Crosstraining activities suggestion...


Active Member
Hi Cathe & Everyone,
Am I missing anything? What else would good besides biking, running & walking? The aim here is to work my hamstrings with an aerobic activity so that I don't have overdeveloped quads. It's happened before...I'm built small framed, and like every other asian woman, I collect fat in my hips, thighs & buns. So, could you think of anything else? I should probably keep these activites moderate in intensity too huh? I'm recovering from pneumonia, so I'm starting all over again with my cardio routine. Thanks for the help!

have you tried it? burns fat, doesn't bulk, doesn't take up a lot of room for storage I tack it onto my PS upper body days and sometimes mix it in with shorter step days or after the hi/lo on mic

I to as an asian woman find I keep my fat in my lower body to. I find that best of all the keeps me with a slimmer lower body is Hi-Lo and running. Hi-Lo just gets me moving in a whole different way, I love it. And lots of stretching/yoga helps stretch me out and look leaner to!

Susie F.
How about rollerblading?

I run and do Cathe's tapes. Lately I have been thinking about buying rollerblades for myself and my daughters because I fear I do too much hi impact. From what I'v heard, rollerblading is a great workout and there's no impact (unless you go boom but I'll get padding for that). Seems like it'd be great for the total leg. You're so right about those hamstrings being more difficult to get into the program than the quads.
I'd love to jumprope again....

the best jump ropes I had were when I was a kid and did that "Jump Rope For Heart" contest, (goodness, I feel old) and I've not found another like them since. I do a lot of plyos for my fitness classes I teach, I tell everyone to hold their "invisible" jump ropes. I'm just going to have to use the ones at the gym, I guess. Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi Susie!

I do run, but only once or twice a week, and it's mostly indoors. I've read and heard too many horror stories about fractured hips and shin splints to ever go into running hard-core! I enjoy when I do it, but I'd really like to limit it to once a week. I love Hi/Lo too. I teach a class called "Cardio Smorgasbord": a class filled with the works, Step, double step, kickbox, latin, 4-limbed aerobics, military drills and my favorite, Hi/lows!! I use the entire room for it! I love being free and moving around, I don't teach any "specialty" classes like all step or all kickbox, because it would bore me to death to teach it. But I love taking classes though. I feel like I loose 10 pounds after every class. It's awesome. What kind of "asian" are you? I'm 1/2 filipina, 1/4 spanish & 1/4 venezuelan.
Hey Forgetful!

I've been wanting to get into rollerblading, I even checked out in-line skating info on the web, and it seems that if I'm going to get any fitness gains from blading, I'd have to invest in a pair costing me $100 bucks! I remember Gart Sports or Big 5 having awesome sales/clearances on skates in the winter, you can get a $300 pair for $99-$150. So I'll probably have to wait out blading, but I still go to the roller-skating rink with my daughter once a month and have a blast! Maybe if I get lucky, I'll find some good blades for cheap...
Good luck to you and keep me informed if you happen to find a deal!
Hi Myra!

What is double step? Is that using 2 steps? What types of things do you do? Sounds fun!

Thats a class that I know I would love

I dont do hard core running anymore. I stopped doing the running scene to much anymore. I just run for pleasure and my body thanks me. I tend to have stockier legs sometimes and running has helped them have the apperance of being longer and Hi-Lo is fast becoming my favorite lately. Im half Korean on my mothers side.

Happy Cross-Training

Another suggestion

I just started running and I'm going to do that 3 days. And do 30 minutes of weights on those days. Running that distance only take 10 minutes. In between days I'm going to add Cathe's video, biking and swimming. I don't hear of very many people swimming out there. I think it is a great sport and boy does it work my lungs. Maybe after you get well you could add that or if your not a strong swimmer try water aeobics. They use some interesting things now to make it pretty hard. Good luck. Lora

PS My daughter and I are going to start horseback riding lessons this summer but I bet that wouldn't count. Ride um cowgirl. I love being young again.
count it Lora

Lora, riding is great for the legs & butt, especially english style. And I mean your anatomy, not the horse's!
Double Step


I have done double step before and it is fun. You take 2 steps and set them up vertical to you and about 2 feet apart. Then you just do routines that take you from step to step. It is a fun change. My instructor at the gym sometimes does this if there isn't too many people in class since it takes up more room per person.
speaking of legs...

