favorite cathe videos


I'm a new Cathe fan for one month now. I've been doing the wedding tape workout and LOVING it! However I want to start rotating the cardio workout soon with another video, so that I never become tired of the wedding cardio section. I was just about to order Step Max and Step Jam, when I noticed the Cathe video poll results on the website that ranked Step Works and Powermax as your favorites. Help. Any comments to help me make a wise purchase would be greatly appreciated. What is your favorite Cathe cardio video? THANKS.
P.S. I'm not ready for Interval Max or Body Max or MIC.
Start with earlier ones.

I was so excited with my first Cathe tape, (Step N Motion I) that I ordered a bunch at one time. I tried doing Step Works and nearly broke my neck. I was not at all familiar enough with the moves to do this tape. There is very little repetition in teaching the moves. The 1st part is all moves from previous tapes. To make a long story short, this morning (over a year later) I did Step Works (on 4 inches) and only had to rewind a couple of times on the last section. Hooray!! I love this tape. All her tapes are great. But if you don't want to be frustrated with Step Works (I haven't tried PowerMax in a while so can't comment on that one) learn some of the earlier tapes first. Step Fit, Step Jam, Step Heat, Mega Step Blast. I just love them all.

Above all else have fun.
You Have Made Two Excellent Choices

I definitely think that Step Max and Step Jam are two great choices. Step Max was my first Cathe tape and has choreography that is easier than Step Jam but more difficult than Wedding tape. Step Jam's choreography is comparable to Power Max's or Step Works, but is in my opinion a little less intense than those tapes (it is deifinitely less intense than Interval Max amd Body Max). Anyway, it is learnable if you break it down by section and do not try to learn it all at once. This is how I did it-- I would combine it with a tape I knw well. I would say buy these tapes. You will not be disappointed!
I agree, too.

I don't have Step Max or Step Jam, but I've heard that they're good "starter" Cathe videos. Definitely wait to tackle Step Works -- Cathe doesn't break the moves down as much in that one, since it incorporates choreography from earlier videos. I started with Step Heat and Mega Step Blast. I love Step Heat, but MSB is not one of my big favorites for some strange reason. After you've mastered either Step Heat, Step Max or Step Jam, I think it would be safe to tackle Power Max. Enjoy!

I would have to say...

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-00 AT 00:23AM (EST)</font></center>

Step Jam. I tried a couple of times (before I traded it away for Firms...but I'm rebuilding!) and it was fun, fun, fun and more fun! I agree with everyone else that it's not as intense as PowerMax or Step Works, but if you're really wanting to do either of those, I'd do Power Max. Not a negative review about that one! It's been almost a year since I tried it but I'm *thinking* it's comparable to Step Works, with mabye a notch under for complexity and intensity.
If you want to keep rewinding through both of these, being willing to sacrifice cardio for a bit until you learn the moves, I say go for both!
Happy Hunting!
Maybe I'm crazy or something but....

for some reason I find that PowerMax doesn't seem to make me sweat as much as Stepfit does. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

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