Price break on other Dvd's with the presale Dvd's

Last time, they offered free shipping! I hope they do offer a discount on some of the older stuff because I still haven't bought CTX! I know! Shame on me!
:D I want cross train express too!!! And the new DVD's.

Ouch this is gonna hurt my credit card more than my muscles ;-)
My credit card is really hurting. LOL. I was just going to preorder the new dvd's.. But, My finger had a mind of its own. It decided to click on the 27 pack that I had debated on getting for sometime now. Anyhow.. I spent allot of money. But, I know I am going to love all the new DVDS.
Yeah, you guys w/o the CTX dvd neeeeed that one! It is definitely something that I have no regrets about buying at all!
Wow! The 27 pack! How fabulous! That is a good deal buying them in bulk!
I just need to sell some of my firm tapes to offset the cost of the 27 pack. But, I am sure I will enjoy all the new dvds. You know the only trouble I will have is.. What DVD will I do. LOL I will have so many to choose from. Can you tell I am pretty excitted. LOL
I broke down and got the 23 pack with mine. I've sold about half of the videos that I want to. I'm still selling, selling, selling!!
I hate vhs now! LOL!}(

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