Post-Partum Check-In Week of 9/20


Active Member
Hi Ladies....Hope everyone is doing well. I went back to work last week (I teach 3rd grade), so that has been an adjustment. With a 3 year old and a 2 month old at home, I've been teasing people telling them I had to go back to work to get some rest.

We dodged another close bullet with Hurricane Jeanne. Here in Coastal Georgia we have be very fortunate this year. Our neighbors to the south in Florida have not been so lucky. My hearts go out to them as they try to get their lives back in order.

Baby Jack is doing well and sleeping btwn 6-8 hours a night...and I have no idea how this happened. I moved my workouts to the afternoons...last week I only managed 3 days...I hope to increase that number soon!!

Mon.-CTX step & Intervals plus back
Wed.-Timesaver #3
Fri.-bootcamp (I was reminded of how much fun this one is)

Grace born 2/21/01
Jack born 7/09/04
Hello to all! Dominic (3 months) just had his first illness, thanks to the four older brothers who all came down with the flu. He slept in his bouncy chair last night so he could breath easier. His weight has been stuck at 9 lbs. for a while so I hope this doesn't set him back too much.

On the fitness front I've started something new--Tae Kwon Do classes. My husband and our 4,6,and 8 year old sons have all been doing it for about a year and I always had an excuse not to join because I was pregnant. The last 2 weeks have been challenging, but not impossible thanks to Cathe workouts I'm sure! I do find I push myself a little more in classes than when I workout at home. I still seem to be stuck at my current weight, which I still attribute to my ravenous breastfeeding appetite.

I hope everyone and their babies are doing well!

Jenny--mom to five wonderful boys and wife to the love of my life Brad
Hi ladies! I am so late posting this week I probably should have waited for the next check-in.

I am glad to hear you dodged the bullet Jessi. I hope things settle down on the east coast. The west coast too!

Jenny, I hope everyone has recovered in your house. I was so lucky with Sydney... she was never sick... but she wasn't around sick kids. I doubt lil' Jordan will be so lucky with a big sister in school next year. He may not be so lucky now with her exposure at gymnastics and dance.

I had a good workout week, still no change in the scale. I would like to fit comfortable in my winter clothes, but I don't think I am gonna make it. It is supposed to be 29 here tomorrow.

Here is my log:
SUN: Rest
MON: S & Heavy Legs and shoulders
TUES: S & Heavy Tris & Biceps plus first 6 intervals of IMAX 1
WEDS: Step Heat
THURS: S & H Chest and Back
FRI: Cardio Kicks plus NYC Ballet Workout 1
SAT: Walking

Sir Jordan is changing soooo much. He has discovered his fists and chews on them with great purpose. He also is drooling all over the place. His eyes have changed... they have been this beautiful blue and are now gray (or is it grey???). I can't wait to see the final color... my husband has hazel and Sydney has brown like me. Jordan isn't losing his newborn hair... instead it is growing out so it is dark brown on the ends and almost white at the root.

Speaking of white hair... I think I found my first gray hair... my DH is perfect... he told me it was just REALLY BLOND! ;-) Anyway, I discovered it and ran to my husband, who was busy bathing Jordan, for confirmation. Sydney followed me and was very excited to know what I had discovered... I told her "mommy thinks she has a gray hair"... Sydney replied "Oh mommy! That's scary!!" and took off running. Reassuring huh?? :) Gotta love kids! She returned to tell me it would be ok... I can just brush it out. :)

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care!

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