Hi my name is suzanne


Hi my name is suzanne.I first want to say I LOVE this board.I am 40(I will be 41 in June.I have 7 children.6 boys and 1 girl.I am a sahm and I home school my children.we live in virginia.We moved about a year and a half ago from florida.but I do know I gained too much weight not getting preggy and eating too many donuts because I was depressed not getting preggy.and after my last 3 babies.I am about 15 almost 20 pounds over weight.I am on a much needed break trying to get preggy.I will try again later.I need to do for me now.I had 3 children very very quick in a row.so I have gained some weight.Since
.I just want to watch what I eat now(preggy or not)to not gain any more weight.I use to work out every day.I have alot of workout video,s I did alot of cathe' before I got hurt.I acually got hurt jogging.My favorite video is power max.I can't really do now.I hurt my back before and around christmas time.I couldn't even walk very well.I was very much into exercising and this was very hard for me to sit and do nothing and heal up.My back injury is better.but they found out I have the beggining stages of arthritis in my back.So I had to accept (this was very hard for me)that I was no longer going to ever be able to do my advanced work outs.(yet)but I do not want to get the old lady ones yet or ever either.I have to start off very slow.slow walks ect...(stroller walks with the babies).But deffinantly start my diet.I still do my body for life 3 month challenge(at least use the principles of diet ect.)(no GYM)I use a fun day of eating once a week.things like that.There are happy little count downs in dieting and exercise too.you are doing so good you all.I am proud of you.
Thank you for letting me share with you and I will talk to you later.I am so happy and excited to be here with you all.I hope to get to know everyone better and make new friends.?I will be on even more now.I do want another little sweetheart one day.I am taking a much needed trying to get preggy break.I took my first stroller walk with the babies yesterday.the babies loved thier stroller walk.
Have a great and happy day and god bless you.

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thank you so much for saying hi to me.I love all my children so much.They mean everything to me.They are my whole life.Now I am trying to do something for me by watching what I eat and exercising.I just have to start off real real slow because of my back.but I seem to be ok so far.
Thanks again and have a great and very happy night ok?
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Hi Suzanne and welcome! These forums are great aren't they? I would love a house full of children... you are sooooo lucky and blessed!!!!!

Hmmmm.... you homeschool... I am considering this. Perhaps I should start a thread about this to get thoughts, ideas, etc. from you and the other homeschoolers (it may have been discussed before come to think of it :). Anyway, welcome!

Hi Suzanne!

We have five kiddos and we also homeschool. Welcome to the Cathe boards. This is a really nice and supportive place. I am actually surprised at how many homeschooling Catheites there are--but exercise helps keep us sane, right? At least for me, it is a stress reliever. Also, I guess I am a little bit vain--I have five beautiful children, but I don't want to look like I have five beautiful children (except for my little belly bulge that never goes away--my badge of honor):p :7 ;-).

I am sorry to hear about your back and not being able to do advanced workouts at this time--maybe if you take it slow, you will build your strength up again. What about strength training to keep the muscle mass up--that plus clean eating would probably help alot.

take care and keep posting

Maggie you're too funny, and HONEST. I too hate the stigma attached with having 6 children and everyone expects your body to be shot. I refuse to let this happen (Lord willing). And it's fun to be able to keep up with the kids - I can still do more pushups then my 14 year old - this keeps him humble!!!

Suzanne, welcome, there are a few of us Catheites with larger families. We have 6, but I think I need a little break. I told my dh when he proposed that I wanted 6, now we'll have to see what God has in mind....but I'm happy right now!!! I like 6 (To be incredibly honest (thanks a lot Maggie) I was happy with five and I can remember when I did the pregnancy test for my 6th and was a little overwhelmed and dh's first comment was "well you told me you wanted 6 when I proposed" and I think I threw the plastic test at him - he's lucky it wasn't a weight). BUT this little guy (#6) has been the happiest of all the babies and I can't imagine life without him :7 :7 :7 :7..... God does know what he's doing!!

Biee--I am feeling overwhelmed with 5 right now and people are always asking us if we want more or are planning to have more or some such (as if it's anyone's business, really, :p ), so I have been saying that right now my hands are full, but I don't want to miss out on anything the Lord has for us. I figure if He blesses us with more kidlets, he will provide whatever is necessary to raise them--funny--I always had a vision for 6 also....

take care
Thank you so much.You really made me feel good.You all are the best.I am so glad I met you all.I took a walk by my self today.It was so peaceful.I love doing that.Have a nice and very happy day today.
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Hi Suzanne! I too homeschool and am due to have my 5th child in 6 weeks. I have 4 boys ages 8,6,4,and 2 so exercise has been key to maintaining the stamina to chase around these little guys. I'll pray that God will heal your body and you will soon be exercising at the level you desire. God bless, Jenny
Thank you so much.You are so sweet.
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