miss those Minnesota winters at all!

2. I do miss thunderstorms, hot summer nights, intense fall colors and peonies (we can’t grow them here).

3. I am an out and proud lesbian.

4. I have been with my partner for 19 years, and she is still the love of my life.

5. I have been doing step aerobics and Cathe tapes since 1991. A brochure that provided information on where to order the first Step-n-Motion video came with my step. I bought it and loved it, and have been buying her videos ever since.

6. My favorite vacations are active vacations—usually, hiking in mountains.

7. I am a “recovering” lawyer—-switched to being a corporate law librarian 3 years ago, and now I absolutely love my job.

8. I love roller coasters. My favorite is the one at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz.

9. I am addicted to Chai Tea Lattes from Starbucks.

10. I never passed a single one of those presidential fitness tests in school—not one, not once. (But, thanks to Cathe, I’m very fit now!:) )
Cool thread.

1. I turn 40 in June and am depressed about it. But I'm determined to reach my goal weight (5 more pounds) before then.

2. Was married on my 22nd birthday. We have been married almost 18 years and are happier now than we've ever been.

3. My favorite book is "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I read it once every year. Reminds me that my life is pretty good.

4. I never wanted to be a mother, then I had 2 kids 11 months apart. They are 12 and 13 now, and the most treasured things in my life.

5. I work for a small college and love it because it makes me feel young being around all of those students.

6. I wish I knew how to sing and dance really well, but am too self-conscious to learn.

7. Hate seafood and sailing, but live in the crabcake and sailing capital of America. Go figure.

8. If I could have any job in the world I'd either be an actress or a book reviewer.

9. I have a bit of chocolate every day.

10. I love to shop for clothes. This month I have a $300 bill on my Gap card that I have to somehow pay without my hubby finding out. x(

BTW, I think you are all just fabulous. This board is very dear to me.


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