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  1. M

    Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....

    My family is from Latin America and we are a hairy people. We never say we have a moustache or chin hair, we affectionally call them "stray eyebrows."
  2. M

    Anyone else in the 5'3 range?

    Isn't it hard to buy pants when you are not really short, but not really average. Has anyone found pants that actually look right on your body? If I buy regular anything they are way too long (I'm long in the torso and short legged which doesn't help) However, if I buy petite sizes then I...
  3. M

    Can you circuit train every day with Terminator?

    I just received my Terminator DVD and I was wondering if it is okay to do the workouts on consecutive days. It doesn't seem like heavy lifting, so I wasn't sure if there were any disadvantages to doing these back to back since it would be unlikely to build significant muscle mass with these...
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    what's for dinner?

    We've been on a thai food kick lately. Our most recent creation was seafood (shrimp and scallops) in a peanut sauce that had a nice kick to it. My little boys weren't overly thrilled with it, but that just means more yummy leftovers for me and my husband!
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    how long to wait to exercise after having a baby?

    One thing that has not been brought up here is the breastfeeding workout that the first several weeks post-partum involves. Between the constant feeds it is very difficult to get a full workout in no matter how dedicated you are. I've always found it easier to get in a few exercises here and...
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    Post-Partum Check-In Week of 9/20

    Hello to all! Dominic (3 months) just had his first illness, thanks to the four older brothers who all came down with the flu. He slept in his bouncy chair last night so he could breath easier. His weight has been stuck at 9 lbs. for a while so I hope this doesn't set him back too much...
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    Postpartum Rotation?

    I had to be in my sisters wedding 3 weeks postpartum after my 3rd son was born. The best advice I can give is get a fat squisher girdle thing. (what are they called?) I had never worn one before but I bought this skin tight thing at Target and it flattened out my stomach to fit into my dress...
  8. M

    Best Cathe for immediate postpartum period. CTX?

    Just a thought--in my 5 postpartum experiences I have always had an increase of bleeding when I did any cardio type workout except walking. However, weight training never caused a heavier flow. Not sure why this is, but I took it as a sign to focus more on weight work for a while. Go easy on...
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    Postpartum check week August 22nd

    Sorry it's taken me so long to check in. We've all been sick around here and it's been a bit hectic. Dominic (now 2 months old and 8 lbs.) has started to sleep through the night!! I feel like a new woman and started the Slow and Heavy series. I'm fairly new to Cathe workouts and was...
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    postpartum check in week of July 25

    Hi ladies! Next week Dominic has his 2 month check up. I think he is about 6 1/2 lbs from the inexact step on the scale with baby method of weighing. I think he's going through a growth spurt now though so this week workouts have been nonexistent as not only am I permanently breastfeeding but...
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    Postpartum check in Week of July 18th

    You all are so encouraging! It's just frustrating not having any clothes that fit right and yet not wanting to invest in a whole new size wardrobe. Oh well, maybe if I keep wearing these stretchy exercise pants it will motivate me to actually exercise!!
  12. M

    Postpartum check in Week of July 18th

    Hello ladies, Dominic is now 6 weeks old and in the 6 lb. range. I am starting to feel the effects of continous sleep deprivation and it makes it hard to get motivated to go all out in my workouts. I did BodyMax today and could not do it all in one shot. I have been taking a lot of...
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    post partum check in week of July 11

    Hello to all you fitness moms! I just had my fifth son June 18th. His name is Dominic and he arrived 5 1/2 weeks early at 5 lbs. He just had a one month check up and is up to 5 lbs 13 oz. My other boys are 8, 6, 4, and 2. I exercised throughout my pregnancy and now I am just starting to get...
  14. M

    It's a boy!

    We had our fifth boy 2 weeks ago! Dominic arrived 5 1/2 weeks early, weighing 5 lbs. and is doing great! Exercise seems a long way off right now as I am doing the breastfeeding marathon thing right now and just enjoying this new little blessing. Best wishes to you all and your babies...
  15. M

    Anyone else think 40 weeks is just tooooo long???

    I'm at 34 weeks with my 5th and I feel like a clumsy walrus every time I move despite working out more or less faithfully. I seem to get more aches and pains with each pregnancy, but I do have some perspective on that 40 week milestone as my last baby was born at 31 weeks and that is just...
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    Pregnancy weight gain and exercise

    I am expecting my 5th baby and I have worked out during all my pregnancies except for the first. I gained the most with my first and he was the smallest one! Every woman's body is different and as long as you aren't dieting or overexercising I would not be a bit concerned. For me weight gain...
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    Hi my name is suzanne

    Hi Suzanne! I too homeschool and am due to have my 5th child in 6 weeks. I have 4 boys ages 8,6,4,and 2 so exercise has been key to maintaining the stamina to chase around these little guys. I'll pray that God will heal your body and you will soon be exercising at the level you desire. God...
  18. M

    Pikes on the ball safe whilst pregnant??

    I think your body will tell you when it's time to modify anything. There came a time in all my pregnancies when planks, pikes, push ups, and lots of other moves just became too uncomfortable and clumsy. I think a lot of it has to do with your size and fitness level. If you are still doubtful...
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    Solids for preemie that is 8 months old

    Hi! My last son was born 9 weeks early and he too struggled with solid foods for a while. With him the doctor was concerned only because he was losing weight for a couple of months and seemed to really need more than breastmilk by 8 months. The dietician recommended giving him very calorie...
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    Pregnancy Check In -- 4/25/04

    I'm 28 weeks now and starting to get lower back pain. I've heard it gets worse with each pregnancy. I have been able to still work out, but it feels better to take a day off in between days. My week was Sunday--off Monday--Power Hour Tuesday--off Wenesday--Power Max Thursday--walked...