Postpartum Rotation?

What did you guys do after having your babies? I know you're supposed to take it easy the 6 weeks after giving birth, but I have to be in a wedding 3 weeks after I deliver and I want to look my best! The dress I'm wearing is strapless, so I think I'll just do non-strenuous upper body work with lighter weights for my arms, just to keep them in shape. What have you guys done?

I just wanted to know someone read your post ! I didn't do anything for 6 weeks, weights wise or aerobics wise. I was too whipped, esp up to 3 weeks pp. My dr told me no exercise for 6 weeks so I think I just did some walking. No weights I don't think. Although maybe very light would be ok? I don't know that you would be able to safely lift anything that would effectively work your muscles (I know you said lighter weights) that would be heavy enough. I think my best advice is to stay in very good shape (keep lifting) til you deliver. You are very vascular after delivery (is that the right word?) esp in the uterus as I recall and I would be very careful, esp for the first 3 weeks as you say. Workout now, pre delivery! Depend on that.

After 6 weeks I started back with CTX modified. If it is OK with your ob you could use that with light is pretty speedy and well balanced.

others might have other experiences.
Hi Penny

I found the Cindy Crawford tape "A New Dimension" to be ideal following the birth of my third child. While I was still in hospital I did kegels alternating with sucking in my tummy during each feed as well as shoulder rotations. I started with the tape when my baby was a little less than one week old (I also went out every day for about 1/2 hour walking (very very slowly at first)with the stroller or with baby in the pouch).

There are a three workouts on this tape - the first one is only 10 minutes long (I would sometimes do this one twice a day - am and pm). The next workout is about 15 minutes long and if I had time I would do this straight after the first workout (starting about two weeks postpartum). I found the time frames manageable with a new baby and the exercises were effective. When baby was about six weeks old I started with Cathe's timesaver and cross trainer series. My baby is now 3 months old and enjoys watching me work out from the comfort of his bouncer.
Hope this helps.
Don't push yourself. Your body will look as good as it can 3 weeks postpartum. At 2 weeks postpartum i began walking. I also starting doing some of my pregn. videos . A good one for postpartum is charlene prickett's return to slender. I also used toning bands for strength. My doc said not to lift anything heavier than the baby those first few weeks. Also, remember your body has just gone through a major trauma, so listen to it when it says something is too much.
My recommended postpartum rotation for getting ready for the wedding is this:

Sun- Breastfeeding
Mon- "
Tue- "
Wed- "
Thu- "
Fri- "
Sat- "

Ha Ha! (I didn't exercise at all for the first 6 weeks postpartum as recommended by my midwife). So I recommend BF for your weight loss, plus you will have very large cleavage for your strapless dress!

Good luck!
I had to be in my sisters wedding 3 weeks postpartum after my 3rd son was born. The best advice I can give is get a fat squisher girdle thing. (what are they called?) I had never worn one before but I bought this skin tight thing at Target and it flattened out my stomach to fit into my dress as well as decrease my thigh area. I know this doesn't help your arm dilemna--but maybe you could carry your baby with lots of blankets, car seat, diaper bag, etc. to cleverly disguise any bulges!! The good thing is no one expects much from you for at least a year after you've had a baby. No matter what people will say, "Wow, you look GREAT for just having had a baby." Even if you are flabby, have greasy hair, no make up, dark circles under your eyes and fuzzy pink slippers on people will think you look fabulous!

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