Postpartum check in Week of July 18th


Hey everyone! I"m so bad, as I have been so busy I haven't posted much. I miss you all!!!

This week started off in Moose Lake MN for Agate Days. DH & Jory are 100% rockhounds. I found a neat running place around a National Forest there. It was lots of fun. It was Justin's 1st trip. He liked the pool, and for those of you who got a picture of him, he liked the sink too. ;)

I have been horrible about keeping an actual log of my workouts. I have been running about 45-60 minutes 3-5 times/week & trying to do one Cathe exercise per week. Justin doesn't like it when I give Cathe my attention instead of him. :( My childcare lady was sick for an entire week a couple of weeks back & DH watched baby Justin the entire week. I'm afraid DH didn't put him down the entire week b/c now he expects to be held & entertained continuously. We'll have to break him of that.

Today I had my 5K race. Guess what? I came in FIRST place in my age group!!! I"m so excited (and shocked)! I ran it in 25 minutes and 32 seconds. Yahoo! DH & Jory are so proud of me. :)

Baby Justin isn't taking solids well. Tried all cereals, green beans & applesauce. He still has a little reflux too. We'll keep at it.

Have a great week ladies. Welcome Smiley!!! I remember your posts when you were prego. I'm glad things are going so well for you. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Melanie, congrats on your race and I love the picture of Justin.
Jenny, congrats and we look foward to hearing more from you.
Emy, come back and join us weekly, hopefully that will give you the final kick. Emy, i think I posted this before but get the book Healthy sleep habits,happy child by Marc Weissbluth. I have had good luck with prices at for books. I think you do need to let Max cry it out and check on him at intervals.
For those with baby food issues, it looks like no baby is starving but check with your pediatrician.
Now, Alexis is back to eating her baby food after her weeks of wanting only cheerios and cheese its. Ms. Alexis is now asleep in her jumper after awaking at 5:30 am this morning. It is now 9:00 and I am trying to motivate myself to exercise. I will move the princess to her crib. Let me try to remember my workouts for the week.

Sunday-firm vol. 1 plus firm upper body
Monday-Mindy mylrea-action packed workout (hi/lo and step)(did it lower intensity though as my monthly friend had just returned, felt ucky)
Tues-cia powerbar training
wed-powermax +ps bba abs
Thurs-Firm-tough tape plus some segments of tt2 and firm abs-workout 1
Friday-Imax 2
Sat-muscle endurance upper body split(upper and abs)
Melanie--great job on the race. I've been tempted to start running again, but afraid that my knee will not like it.

Shopaholic--Bardric loves his cheerios, also and definitely wants to eat what everyone else is eating, whether it be cheerios or no. BUt he still loves the "teat".

I did not lose any poundage last week, but its coming off so slow now that I'm not even discouraged. Besides, I'm building muscle with slow and heavy and that's my other excuse;-).

My workouts:

Wed 21--S&H chest and Step Blast Premix (about 42 min or so)
Thurs 22--S&H biceps and 1/2 IMAX II+ S&H abs
Fri 23--S&H legs and shoulders, 2 mile walk
Sat 24--KPC (tweaked my lower backx( )
Sun 25--unplanned rest day
Mon 26--S&H Back (no deadlifts) and triceps
Tues 27--REST

Hi to everyone else!

Hi Ladies,
It looks like everyone is doing really good w/their workouts.I have been concentrating more on weights and running for cardio.I still do Cathe cardio too-but I really enjoy running.:) Did anyone preorder the new Hardcore workouts?I just did yesterday!!It will be fun to get some new workouts-i still havent gotten the bodyblast ones.;(
Hello ladies,
Dominic is now 6 weeks old and in the 6 lb. range. I am starting to feel the effects of continous sleep deprivation and it makes it hard to get motivated to go all out in my workouts. I did BodyMax today and could not do it all in one shot. I have been taking a lot of walks with the 2 year old and baby and enjoying the sunshine. I only need to lose about 10 lbs. but it must all be in my thighs because I can't fit into any of my pants yet--they get stuck in the thigh/hip area.:( Any suggestions? I eat like a horse when I'm nursing and it usually takes me at least 6 months to fit into my clothes but I'd really like to do it sooner if possible. I'd appreciate any advice!
Hi guys (generic term, really means gals).

