Inconsistent Workouts and IMPROVED figure!!!

Ok, I will interpret ths post and the replies as follows. Variety helps! My impression Janice and others is that your body responded positively to the CHANGE in routine. This has been recommended by the educated crowd all along. Your way may have been more incidental than purposeful, but it worked.
Now remember that any one routine shouldn't be kept forever. A big lesson we can learn here is this: (I am paraphrasing Cathe here) When your current program is no longer giving you the desired results, it is time to change it. Janice changed her routine in a big way and her body responeded.
Don't try to copy waht others do and expect the same results. Just change up your own plan to make it significantly different.

BTW Janice I hope you feel good about yourself no matter what your size. How we feel about ourselves should not be dictated by our clothing size or number on the scale.

:D :D :D :D

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Recently my husband and I took a vacation trip to San Diego. While there we did a lot of tourist walking, and I got a few sessions in the hotel's pool with my aqua jogger, my aqua hand buoys and resistance mitts, having earlier decided to use that week as my week off from my normal schedule which includes land cardio, weights AND aqua.

During the week I noticed that I was shrinking all over. Also during that week I noticed my appetite was going in the toilet, I felt increasingly sluggish aqua workouts notwithstanding, my enthusiasm for everything diminished, and by the end I felt fairly disembodied. When I got back to my standard workout the morning after we got back I almost cried with relief. A few weeks later and I'm back up to my pre-vacation physique, having "unshrunk" as it were and re-pumped my muscles.

I guess the point I'm making is: for me, I would far rather have the benefits of strength and strength training, in terms of invaluable muscle mass (which gets harder and harder to build and maintain as we age), increased bone density, increased physical capacities, power performance in cardio, healthy metabolism, high energy, ad infinitum than live for the feeling of being "skinny". I don't care if women are jealous of me. I don't care if women, or men, disapprove of me for being muscular. They don't have to live inside my body and skin, I do, and as long as that's the case I'll shoot for strength, cardiovascular optimization, and all their attendant health blessings.


We just returned from an 8 day trip to Mexico. I didn't work out all week except for 2 scuba dives per day for five days. I ate three meals per day and didn't over-do but didn't under-do either (plenty of guacamole). I even had a dessert with dinner every evening.

I lost 2 lbs.

Congrats Janice!! I couldn't be happier for you. I've scaled back too but just taking an extra rest day. Workout 5 days instead of 6. You have less stress & me too. My eating, however, is very healthy & pretty consistent. I still do P90X but I split my rest days now. I workout Sat. & Sun. intensely & then take off Mon. Then I pick it back up intensely Tues, Wed & Thurs & then take Fri. off. Its worked well for me & I see its been working well for you too.

I think you would do just fine maintaining w/total body workouts 2x a week & mixing up your cardio putting in some cardio w/intensity. HTH, Kathy:D
Yeah Ajock...I KNEW you were gonna say that!!!

LOL! Don't worry. As you see in my post I have not been duped by my transformation. I KNOW it is a negative thing, I am just enjoying the jealousy right now thank you very much.

I will be back to good ol' hard core Janice soon.:) Thank you all for your great replies and congrats! I got even more compliments today in one of my new outfits!:)
I cut back on the number and intensity of my workouts to my detriment. My body started going down. I could see it. My appetite was about half of what it normally is. Once I picked the pace back up, people started asking me if I had lost weight. I hadnt lost an ounce.

I think you may like the way you look now, however, you are in a conversion period. I think once you maintain your current level of activity you will find you are not satified with your body because it will continue to decline, like mine did.

Not trying to burst your bubble, just trying to be honest.


I still say a large part of the equation is listening to your body. A-Jock's body asks for intensity, intensity, intensity and that works for her. Janice's usually does, but right now it seems to be asking for a break.

I agree that health and fitness are more important than aesthetics. Janice said her workouts "seem to be doing her good." IMO, that's the whole point.
Without reading all the prev. replies, I'm thinking about cortisol. Maybe you had more before. Anyone else?
I think my results are really simple. I shrunk. I ate less and worked out less. I lost some fat and probably lots of muscle. However, that muscle loss has not caused the fat pounds to pack on YET. I am in the honeymoon stage. The stage where I am enjoying the break and feeling trimmer but it is all a mirage. Left to go the way I am going.........not caring about working out or the quality of the food I eat.......I will gain fat (due to less muscle), get squishy, most likely have lots of cellulite, feel like crap, gasp for breath, and see an overall decline in my health. Already I am seeing signs of a few of those.'s SOMEBODY KICK JANICE IN THE ASS TIME!!! LOL! My mood is not getting much better (except for the fleeting moment in the Kohl's dressing room) so I think it is time to consider outside therapy or medication.

Ok, so there! Are you happy Ajock! I really am part of the "educated crowd" huh??:):):)
I will say this of starting back S-L-O-W-L-Y with weights though (and cardio)................

It absolutely SUCKS to be a beginner!!! For all you beginners out there I now know your pain! Stick with it! A little more time and you will feel invincible! For a while.....LOL!!
But when you do go back it will go faster than someone who has not experienced working out with weights. I am sure you know that muscle has memory. I know how you feel, I have been there. Just do what you feel like doing for now and when you get back in there it will go faster than someone just starting. I just looked and think this should have been after your last post. Keep looking up and it will get better.
Diane Sue

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