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    For those of you who have most if not all of the DVD's.....

    Jen, If you can afford to I say buy them all at once. Otherwise just buy what you can.
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    Ok, I can't hold back!!!

    Wow!! Very impressive. I would be bragging too if those were my sons.:)
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    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    Donna, That was sick.. My mouth about hit the floor when I read that. I am very sorry there still are people like that today.
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    RE: Autumn! Thank you for the answer.. I think I can handle six weeks more after the VHS comes out. Especially if the DVD's are as well chaptered as the Intensity series is.
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    Just wondering... Is it months between the release of the VHS and DVD?
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    For Catheites

    I am 33 and have been doing cathe for about 2 months now. I knew about her workouts 5 years ago. I have no idea why I never bought any before now...I could kick my self now.
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    I am addicted to the Terminator dvd!

    Ok.. I did it. I did one of the Workouts on the Terminator DVD. I was not sure what one to do,so my daughter picked it out. I did the Viper. IT was a great workout. I really did like it.
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    Price break on other Dvd's with the presale Dvd's

    I just need to sell some of my firm tapes to offset the cost of the 27 pack. But, I am sure I will enjoy all the new dvds. You know the only trouble I will have is.. What DVD will I do. LOL I will have so many to choose from. Can you tell I am pretty excitted. LOL
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    I pre-ordered!

    I pre ordered everything too. Plus I bought the 27 pack. My 27 pack should be here next week. So, that should keep me busy until the new DVDs get here this summer/fall.
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    I have even seen one for $49.00 the other day at the walmart here. Plus they had a 5 dvd model for $99.00 that was being discontinued. Maybe every Walmart would have that???
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    Sunless Taning???

    This site has a step by step guide on how to apply sunless tanner.
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    I am addicted to the Terminator dvd!

    I will try it after my next rest day. :-)
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    I am addicted to the Terminator dvd!

    I am one that is afraid of the Terminator. LOL. I have pulled it out to do,but than I put it right back on the shelf. I bet if I would just do the DVD. I would love it.
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    Price break on other Dvd's with the presale Dvd's

    My credit card is really hurting. LOL. I was just going to preorder the new dvd's.. But, My finger had a mind of its own. It decided to click on the 27 pack that I had debated on getting for sometime now. Anyhow.. I spent allot of money. But, I know I am going to love all the new DVDS.
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    My Gym Nightmare!

    Sara, That is just awful what they are putting you through. I can't believe how hard it is to cancel a gym membership. What a pain
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    new and question on a step

    Hi, This is my first post here. After hearing about cathe on the firm board. I decided to buy one of her DVDs. The one I bought was Cardio hits. I LOVE IT. I have to admit I looked pretty silly,because I did not get all the moves right. But even so I did get a really good cardio workout. :)...