Inconsistent Workouts and IMPROVED figure!!!


I thought I would never say this but I think I finally figured out that I was working out TOO MUCH to look good!! Nah, it can never be too much, right? Well, for the last several months my workouts have been really inconsistent. I got real bored with Cathe and for the most part have been doing cardio, with some weights sprinkled in, but not twice per week every week like I should. IMAX I have not even attempted in a while and lots of days I just go for some leisurely walk/jogs. I tell myself I am out there to enjoy being outside, not to burn calories.

Now, either because of stress or because I am not working out as much, I am eating a lot less overall I think. My diet has really been something I would be ashamed of. Inconsistent eating times, many hours between meals, not-so-healthy meals. You get the picture. Because I am not always working out I am not so focused on that "power snack". I got to where I don't much care about the macro nutrient composition of my meals. I didn't care if there was enough protein in lunch or too many carbs in dinner. I just ate.

Well, the phenomenon is, I am thinner now than I have ever been in my adult life that I can remember. I look better in pictures. Many of you knew me to comment how I could NEVER get my weight under 130....well, now it is 124!!! My legs are less bulky. I have started to get comments and people asking if I have lost weight. Total weight I have lost is around 10lbs. My body fat scale says I have less fat. My clothes don't fit. I wore a little sexy outfit on Friday for our Halloween bash at work and everyone made a big deal over my figure!!! Me, the always big-thick-muscley type!!LOL!! My bra size went down (praise the Lord). Today, I went shopping for the first time in about six months, just to see if things fit different and it was the best shopping trip of my life!! I went down atleast a size and things fit me in a way that made me actual think I looked good! I spent money I didn't even have to spend and later thought I should take the stuff back. But, I tried it all on again and it looks too good to take back!! I am going to take some money out of savings to make up for it cuz I think I am worth this shopping trip!

Anyway, the point of my post is that I am really enjoying this. I know I am weaker cuz I can feel it when I do weights, but I am trimmer...slimmer. Where is the compromise between thick and beefy and having the womanly look other women are jealous of? I can feel that my muscles are smaller, but I still look defined. I am afraid now to go back to my old "push it to the limit, go heavy or go home" ways cuz I feel like I'll pork out.

Has this happened to any of you and what did you do? Did you scale down your workouts? I have less time to work out now and was fretting about it, but it seems to be doing me good (either that or I haven't fallen apart yet) LOL! If I get in atleast 30 min cardio three times per week and 2 total body lifting sessions, do you think I can maintain this look and weight without getting bulky? I loved P90X. I got major muscles. But for me, the muscles always seem to come with some fat. What is the secret?

Seriously, makes ya wonder why you workout sometimes....:)
And, if you couldn't tell, I am gloating some! My hair is growing out FINALLY (I am a natural brunette...chopped it off and died it blonde...didn't like it) and I am finally feeling somewhat womanly. Just had to post something good for a change. I hope it lasts.:)
I guess the moral of the story is that everyone has to find the balance that works for them. As long as you are happy (and yes, it definitely sounds that way!), then it doesn't matter what any one else thinks.

Be happy with your routine, and be proud of your accomplishments!
I have sort of had the same thing happen to me recently. I have always exercised 6 days a week with either the Firm or Cathe. I had mainly been doing the Firm about 6 weeks ago and all of a sudden I started gaining weight like I couldn't believe. I have never had this happen before. I got so big that my clothes barely fit at all. I decided that I needed to do Cathe only, but I can't do Cathe 6 days a week as she just kills me, so I decided to take it easy for a couple of weeks to get back into the swing of things. For 3 weeks now I've been doing 20-30 minutes of Imax 2 one day a week and another Cathe cardio one day week with Push/Pull and Supersets for 2 days per week. I've also added a leisurely half mile to 1 mile walk almost every evening. My diet is not the best either, but I have cut out a few of the higher sodiums items. In 3 weeks I've lost 3.5 pounds and inches everywhere including 1 full inch in my hips. My clothes are starting to fit again, yay. I was also amazed by this.

I am, however, going to start Cathe's November rotation as I love the Slow and Heavy series. It will be interesting to see what my measurements do.
How long have I been harping about many of you working out too much???? Poke.....poke.....
It is possible to get the same results with ALOT less!


"Life is a team sport"
So are you guys saying you have lessened the time per day that you exercise or have cut down on the total amount of days that you workout? Mindi
Good for you
Could you tell me exactly what your weight and cardio sessions were time etc..
I guess I am thinking this sounds great to me just wondering what would work somehting like ME or PH each 1 time per week with 3 cardios of 30 minutes like what kind of cardio and how intense
Thanks lots
that is great news. You should be so happy and proud of yourself that is great.I am glad you had fun shopping.

I too have been mixing it up more with different instructors and different types of exercises and it works best for me. I love cathe and have a ton of her dvds but I love so many others too.I know a lot of people do cathe only well if it works for them that is wonderful. I don't want to get stuck in a rut just doing cathe workouts like I did doing the firm and only the firm.It is good to mix up the workouts the intensity ect.I guess we all have to decide what works best and for me variety is the key to be healthy,happy,slim and fit!!!!. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!.