What women doesn't put weight on in their thighs, hips and butt!? That is definitely where I have the most trouble getting rid of the cushion!Are there any specific cross training workouts that are really good for hamstrings? I have begun to wonder this myself. I do run, jumprope and strength train but still notice more defintion in the quads and jiggle in the hamstrings! Definitely count that horseback riding for leg workouts! Those inner thighs will get quivery quickly and you will find muscles you didn't know existed in your legs! BTW, we Western riders get a good workout gripping with our legs and not depending on the saddle to keep us on!!
Good to hear that.

I haven't ridden a horse for years. I know my seat will be sore, that's for sure. Looking forward to it. Lora
my passion!

Riding has been my passion since I was a little girl (longer ago than I'd like to admit!) I was in the process of training my 2 yr old when I found out about my preg. I have put it on hold since he is too inexperienced to trust with baby on board. I recently let go of my old gelding who I trusted enough to ride through my other preg.
I count riding as a total body workout when you are doing more than a leisurely walk to enjoy the scenery! Now I am able to pass this love on to my daughters and even some nieces. Have a Welsh pony I keep to teach them to ride. Hope you enjoy your new experience. Just remember , like any other new cross training; ease into it and give your body time to adjust! You want to be able to do it again when your ready!

Colleen, I really feel my hamstrings on descents when I hike. Also spinning & cycling is great for hamstrings IF you use cleated shoes & you focus on a complete pedal stroke (push down with quads & pull up with the hamstrings). Kickboxing seems to work the entire leg too (but I'm a rookie).
Love Horses too.

Reading what your saying makes me even more excited. As a girl I always wanted a horse. But never got one. Now I have a 7 year old little girl that loves all animals, but hasn't been around horses much. (She wants to be a vet)I'm training cleaning house for riding lessons. The gal goes to my church and just moved here not to long ago from Germany where she got her training. She seems to be very knowledgeable about Grassage so I feel very fortunate to be able to have this opportunity. She needs my help and is more then willing to trade with me. Corrie might even be able to be apart of her 4 day horse camps. She will be leaning on a pony. I'm so excited. Hopefully I can ride too. Lora
Have to ask a dumb question

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-00 AT 07:58PM (EST)</font></center>

I have heard this term but don't know for sure what it is. Spinning. Can you enlighten me? I love hiking too. That is one of my most favorite sports. I'm hoping to do some cross country hiking/running this summer. Running in the mountains. Actually I think I might try a river valley first. Where do you go hiking? I hike in the Olympics and Cascade Mt. in Washington State. Lora
I love horses too and so I even volunteered to be

a chaperone on my 7 year old son's class trip, which among other things, has some horseback riding planned. I was on the phone calling the teacher the second I heard about it. As a child, I did a lot of riding but now, because of where I live, seldom ride any more. I do snag each and every opportunity that comes my way though.

I hope the camp works out for your daughter because riding is a great experience for kids.

not a dumb question

Spinning is indoor cycling. There are lots of variations. Fitness clubs have group classes. Many of the forum people have videos & workout at home. The true spinning bikes kind of resemble the old style stationary bikes. It's a great cardio & lower body workout. Because you can work the hamstrings, it's fantastic cross-training for running & step which are quad intensive.

I'm a transplant from the Seattle area, now living in southern Cal. Really miss the hiking in the northwest. Loved close in hikes at Tiger Mtn & Cougar Mtn, plus did quite a bit in the Cascades. One of the toughest hikes I ever did was near you, on Dungeness spit! Flat, but walking on sand for hours was exhausting. I envy your proximity to the Olympics - what a gorgeous area!

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