So, how was your appointment?


Hi Cathe,

Just wondering if your appointment went well today. Were you able to get any answers?
Hope you're healing and feeling ok!

Yes, we all hope this new doc will help you heal better and get you back on track!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hi Everyone! Thank you for your concern and well wishes. I did see another top notch doc yesterday and he, just as all the others, has not been able to find anything specific.

This was basically a "review the past history and gather information" visit. So there is nothing new to report at this time.

He has a few guesses and a few suggestions and I am reviewing all of this information at this time to see what the best approach and/or options are for me. Until then I am continuing to rest it.

Once I have more information to share I definitely will.

Again, thank you for asking :)
Hi Cathe! I'm glad the new doctor had some thoughts on your condition. I truly hope for your sake that some of his "options" pan out. Sometimes these things just take awhile;) . I admire your ability to put and keep your best face forward, and you've proven to be a role model in many ways. My continued {{{{{HUGS}}}}}and prayers.

Cathe - Take your time and choose whatever is best for you. Your recovery is far too important to rush :) . I will continue waiting patiently no matter how long it takes.
Hi Cathe, please be sure to take your time with this. We can be patient knowing that there will be future videos. But I believe there would be serious moaring across the world if you permanetly injured yourself.
Take care!


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