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  1. L

    Music for Crossfire/To The Max

    Music Here's where to get some of the soundtracks - Body Max 2 is one of the choices. B&K HOWE MUSIC ::  AS SEEN ON TV!  ::  CATHE FRIEDRICH OF FitTV
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    From Our Home To Yours

    Merry Christmas!! Thanks for all you do!
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    I'm thinking of selling some of my new dvds

    I will keep them all even if I can't do all the moves! I love my Cathe workouts, but I modify with reckless abandon! I still get a great workout!
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    We're are now Shipping Shock Cardio!

    Shocked over shipping! I am not on the forums a lot so am a bit out of the loop... I just got my email - I had no clue these would be shipping so soon!! I am totally in SHOCK! Mine will be here the 24th..Merry Christmas to me!!
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    how should you feel....

    I am doing meso 2 and I know that after each set, I do not really feel that I could do any more....mostly it has been very tough, but I have managed to finish the set.... Some sets I have not been able to finish (just started week 3 yesterday and found it very tough, especially for shoulders)...
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    Anyone else finding they need a rack for meso 2?

    We need the power tower! I was just scanning the posts for an update on the power tower for this same reason. I was very afraid with the 45 pound barbell and it's only going to be heavier next week! Looks like I will switch to barbells....but Cathe, we really need that power tower soon!!! I...
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    Weight Watchers Check In- Saturday 12/2

    Hi I took a rest day today. GS Legs in on deck for tomorrow, provided my younger DD takes a nap! Have a good one!
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    Weight watchers TGIF 12/1

    I did cardio today - from C&W and then from LIC to make about an hour. I am alternating the GS series with cardio and circuits...but am considering switching to the rotation Cathe posted. Are a lot of you doing the same rotation? I am doing okay on my points today. I know you were...
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    WeightWatchers 11/28 TUESDAY

    Hi I am going to go to WI tomorrow and not talk myself out of it or get "too busy" with work! I did my monthly WI early last week so it has been quite some time now since my last WI. I have managed to wait until the last possible chance this month. If I skip it, I'll have to pay next time...
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    Weight Watchers Check In Sun. 11/26

    Hi Do you guys mind if I join you? I have been at the Yayas WW checkin for a long time, but it is so dead now and I need more some support right now. I have been a lifetime WW member for almost exactly a year now, but have been trying to lose more since my goal weight was at the top of...
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    Thanks Cathe!

    I second that- I love the blog. Thank you so much! I check it every morning for updates and I am so excited about these workouts. Thanks for all you do for us! Lori
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    So, how was your appointment?

    Hi I don't visit here often, but came over to check with the same question. Hope all is well! Lori
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    Low Max 2

    Keep the Low Maxes coming!
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    Lowmax too easy anyone?

    I do love it and hope Cathe will make more like this for those of us who prefer less impact.
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    EXPERIENCED MOMS ...When do you work out?

    Always worked best for me to just let DH have the baby while I exercised and then showered. I found letting the baby cry if he got fussy during a work out was very distracting and frustrating. With my last baby, now I am able to workout during my lunch hour. I also have tried at night, but am...
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    positive Trisomy 18 AFP screen

    Lisa, I am so glad everything came back normal! Lori
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    Weight loss while breastfeeding

    >I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I >only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as >much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to >working out. It could be that your baby is needing less milk at night and you are producing less. Supply...
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    Maternity and a frustrated fitness instructor

    I luckily am able to work out during the day while the kids are at daycare. Exercise is a priority in my life, and I will always find a way. My DH is also always willing to watch the baby also. I do not lose the weight quickly - I still have 20 pounds to go. I lost 25 within 2 weeks...
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    Maternity and a frustrated fitness instructor

    Hi Janette - this is my first post too. I can relate. Despite best intentions, I was never able to maintain my fitness throughout my pregnancies. My last pregnancy was my best, and all I was able to manage was a prenatal yoga video maybe twice a week, and some sporatic walking. I gained 60...