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    Topamax for migraines

    Barb, thanks for you input. can I ask what your dose was and why you quit Topamax? Mindi
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    Topamax for migraines

    Kim, thanks for the thought. I do have hypothyroidism and take synthroid for it. After being diagnosed in '99 (with hypo.), my migraines never changed one way or another. Mindi
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    Topamax for migraines

    Michele, you have set my mind at ease knowing that your husband takes Topamax. My dr. duggested that I remain at the starting dose of 25 mg. for 2 weeks before moving up to 50 mg. taken as one dose in the evening. Can I ask how much your husband takes? has he not had any side effects? How...
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    Topamax for migraines

    Does any one have any experience with taking this drug to prevent migraines? I got a sample from my dr. yesterday, but after researching it on the internet, I'm kind of afraid to take it! Very few good reports...mostly bad side loss, being "out of it", not feeling like your...
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    Favorite weight workout?

    My current favorite is Muscle Max. I am a little confused as to which muscle workouts are supposed to be lighter weight and more reps vs. heavy as you can with less reps? Power Hour? MIS? Muscle Endurance? Gym Styles? Pure Strength? Leaner Legs? I want to make sure I am getting the...
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    Rotation website?

    Wasn't there a website that had a lot of rotations on it? I'm looking for a new rotation that incorporates different instructors...not just the Firm or TLTs or Cathe. Mindi
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    Anyone tried Spanx ?

    Nancy, I think you enter the coupon code (99x) soemwhere during checkout. Mindi
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    Anyone tried Spanx ?

    saw this on another board.....50% off coupon code: 99x at! Hope you can use it. Mindi
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    I love sweet potatoes!!!

    Anyone know how many calories sweet potatoes have? I didn't think it was really that much more than a reg. I wrong? Mindi
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    Inconsistent Workouts and IMPROVED figure!!!

    So are you guys saying you have lessened the time per day that you exercise or have cut down on the total amount of days that you workout? Mindi
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    Treadmill Stuck on Incline

    Sorry, guess I wasn't too clear! I put my step under the very end of the treadmill to raise it up. Mindi
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    Treadmill Stuck on Incline

    I had the exact problem, after only having my Proform a year. The store where my husband bought it was going out of business, so there was not a warranty with it. UGH! The rest of the treadmill worked fine, so when I wanted to use it, I put my step under it to make it much less of an incline...
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    P90X & Cathe's Leg Work

    Has anyone found their legs getting smaller from the lack of weight work for them in P90X? I'm only in week 2, but unless it's my imagination, my legs do seem smaller. Was there any explaination when P90X first came out as to why their was so little leg work? Mindi
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    P90X rotation...which one?

    I'll be starting P90X on Monday, but I'm not sure which roation to go with....classic or lean? Any advice? I have about 10-15 lbs. to lose. Mindi
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    Ques. for those of you who have done IT!!

    Carole, I've read where you are doing P90X. How much of an influence on your weight loss do you think that has had? I know for me, it's all about the diet, not so much the exercise! Mindi
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    pyramide training

    iamfirmin, can you share your rotation with me? Are you talking about using Cathe pyramid workouts or just that type of strength training? Mindi
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    Rotation help?

    Can anyone help me out with a rotation using the following tapes? Muscle Endurance KPC PUB PLB HSTA BC Body Fusion C&W Step Blast SJP PP SS I'm looking to up my strength workouts, and lessen the amount of cardio I do. I really want to get some fat off and have some definition...
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    Not a Cardio Enthusiast....Advice Please.

    Can I ask what your Pyramid rotation looks like? MIndi
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    Cathe--I need help toning my legs!!!

    I recently started adding 100 walking lunges to my leg work, and I'm sore for DAYS after!!! This is with NO weights!!! They must be doing something for me!! Mindi
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    lose 5 pounds fast rotation!

    beth, how long have you been on this rotation? 5 pounds....that's amazing!!! Do you have much to lose? Are you a beginner or intermediate exerciser? Mindi