Maternity and a frustrated fitness instructor


Active Member
Hi everybody:
This is my first post in this site, but I love Cathe's work for a long time.
I'm a clinical psychologist as well as a group fitness instructor. I'm currently pregnant for the first time; 36 weeks. I was teaching 5 classes per week whent I got pregnant. I got very dizzy (sinus)and stay only with the sculpting class. Tried pregnancy workouts on DVD's... too dizzy even for the yoga sitting on the floor. I have fibromilagia and have been extremely exhausted, unable to take my meds I had to deal with it in a different way. I hasn't been that bad.
I recovered part of my energy by the 4th month. Started walking with a friend and felt great, I increased frequency to 3 times a week. I moved to a different borough and stopped working in the gym. By my 6th month I had a maternity induced fainting spell and ended in the hospital. Prescription: rest. When I did my next exercise session... early contractions started and ended in the hospital. I got an IM and they stopped. Prescription: Tons of water and rest. I had to stop working in the psych-hospital for 2 weeks. Months 7,8,9 I have been doing exercise (pregnancy workout videos)once a week, very mild I feel great and water retention gets reduced, I can even grab my feet when stretching... next day I have more difficulty walking and some abdominal discomfort.
I had always dream about teaching through my pregnancy, or at least staying fit, at least my arms, upper back and chest... none of that. I have gain 54 pounds; 7 in the first trimester and then 5-10 per month!!!!!
I need help!!!!! Support!!!! Anybody have something to say about this. Also after giving birth I would like to continue hearing from you so I can go back to the one that I used to be.
Hi Janette - this is my first post too. I can relate. Despite best intentions, I was never able to maintain my fitness throughout my pregnancies. My last pregnancy was my best, and all I was able to manage was a prenatal yoga video maybe twice a week, and some sporatic walking. I gained 60 pounds with each pregnancy. The good news is, I lost it all every time, and then some, but it takes me time. I have 3 children. My youngest is 9 months now. Everybody is different. Take care.
Hi Janette!

I always listened to my body pre-pregnancy, letting it decide when I push too hard, and when to kick things up. Now with my pregnancy, I can never kick things up a notch, and I find it very frustrating. What helps me is to imagine how I'd feel in my pregnancy without being fit to start off with. I'd be dragging my ass!!!

Last Wed. my doc informed me I had gained 9 pounds in one month, and I was in total shock. On the other hand, I know I will lose all the extra weight eventually. Listen to your body. It knows what's best for baby. Hang in there, Janette!

Jennifer V
24 weeks
Thank you guys for your words. Lauri, how long it took you to get back in shape? What did you do to manage baby demands vs workouts?

Jennifer, Is this your first pregnancy too? If your body is surprising you with this particular weight gain (like me) how can you know for sure that you will lose ALL the extra weight? What is your plan to workout after the baby is born? Do you have a relative to leave the baby with while you workout? Are you planning to do it at home or to go to a gym? Congratulations on your 24 weeks!!!.:D

I'm pretty sure I had loss muscle mass and I can't get that back with light dumbels, I had always train my legs with a substantial amount of weight. I joined a gym that has day care, I will start God willing on April. I hope that my baby's mood goes along with my plans. I also have videos to hopefully workout at home too.

Hi Janette-
I, too, am a group fitness instructor, for 8 1/2 years now. Just like you, I thought I would have no problem teaching and working out during my pregnancy. I was in the best shape of my life when I got pregnant, but as the pregnancy progressed it started to take a toll on my body. The cardio classes I taught were very high intensity so I (very reluctantly) gave those up early on and just taught yoga. Eventually, I gave up teaching fitness altogether (even subbing) to just concentrate on my pregnancy. I was very lucky to be able to work full time from my home so that gave me some flexibility to time workouts when I felt my best.

When the morning sickness and fatigue kicked in during the first trimester I had to back down my workouts to 2-3 per week. During the second trimester and the energy recovery, I was able to workout a little harder 4-5 times per week. But then I got plantar fascitis (sp?), sciatic nerve problems on both sides, and general back pain. The last four months of my pregnancy I couldn't walk for longer than 10 minutes my feet were so sore. Pretty much all I could do was light weights sitting on a stability ball and a weekly prenatal yoga class. Eventually even the yoga was too painful to do standing and I had to modify all the standing moves to sitting or kneeling! I gained 44lbs.

My daughter was born in August and today I have 10lbs to lose. This week I go back to teaching group fitness. Though I still have more work to do to get back to my pre-pregnancy fitness level and weight, I can say now I'd do it all over again because my daughter is just a precious, little bundle of joy!

