In-line anyone?


Active Member
I want very much to find a good skate (not $300 great, but about $100 good) but there's so much red tape it seems, to even look for a good pair! Jeesh, and then there's the wheels and bearings replacements ($50), I might as well buy new skates! Does anyone have a passion for this expensive- but-could-be-fun-I'm-sure sport? I'm hoping to chat with someone who has built a passion for skating, even though it's expensense is enormous!
hi myra!

I rollerblade quite a bit and have been doing so for about 7 years. There's a website buyers guide run by international inline skating association that will take you thru perhaps ten steps in helping you decide what type of skate is best for you based on price, type of skating, etc. Just search rollerblades and you should see it as one of the choices.
FYI--- I use the Bravoblade by Rollerblade which has 4 wheels and a brake pad which extends down when you flex your foot. There's a women's brand of this one too, I believe. These are recreation blades as opposed to speed skates which have 5 wheels, no brake, and lower cut boot. The biggest expense for me has been the wheels, which I tear up quite easily by sprinting, turning tight and wearing away the edges of the wheels. I buy hockey type wheels now which I can use with my original bearings. These wheels are made of a material which withstands alot of punishment. Id say expect to spend perhaps 150 to 200 dollars for a good pair of skates. You'll find it's worth it and definitely alot of fun! You can mail me if you like and Ill try to answer any questions.

Inline skating

Hi, Myra! I love inline skating. I actually bought my skates over 6 years ago. They are rollerblades and cost $120. My advice is to search for skates that feel really comfortable first. If they don't feel good you will not do it. Try rentals to try different models.

I definately recommend rollerblades because of the automatic brake system (the brake pad is replaceble and takes a while to wear out), especially if you are new to inline skating and need help stopping. I believe they are the only ones who have this system. I am fairly advanced (I skate fast and can do turns) but I love that brake and it makes me feel more comfortable skating with that feature, knowing I can stop.

I have had to change my wheels a few times, but the boot has held up well. I will look into Trevor's advice of using street hockey wheels. Also, you can prolong your wheels by rotating them, because the middle ones never get as worn as the front ones. Try and consider what you want out of your skates, too. Racing skates are great if you "feel the need for speed", but they are usually more expensive. Also, you don't get as good a work out, either, because it is easier to move faster so you don't work out as hard. I went skating with a friend and I was huffing and puffing to keep up with her. Later I realized she had faster skates (or maybe I'm not as advandced as I thought!). I want a happy medium between fun speed and a good work out.

But, if speed is what you want, you might go more often or longer, so it might end up the same. Which reminds me, my husband upgraded my bearings on my skate when I last changed wheels. I skate faster than before, so an intially slower skate can be upgraded later to a faster skate.

If you are new, get pads and practise falling on them. You feel much better and more confident knowing a spill won't hurt (hopefully, not much anyway). Supposedly, there are new gel filled pads that conform to your limbs and are super comfortable, but I haven't found them yet, so if anyone knows where to find them, let me know, please.

Inline skating is great if you also like to downhill ski because the weight shifts are the same and you use a lot of the same muscles. I live in Florida and try to go skiing every year and it is a great way to get ready for it.

I hope this helps!

I also love in-line skating, but I can't do it this summer because I'm pregnant. I also normally figure skate, which is another great way to get exercise if you have a rink nearby. I have RollerBlades that I bought a few years ago. They were my third pair, and the first pair I liked. I think the main reason is that the ones I have were made for women. The boot fit my foot much better than the unisex pairs I had. I got them for around $100 at the Sports Authority. Definately consider ones especially made for women.

Thanks everyone!

Now, it's a toss-up between Cathe's new 8Pack of videos or a pair of blades...


I appreciate your feedback,

There, that is your answer!!
Besides, when we all get our tapes and you hear us talking about how great they are, you'll be jealous!! Hee-Hee!!

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