I am addicted to the Terminator dvd!


I bought this dvd with the presale but hadn't tried it until a few weeks ago.....but now that I've tried it, I can't get enough of it!
For some reason, all of the swtiching back and forth between workouts makes the time fly! What a BLAST! I can't believe how much fun they are!

If you have the Terminator and are afraid to try it (like me!) Go AHEAD! They're challenging but definitely do-able!
Just last night I did Bootcamp for the first time. I also had ordered it through the presale but I was too scared to try it. Well, last night I guess I was feeling energetic and I also just wanted to hit a little bit of everything, so I finally tried it. I may have also been inspired to at least do all of the Intensity Series DVD's once before the new ones come!

Guess what? I didn't find it that difficult. It definitely was not as scary as it looked. Don't get me wrong, I was sweating my butt off and had a terrific workout, but I had thought that originally I would be dead half way through. I think there were only 2 sections that I know next time to increase my weights so I did feel challenged but I think the way it is set up makes is easier, as opposed to doing all of the core work at once or all of the legwork together.

Barbie- I totally agree with the time flying when it just keeps going on the next thing. I LOVED Bootcamp and I will now be able to try the Terminator DVD!!!
I am one that is afraid of the Terminator. LOL. I have pulled it out to do,but than I put it right back on the shelf. I bet if I would just do the DVD. I would love it.
I was afraid of it too, but if you can do the regular videos, you can do this one too! Really! Because each one is longer 70-80 minutes, try it on a day after your rest day! You'll be pleasantly surprised!
I did the Gaunlet for the first time today! I mean, I really did it! All the way thru! I'm still alive and here to talk about it too. It really was just like a beefed up Bootcamp. Give it a try!:+
Ok.. I did it. I did one of the Workouts on the Terminator DVD. I was not sure what one to do,so my daughter picked it out. I did the Viper. IT was a great workout. I really did like it.
Alright!!!! Good for you two!!! Aren't you proud of yourselves?
I just did the Gauntlet yesterday and was thinking that if you just added abs, this would be the absolutely most perfect workout. You wouldn't need anything else - it covers everything!

The most challenging part of the Gauntlet, I think is when you have to start the Imax2 section right after doing a Bootcamp cardio! YOWZA!
I'm huffing & puffing!
It's difficult to calculate exactly how long each section is, b/c it's broken down into individual minute segments. I"ve done only 2 sections so far:
The Viper is about 80 minutes long
Imax Extreme is about 75 minutes long
The Gaulet is really long...I haven't had time to try it yet. My guess? 100 minutes? Just a guess-estimate
After reading this thread I decided to order the Terminator DVD. I wasn't sure before, but you guys made up my mind for me :7 I added it to my Body Blast presale :) Thanks
Oh, you're going to LOVE it! I just added CTX to my pre-order so now I have almost all of Cathe's workouts! The great thing about Cathe's tapes is that I really do use them all! They are SO worth the money!
I'm addicted to this workout too! I make up alot of my own variations from this DVD as well. I know for sure this has really really increased my endurance cardio wise.
I agree - I absolutely love this DVD. This by far is my favorite. I love how I feel when I finish the gauntlet!!!! Once you try it you'll be hooked!


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