Gimme' some info on Wedding Tape, pretty please?


Hi! It's the same old Myra with a new login name...

I just traded for Wedding Tape and would like some mini-reviews from you die-hard Cathe's. This is NOT an easy tape to acquire through VF, so I went through that Firm Swap and....SUCCESS!

I know this is a modified version of her newer tapes, I just want to know more!

There's a Firm swap? WHERE? :)

Sorry, but the video trader me popped out ahead of the helpful, video-reviewing me!

The wedding video is really good. The choreography is on the more basic side, but that doesn't mean it isn't intense! There are 3 aerobic sections, as usual for a Cathe video. It's really great for those days when your brain just isn't up for Power Max, Step Fit, Step Works, and that level of choreography. I can't comment on the weights since all I've ever done from that section is the abs. I think you'll enjoy it!

wedding tape review

Hi Myra,

I just started the wedding tape 3 weeks ago, so I can't comment much on my results since I haven't been doing it long enough, but I can tell you that it is loads of fun. I didn't even realize a workout could be that much fun. But although fun, it is still (in my opinion) very intense.
It is around 38 minutes of step aerobics plus a warmup. I have 2 left feet which is why I ordered her easiest choreographed tape, but I have had no problems getting the steps this time.
(except for the Ricochet step which took a few rewinds)I usually have trouble getting the steps down and since I didn't, this must be because of her great cueing. The music is VERY GOOD and motivating!!

Regarding the muscle conditioning section:
It last about 50 minutes. I feel stronger already after 3 weeks. She starts with squats and lunges. Then does upper body. Then she goes to inner and outer thigh, then abs. You will probably need some ankle weights for the thigh section after a couple of weeks. You do not need a barbell, just 2 or 3 sets of dumbbells. I usually feel very shaky for an hour after the weight section. I hate those tricep dips off the step, but I guess they are working because I feel stronger when I do them now.
Don't worry about the wedding talk(if it does't apply) because you're working hard and really don't notice it that much.
I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!!! Hope you love it too!
HI Erin!

THe Firm Swap is at, under the forum, you'll see Firm Swap. Thanks for the review, I'd chat more but I gotta go!
Wedding Tape.....

I do the cardio portion of the Wedding Tape about every two weeks. I really like it. The choreography is more basic than most of Cathe's video, but the workout is challenging. Especially the second section where she does ricochets, etc. I use an 8" step height and get a really good cardiovascular workout.

I also love the clips from Cathe's wedding. And I like the music used in the workout too.

I am glad I purchased it and highly recommend it.


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