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  1. K

    GS workouts: this is SOOOOO annoying!!

    I know your talking about the GS, but I can't enjoy Imax3 because of the volume level. The GS don't bother me, i'll just pause it if I need more time. But I really need loud music to keep me motivated and in Imax3 you can hardly hear it. I'm satisfied w/ the other HCs though. Kat
  2. K

    Dyna bands???

    Nicole this was very helpful to me, thanks for posting this. Kat
  3. K

    How Do You Like the Band?

    I was thinking of buying DynaBands from Collage but what length should it be? They have 3,5 and 6ft bands? TIA Kat
  4. K

    PCOS, Lupron, Hysterectomy, Etc.

    I am 30yrs old, have had PCOS since forever. I've had 2 surgeries so far. Last year was my worst year ever, hair loss like crazy, weightgain depression, acne, skin tags, high blood pressure all of it. My doctors wouldn't take me serious and didn't think I needed meds, even though I current...
  5. K

    Anyone ordered in July and have NOT been notified?

    I ordered in July and haven't received a notification yet. I have even forgotten the date now. Kat
  6. K

    will Rhonda be in the Hardcore series?

    Another vote for Rhonda. Cathe will she be in your Hardcore series? Kat
  7. K

    Premixes, Blender and SMN

    I agree as well. I don't use the blender at all but I use my premixes just about everyday. I also don't mind waiting for my dvds so they can be done right. I know it's coming.
  8. K

    FIT TV wants your input

    1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am) Mornings 5:30am 2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? 5 days a week, Mon-Fri 3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it.... I get Fit Tv, and...
  9. K

    timesaver upper body workout

    Hi Wendy, I did this yesterday but I didn't know how to use the mix and match, but I did all the upperbody weights and I feel a little sore today. I really enjoyed it though.
  10. K

    Three Video Clips are Now Up

    The new clips don't work for me either. I've tried them from two different computers, one was dial up and one was dsl. I can hear the clips but I can't see them. I can also see past clips on both computers but not the new clips. Kat
  11. K

    Video Clips

    Cathe thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
  12. K

    Video Clips

    Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but Cathe, when are you going to put up video clips of the Blast series? Eagerly waiting. Kat
  13. K

    High Step Update

    Nevermind, I found the answer.
  14. K

    High Step Update

    Hate to ask a dumb question but can I just order the top part of the high step and use the risers I use for my step?
  15. K

    Next round of videos

    Is she made a RS2 that would be excellent!
  16. K

    Firm's rip-off workout equipment....

    I agree w/ you Lisa. I'm planning on just waiting till they start selling the new tapes separtely.
  17. K

    What about a Cathy email/letter

    Amanda that's an excellent idea!:D
  18. K

    Ok, I have to tell you.....

    Wonderful pics, thanks for sharing!:7
  19. K

    I did Imax 2 for the 1st time this morning

    RE: Me too HB! Just to jump in here, about the leg press in ME, Cathe also gives us double the sets, the firm usually gives 2 sets Cathe did 4 sets, my legs are sore today!
  20. K

    Imax 2 Video Clip

    Excellent! I can't wait to get my hands on these DVD's! Kathy