Deb:) :) :) :) :) :) :D
I am still not believing there is any way my weight loss and improved figure could be good! I mean, I really did lessen all my workouts. I am barely making enough workouts for overall fitness (the recommendations we hear). I am pretty sure I have lost an unhealthy amount of muscle.......but fat too......and that is the reason for my better figure. I had a TON of muscle so it doesn't show much that it is gone. But I can really feel it.

I can't give you guys my routine cuz I didn't have one. Really, I have been somewhat depressed and have not been doing anything regularly. Like, I would go a couple weeks without working my upper body. We all know this is not good. I was just really amazed by the positive change in my body (atleast on the outside, LOL) and thought it was ironic that I look now like more women would like to look working out LESS and caring LESS about what goes into my mouth. It just seems like a huge injustice anyway.:)

See...that is what I am afraid of. Afraid that a S&H rotation would puff me out again!! But I need to find the "mix" for me, you are all right. I was working out on my lunch hour...which I plan to continue, but now I have to keep my workouts around 30 min. It is hard to do Cathe strength in that time cuz most her tapes (atleast the ones I really, really like) are longer. So, we'll see what hodge-podge I come up with. I am prepared not to be able to move as I am sure the soreness is going to be incredible!!

When I lifted before I always used heavy weights. No, I wasn't really a heavy freak, but it is what challenged me! However, I find I can use 8-15's and still feel the burn. I wonder if that is what I need to do?

I have only been doing cardio maybe twice per week and weights maybe once, but not even including all body parts most weeks. Again, it looks and seems deceiving but the change in me is not entirely positive. I would not advocate what I am doing to anyone simply becuase it is not balanced and most weeks does not even reach what the experts recommend for minimal fitness.

Moral of my story is not do what I am doing, but that it is possible you could actually scale down your workouts, eat less, and lose some of that extra fat so that you can fit better into your jeans. Do it my way, and you will lose muscle too. Deep down, I feel it is imperative to have atleast 3 30 min pretty tough cardio sessions (to work your cardio system adequately) per week and atleast 2 total body weight training sessions or the equivalent, making sure to work each body part twice per week (assuming you are not lifing super heavy). That is how I really feel.:) Any other lazy cardio has to be extra because if all you do is lazy cardio you will not see imporovements in your cardiovascular system, atleast not at our fitness levels.

I am just gloating that something sortof positive has come out of my depression. LOL!
BTW.............How long does it take, total inactivity, for muscle to atrophy?? Anyone know the standard rate of loss in pounds? Trevor??????????:)
I think a week but not sure. I don't have any sources on me at this point. I know for weightlifting they don't recommend more than 5 days between working the same muscle group.
I believe in the old 30 mins. two or 3 times a week at HIGH intensity. Combine that with a weight routine and most people will be good to go, IMHO.
I am glad you got the results you are looking for Janice!! Good for you!!
T. :)
Hi Janice,

Yippee!! I'm SO glad you got a positive experience out of your depression. I have depressions & know what they're like.

My immediate thought is that one would have to be as fit as you were to begin with in order for the body to react the way yours did.

You might want to consider reading up on Periodization, which is basically exactly what you did. Strong and heavy, then light & "easy", then moderate but more cardio...the variations can go on forever. Or even, workout a lot, then a little. They have schedules out there put together by professionals, or you could just try mixing it up and listening to your own body & feelings as you went along.

Anyway, congrats on your fat loss & SHOPPING TRIP! LOVE clothes! LOL

Ruth:p :) :)
122.8 pounds this AM. After three brownies and some cheesecake at our company party on Friday! Maybe I have a tapeworm! LOL!!
Good Job Janice

is it cherry cheese cake my favorite!!. m'm' and brownies too. I think
working out like you are doing is WONDERFUL WOO---HOOO


Have a good day

Deb:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I had a very similar experience as yours. In High School I lifted weights very heavy and did not do a whole lot of cardio. I was about 134 pounds and had lifted for two years heavy. I met a guy and did not do as much working out and lost 12 pounds. I was less bulky and I fit into all kinds of things. It was great.. You must have had a lot of muscle mass.

I am happy for you. You will have to post some pictures of you in your new outfits...

Have a great day!!

Hey Beverly, I'll try to post some pics. I really wish I could just be really happy for myself but since I know it is not healthy, for some reason I cannot be. I am excited to fit into clothes, but that is about it. I will probably put it all back when I start back again full force.

Are you heavy now? People always say their figure improves so much when they start lifting, but I cannot say it did much for me, heavy weights and all.:)

The EXACT same thing happened to me Janice!!!! I was working out so much and not losing any weight. When I slowed down with the workouts, I ate less and the weight came off so easily!

I am 128 pounds, and I lift smarter. Sometimes endurance and occasionally heavy. I build to easy, so I have to watch.. I do a lot more running now than back then.

Wow Janice, I am so happy for you! Maybe you've found the right kind of everything-in-moderation that works for your body. I am really glad that you are getting a little happiness boost!
I recently got the best results ever by varying the intensity and modes of my workouts instead of pushing, pushing, pushing.

I have found that REALLY listening to my body (which takes practice!) is key to overall health and fitness. It sounds like you've been doing just that and that your body has responded. Keep listening and you'll probably want to work out more intensely/frequently in a little while and then (if you keep listening!), you'll probably swing back the other way again.

You sound like you're feeling much better, Janice! I'm so glad! :)

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