Anyone else think 40 weeks is just tooooo long???


Man, I am 32 weeks along with baby #3 and I can't wait! I think it's because it's my third, but I am so uncomfortable it's beyond belief! I worked out religiously with my first 2 babies, but this time around it is sooo hard. I still work FT outside of the home, so I'm pretty tired already by the time I get home. I have 2 girls and this one is a boy so I keep telling my husband thank goodness he's finally getting his boy because I am not doing this again! And if this was my first baby, I'm not sure we'd have any more! LOL:eek:

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else gets super anxious about this time? When I think I could have 8 weeks left I about die! I'm hoping to go 2 weeks early (I did with #2) and I'm praying it happens again!

I hav never been very good at waiting, but 40 weeks! - way too long. At least you are almost there. I bet you will go earily. I am only on week 6!:eek:
Allison I am also only on week 6, and I was just looking at the calendar yesterday thinking it is a long, long way to January 22! They told me I was 7 weeks until my ultrasound yesterday (got to see the heartbeat - amazing!) when they realized they were off a week and I am only 6. I know it's just a week, but I guarantee by January I will be wishing it was one week less. To sum, YES - 40 weeks is way too long!!

EDD 1/22/05 (2005 - that is FOREVER!)
I am 33-34 weeks, and I am praying I go early too. :) I wasn't this way with my daughter, but I have more discomforts this time. You should see me walk... I have a sore tailbone and today my pubic bone is bothering me. I still would like to have one more though... actually more than that but I have set an age limit that is approaching. :)

I'm at 34 weeks with my 5th and I feel like a clumsy walrus every time I move despite working out more or less faithfully. I seem to get more aches and pains with each pregnancy, but I do have some perspective on that 40 week milestone as my last baby was born at 31 weeks and that is just tooooooo early!! I'd much rather moan and groan it out until full term than deal with another NICU stay and a too little baby that can't breathe or eat on their own. This is not to say that I don't continue to complain to my husband about how awful I feel as it just seems right that he hear about it since he can't experience it himself!!:)
40 weeks is way too long. I am so praying that this little one will come just 3 weeks early since that is still considered full-term. Since I didn't go early with my other 2, I'm sure I'm destined to go 40 weeks with this one as well. It would just be so nice to go a little early since he wasn't planned and the pregnancy is so hard on me. My body gets more aches and pains with each pregnancy. I am not working out like I did with my daughter, but am still managing about 4 workouts per week, and doing good on weight gain, so I can't complain, but the sore perineum (feels so swollen!) and this time, I keep getting an ache in my left quad that makes it uncomfortable to walk...climbing stairs, my legs feel like lead (I think it's my joints that hurt). I'm tired all the time and just a little queasy all day long. My moods are awful. My poor husband and children. I will deal so much better after baby is born - even being way too tired dealing with night feedings, etc. SO yes, 40 weeks is way too long. I wish humans delivered perfectly healthy babies at 4 months. 6 at the most! :) Wouldn't that be great.

Take care, the 40 weeks will be here before you know it!

See, that's how I feel too. I'm due 7/31 but I want to make it until the 4th of July and then I'll be ready. There shouldn't be any complications with baby if i go early - and I'm ready!

i agree that even being tired with no sleep won't be as bad as all the aches and pains I'm experiencing now. I commute to the city for work and have 2 kids at home. I'm exhausted by the time I walk in the door. I just don't feel like it's fair to my kids and can't wait for my maternity leave when I get to be home full-time for a few weeks. It's good timing too, right before my oldest goes into kindergarten. I think she's really going to enjoy the time that I'm home. At least I won't be as achy and in pain as I am now.

Good luck to everyone and thanks for posting your thoughts!

34 weeks today!:p
I'm at 39 weeks now and I can't stand it...
I am amazing people with how active I am still -- I did a walk-a-thon on Saturday and I'm still working full time...

But I haven't done many structured workouts in months -- oops! :)

That's OK -- I ordered the beginner DVD's from Cathe and I've pre-viewed them... so they're waiting for me when I get the go-ahead post-partum to start exercising again. :)

Love Charlene
due 6/27
Okay...I don't want to hear any complaints from anyone is is past the 37 week mark because it could be any day, or if not, you're so close, that you can taste it! Just kidding - I know that's when it's the absolute WORST! Especially if this is baby #1.

Shammy - You'll have to post and let me know, once baby arrives, if you were correct in your thinking that you would do better being tired, or if you are eating your words. I hope that I am right, but gosh...I remember those sleepless nights with my first two, and boy are they tough. My daughter has a cold right now, and she slept with us last night. She coughed until 3:30 a.m. Each time she coughed, she bumped into me. I am so tired, and my back is killing me from being squished over to a tiny edge on the bed. As I was laying there awake, I could feel my baby moving and I was just thinking, Oh Lord, in a few months, I'll be awake right now feeding a fussy infant. Yikes!

Take care and best of luck with everyone going just a hair early!
Stacey - Ha! I hope I'm not eating my words. I'm going by expereience with my first two - who were GREAT babies. I'm sure this one will get me! he's gotten me in every other way! I'll be sure to keep you posted.

When are you due?
Hi Shammy. I think if you had a good experience with your first two, it is mostly good parenting - just knowing what they need, when they need it, etc. Sure, you can have a collicky baby and hopefully all of us here are lucky enough that we won't have to experience that! I am hoping this one is the best yet. I had a dreadful time with my son, and then a much better time with my daughter, and with this's true what they say about the third child...not that you love them any less, but you understand that every little thing isn't the end all be all and that they are going to be just fine if they cry for a few minutes, or if their binky isn't washed everytime it falls on their bedroom floor, etc.

I am 27 weeks and it feels like I have forever left. My husband had a vasectomy in June of last year. He had 2 negative tests confirming that everything took (the last negative in October). I got pregnant at the end of December. He has amazing genetics (his Urologist has never had one grow back before). It's taken me awhile to accept it, but I know everything will be just fine once I'm not pregnant anymore and I can just feel like my old self, even if I am a little tired (or a lot tired).

Take care, and best of luck to you!
Definitely way too long. I just found out I was pregnant with #3 and I feel like I did when I was 5 months with my first. Probably because of that exhaustion thing. Tiger's are only pregnant 3 months out of the year. Lucky cats!

Allison (013)
I would've LOVED 40 weeks!! My baby girl thought she needed some 'extra' time and waited an additional 11 days!! Her Daddy said "it must be a girl, they're always late!!" }(


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