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    TO SNM Videos

    SNM Videos: I found an archive of... someone's post that stated the current quantity discount list will be revised. Should I just bank on paying $159.60 total for the 8 videos? I'm just not sure how much shipping will be. I understand that the 6 pack will only count as one video toward the...
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    TO SNM Videos

    or anyone else... Could you please tell me if the prices (8 Pack)will be back to $19.95 per tape after June 30th? Will there still be a special on shippping? I've had to make some tough choices in May and June and won't be able to purchase the tapes until after July. Thank you! Myra
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    favorite cathe videos

    I would have to say... <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-00 AT 00:23AM (EST)</font></center> Step Jam. I tried a couple of times (before I traded it away for Firms...but I'm rebuilding!) and it was fun, fun, fun and more fun! I agree with everyone else that it's...
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    Gimme' some info on Wedding Tape, pretty please?

    Lisa! Thanks for the review! I can't wait till it gets here! Myra
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    Gimme' some info on Wedding Tape, pretty please?

    HI Erin! THe Firm Swap is at, under the forum, you'll see Firm Swap. Thanks for the review, I'd chat more but I gotta go! ~Myra
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    Bryan Kest

    I had the last 3 series... but I traded them because they were my first Power Yoga series and I didn't feel relaxed when I was doing them. If I want to work for strength, I'd rather do Pilates, Cathe or BodyPUMP. However, he was very good-looking in those tapes, I love his hair and I read...
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    Studying to be Certified

    Congratulations Sandra! That is quite a goal accomplished! I am certified as a group fitness instructor through AFAA and recently finished Module 2 for BodyPUMP certification. I teach twice a week as a hobby (this field makes no money) and I thoroughly enjoy it. I *borrow* tons of...
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    A question for CATHE!

    Hello Cathe, (and all) I pray all is well with you and your family! Do you consider the classes that you teach "your" workouts? Being a fellow instructor, I've heard the aerobics cliche' "You are there for them, it's their workout, not your own..." but I'm not sure how to interpret this? The...
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    In-line anyone?

    Thanks everyone! Now, it's a toss-up between Cathe's new 8Pack of videos or a pair of blades... Ugh...decisions!@!@! I appreciate your feedback, Myra
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    Convince me to buy the 8 Pack!

    How much were the new vids before June? I feel like if I don't order now before the end of June I'll loose out on over $60 in savings... My husband is gonna kill me. I shall do something VERY NICE for Father's Day and say, "Honey, can I talk to you about something?" Just kidding! I wouldn't...
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    In-line anyone?

    I want very much to find a good skate (not $300 great, but about $100 good) but there's so much red tape it seems, to even look for a good pair! Jeesh, and then there's the wheels and bearings replacements ($50), I might as well buy new skates! Does anyone have a passion for this expensive-...
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    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    Hey Forgetful! I've been wanting to get into rollerblading, I even checked out in-line skating info on the web, and it seems that if I'm going to get any fitness gains from blading, I'd have to invest in a pair costing me $100 bucks! I remember Gart Sports or Big 5 having awesome...
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    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    Hi Susie! I do run, but only once or twice a week, and it's mostly indoors. I've read and heard too many horror stories about fractured hips and shin splints to ever go into running hard-core! I enjoy when I do it, but I'd really like to limit it to once a week. I love Hi/Lo too. I teach a...
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    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    I'd love to jumprope again.... the best jump ropes I had were when I was a kid and did that "Jump Rope For Heart" contest, (goodness, I feel old) and I've not found another like them since. I do a lot of plyos for my fitness classes I teach, I tell everyone to hold their "invisible" jump...
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    Crosstraining activities suggestion...

    Hi Cathe & Everyone, Am I missing anything? What else would good besides biking, running & walking? The aim here is to work my hamstrings with an aerobic activity so that I don't have overdeveloped quads. It's happened before...I'm built small framed, and like every other asian woman, I...
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    Congratulations! It sounds like all the adversity you have gone through has only made you stronger! And now you are blessed to have found someone to share your life with! A BIG hug and you deserve the best for keeping your family intact!!! May you have happiness and strength, Myra
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    When you do BodyMax...

    would you be able to do Interval Max the same week? I just got this tape and I teach a class that's comparable (yeah!) to Interval Max, do I dare attempt to do 2 high intensities in one week? Right after I've had pneumonina?? (I'd really would wait a bit, I'm not looking to committ suicide!)...
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    Soy Protein Powder

    Vitamin World Pure Soy Protein Isolate... It comes in a non-flavor choice, and was at deal for me at $10 for 32 oz. It mixes great in my shakes and I don't mind the mild taste. I only use protein shakes on the days I lift heavy. They were over the limit for my calorie intake....
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    Just got MIC! (Again)

    Too bad I can't use it either...I'm recovering from walking pneumonia... I had practically all of Cathe's tapes before, but I started teaching and soonafter, I traded them for Firm Upper Body Split and Lower Body Split. (UBS-wasn't too keen on it, and haven't used LBS at all yet) So I traded...
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    intensity tapes

    If you like the Firm... and high intensity cardio...try Core Cardio 1 & Core Cardio 2. These are very high/medium impact! Also try Super Cardio too. I use my club step instead of their stools and it seems to give me a very thorough workout.