
Ok now that the post is up about the DVDs I have to have them! Can someone point me to where I can buy a CHEAP DVD player. The tv I use for my workouts is only used for my workouts so I have to keep it cheap. thanks
If you're looking for a single disc player, they always have them for around $80.00 at Walmart, K-mart, or Target. I got a Pioneer single disc player at Walmart and it's been great. When I graduated to a five disc, I found the cheapest one at Sears. They had much better prices than BestBuy. A lot of times they have sales that they don't advertise. BTW, if you can, go with a five disc. They are so much more versatile! HTH!:7

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

If you're looking for a single disc player, they always have them for around $80.00 at Walmart, K-mart, or Target. I got a Pioneer single disc player at Walmart and it's been great. When I graduated to a five disc, I found the cheapest one at Sears. They had much better prices than BestBuy. A lot of times they have sales that they don't advertise. BTW, if you can, go with a five disc. They are so much more versatile! HTH!:7

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

I have even seen one for $49.00 the other day at the walmart here. Plus they had a 5 dvd model for $99.00 that was being discontinued. Maybe every Walmart would have that???
I bought the Apex d 1010W for 49.99. It's worked just fine. You can't program it. But with Cathe's DVD's, you don't really need to!
Apex 1200

I bought this one online at Circuit City for $50.00 and free shipping. It is nothing fancy, but does the trick. It has gotten good reviews on some electronic websites that I visited. Good luck on your DVD player quest.
I recently purchased a Sony 5 Disc dvd player. It was around $139.00 I think. It may have been a little bit cheaper. I bought it from Best Buy. I too use a little cheap t.v. soley for working out. I was going to buy the cheapest DVD player - 1 disk, but someone on this site - A-jock, I believe - gave me great information about this 5 disc DVD player. If you plan on working out at home for years to come, I really feel this is the way to go if you can save up a little extra for it. Considering all the options this is not a bad price. Also, check out www.videofitness.com/features/dvds and make sure to click on VFer-recommended models and also click on tips for buying and using a DVD player. They also give you a couple of websites where you can do price checks. With a 5 disc DVD player your workout options are almost endless. You can do pretty much anything and make up your own workout - tough and long or short and easy - whatever you want!
Anyway, good luck in finding a DVD player. The website I mentioned helped me a lot! Have fun!:7
RE: DVD players

I found the VF recommendations to be out-of-date (i.e. I could no longer find thier models in stores), but it might give you some useful information.

I found out about models on a website; I think it was audioreviews.com.

I ended up getting a Sony from BestBuy.com for $70 because they had a rebate that made it $30 cheaper than anyone else (even Walmart & Target). Some websites have free shipping, so don't forget to take that into account when calculating costs.

Lots of sales clerks talk about how good or how popular Sony is, but on the websites I found out that there are people who are very unsatisfied, & there are even class-action lawsuits against Sony for particular models. Fortunately, mine has worked well so far. (The picture quality makes even my cheap TV look good.)

I got the extended warranty for 2 years because most DVD player failures reported on the review websites happened within the first 12-18 months. You may even want to take into consideration the costs of returning the unit for repair.

If you decide to buy from a local source (for ease of repairs/returns), see if they will honor competitors' prices. Here are 2 examples: My local Sears said they no longer match online offers, but they will honor local competitors' offers. Circuit City would honor BestBuy's price, but could not match their rebate offer.

Hope this is useful information for you. Good luck!
RE: DVD players

Thanks everyone. In the ads this weekend i saw a 5 disc player at best buy for 99. I forget what brand though. I bought the DVDs this weekend though so I really need to wait a bit to buy the DVD player.
RE: DVD players

>Thanks everyone. In the ads this weekend i saw a 5 disc
>player at best buy for 99. I forget what brand though. I
>bought the DVDs this weekend though so I really need to wait a
>bit to buy the DVD player.

I'd be cautious about a "too cheap" DVD player. Do some research on this brand (maybe at eopinions.com) before you commit. At that price, it probably won't be programmable across disks (so in effect loses one of the main advantages of a multiple disc player). I'd go with a 1-disc player around the same price point (which doesn't seem "too cheap").

But who knows...maybe this is a great player! Hope it is. If so, it's a great deal.
RE: DVD players

I would pay the least you can. No new technology lasts more than a few years anyway. By then you will be ready to upgrade. I usually buy the cheapest and spring for the 3 year warranty, which I scotch tape to the bottom of the player. I treat it as a 3-year rental.

I have never used the feature for programming across discs. It is so much faster to just use the remote to go to the next section I want at the time.

A 5 disc player is convenient because you can use it that way. All it saves you is the time it takes to take out and put away DVDs. It also saves wear and tear on the discs. Let's face it, the contents of the discs far outvalue the player.

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