Big congratulations to Melanie!!! I'm thinking of running our 5K in our town in September. No I'm not a runner (I think I went through this another year or two ago) just thought it would be fun to try. So how many people were in your age catagory and was the catagory 30-39? I think that's what it is here - we are a little town, but it's funny...people show up from some of the larger towns so they can "get a 5K under their belt" so to speak. I'm sooo proud of you.

Momtomany....don't try to rush the weight loss. It's not worth it. I tried. I starved myself and the weight just stuck and then I hit the next plateau and off it came. After I felt like nothing was helping. You JUST had your baby!! Also, don't get depressed at your workouts. No sleep equals crappy workouts. That's just life. You will get through this and you'll have awesome workouts to come!! Keep at the walking when you can and you'll be back to Cathe in no time. We all want to RUSH the process!! Right girls????

Noah ate some Rice CEREAL!!!! Just a little!! I'm so ecstatic, maybe this will help him sleep a little longer. I've got to check out your book shopaholic, thanks!!

Mon Stretch X
Tues Chest Shoulders and Triceps (P90X)
Wed Imax II Abs
Thurs and Fri Sick kids (Hannah's got lymes and Tyler inhaled fumes from paint and has terrible bronchitis type effects!!) No sleep = crappy workouts remember??
Saturday: Back & Biceps / Abripper
Sunday Yoga

Have a great weekend!!

Melanie....did I tell you I'm proud of you...way to go girl!!! Did you post this on Open Forum....I might if you don't :p :p :p

Almost forgot.....just ordered Hardcore with all the bells and whistles. So here we go again....when will it arrive at the doorstep. Kind of wish she would give a really good quality pull up bar instead of bands.....I'm band intolerant or band resistant....or something on that nature. But, I'm sure she will think up incredibly cruel things to do with these bands so it's kind of her to include them :) :) :) . (we are really warped here on this forum aren't we)

Briee, you're so funny. You know I'm from a small town too. I ran a race in Cold Spring population 2500 or so. But, as you say, people come out of the woodwork to run our race. Someone from TX of FL or way outthere usually wins our races. It's so strange. Anyway, yes it was the 30-39 age group (hate to see "39" on my trophe). I don't know how many runners in my age group. Probably 5-15 people. Not too significant. It's fun just the same. :)
Oh, I preordered DVD's on the 4th of July. Yeah!! Maybe baby Justin will let me do a workout by the time it's released? So far I"m lucky to get one TVworkout in, and several runs. My last run really sucked DS began to scream at the top of his lungs 2.5miles into my run. It was getting late & I had to carry him in one arm & push the stroller in the other. Then the bugs came out & I was swatting them. That on top of sleep deprivation & a needy's been a trying few days. I've decided to let myself relax & not push the workouts until maybe Sunday...this will give my family the attention they need. It's all about priorities, right ladies?!?!?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Isn't it cool to get first place. I know ours is on the small side, when I was there 3 years ago, there were some pretty serious runners that turned out and I was wondering where on earth these people lived.....they don't live around here!! You did fantastic!!!

When I went running up north at our reunion I had your BUG you know why God put the bugs on the make us run faster. You don't dare stop or they'll eat you alive. It was miserable...and Noah started crying too. Worry about the family first, the rest will come. Your workouts are great. Sometimes it's good to go through periods of running, biking, varied exercises. When you get back to'll have even more fun }( }( }( .

Hi everyone!

Smiley 2 I preordered the new workouts and so no new workouts for me until they come. I've spent my limit. But I have enough to keep me busy until they come. Oooh I can't wait though....

Mom to many--I agree--give yourself some time to lose the weight. 10 lbs is nothing and it will come off soon. I had 50 lbs to lose post partum and now that I am closer to my goal, I've adjusted that number. My baby is 10 1/2 months old and I've lost 34 lbs. It's been slow and steady with a couple of plateaus. I've gone from a size 16-18 to a size 6-8 (depending on the brand)(I'm 5'4", medium build). I'd like to be a comfortable size 4, so I'll just keep trying til I slowly get there. Keep us posted!

Briee--hope your kids are feeling better.

take care, everyone
You all are so encouraging! It's just frustrating not having any clothes that fit right and yet not wanting to invest in a whole new size wardrobe. Oh well, maybe if I keep wearing these stretchy exercise pants it will motivate me to actually exercise!!
At 6 weeks postpartum i was still wearing my maternity clothes and other lose fitting clothes. At about 3 months postpartum I fit into more of my clothes and at 6 months postpartum my preprego clothes looked good again. Now at 10.5 months postpartum i am wearing size 2's and back in my bikinis. In other words, give it time.

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