It sounds to me like you've managed your pregancy and fitness very well by listening to your body. That's the most important thing. You should regain your fitness and pre-pregnancy weight with the same discipline you had prior to getting pregnant with the added fun of being a new mom! And you will be able to teach group fitness again, too, if you want. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

Nora Evelyn born 8/23/04
Hi, Diana:

Congratulations for Nora Evelyn. Feels very good (ironically) hearing people that had gone through similar situations. Sorry for what happened to you, but sounds like you are feeling great right now. According to what you said, you lost 33 pounds in 4 months, did you workout at home? What was the baby doing while you were working out? I need ideas!!!!
Because of this encouraging site, today I managed to do 45 minutes of Max. fat burning - The Firm, and 30 min of chest and back from Cathe. I'm limping, but just a little...lets see how I feel tomorrow.:)

First, give yourself a break. Your body is doing one of the most incredible things ever, and your body is getting ready for the labor and delivery process. You are doing the very best thing for you and your baby by listening to your body.

Diana is correct... "You should regain your fitness and pre-pregnancy weight with the same discipline you had prior to getting pregnant with the added fun of being a new mom". Your body will return with time and patience and discipline.

I gained 44 pounds with my first and 47 with my second... I even worked out through each pregnancy. After my daugheter (first child), I was within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight at 6 weeks. I hung on to those 10 pounds until I stopped nursing. It only took about a month to drop those last 10 pounds after I stopped nursing. Since I had my son, I have lost 42 pounds. I plan to stop nursing in the next couple of weeks and expect the last few pounds to come off more easily after that.

I have always worked out at home. I fit my workouts in when I have the time and just enough energy. My 4 year old likes to workout with me, so she is no problem. The baby can make it a challenge. These are things I do to work around the baby:
1) workout when he naps
2) workout when my Dh is home and can care for him
3) put him in his saucer, swing, floor activity toy, or on a blanket with toys while I workout
4) my mom is avaiable to watch him if I need her

Take care of yourself! Join us for weekly check-in after you have your baby and are cleared for exercise.
You are sooo sweet, thank you. It really help to hear empowering stories like yours. You have accomplished a lot. I'll definitely try your ideas.
You are so welcome! You will get there too! The end of pregnancy can be difficult. I would tell my DH the baby was never coming... I was just going to keep expanding. Well, that is certainly not the case. Frustration is not uncommon. Your baby will be here soon, and he or she will love you (just as you are... no stipulations)! This may not make you feel better, but babies love to snuggle to our soft postpatum bodies.

Take care and let us know how things are going and definitely share your birth story!
I luckily am able to work out during the day while the kids are at daycare. Exercise is a priority in my life, and I will always find a way. My DH is also always willing to watch the baby also.

I do not lose the weight quickly - I still have 20 pounds to go. I lost 25 within 2 weeks after delivery, and only 15 since. It will be easier to lose after I stop nursing. I am so jealous of the women who are back to their prepregnancy weights so quickly! Best wishes to you. Lori
Ok, I am confused....I swear I read more than once that breast feeding HELPS you to lose weight after the baby is born but from what I am reading it seems that everyone's weight loss was slow until after breast feeding was stopped.

Any clarification on this would be great!

Have a great work out!
~Wendy~ We don't stop laughing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop laughing...Put more laughter into your life.

Wendy - from my experience (2 babes of my own, plus discussions with lots of mama-friends) breast feeding did help me lose most of the weight rather quickly (like within a month or so) but then I seemed to hang onto about 3-5 pounds that wouldn't budge until after I stopped. They came off within a few weeks, so I'm pretty sure it was related. Maybe had something to do with maintaining enough body fat to produce milk (not sure, just guessing)? I also didn't get my period while bf'ing (not everyone's experience) and I know that helped me with some weight loss, too.

Janette - don't worry - how do you 'know' that you'll lose the weight afterwards? Just read through your first post! Sounds like a pretty active lifestyle you've got going there!! You certainly don't sound like someone who would be sitting around, anyway.

Relax and try to enjoy these last weeks. Sounds funny, I know, but these months are so precious - you're growing a person, for heavens sake :D ! Your body has so much that it's trying to do. Be gentle with yourself and trust that your body will be there for you when it's over. Not saying that you shouldn't try to do what you can, when you can, but just don't worry too much about. The weight factor isn't as big a deal as you might think - each woman seems to have a certain amount of weight that she gains during pregnancy that's 'normal' for her. As long as the baby is healthy and you aren't having ill effects from it, relax. I wish you peace, calm and health for your last month...and, of course, a wonderful QUICK delivery of a happy healthy baby!! Trust me - once you're holding that little piece of heaven, there's not too much that you'll be worrying about!
Thanks everybody for your words. I'm 2.2 weeks away from my due date. I'm feeling very heavy and the baby is making much more pressure on my lower abdomen making walking a challenge at time.
Baby is fine according to the last sonogram and Mommy's labs are beautiful, blood pressure fine... Some redness in my lower legs and swollen in ankels and feet.
I managed to do step 2x last week... One 15 min. session and another of 30 minutes. I'm too heavy!:-(
I hope that the breastfeeding can help me to loose this weight and that I can "sweat" the rest (meaning that my body doesn't resist to loose more weight until I stopped breastfeeding). We'll see.
I'll keep you all posted during this incredible time of my life. I can't wait to see his face! :)

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