GS workouts: this is SOOOOO annoying!!


I did GS back, shoulders and biceps yesterday. I LOVE the workout, but one thing was really, REALLY annoying me! When I do Cathe's weight workouts, I'll often take a little extra time to set up a move (I do this a LOT in PLB!), or take breaks for water and to change my weight set-up between segments (like between the back and shoulders segments here). I just let Cathe and crew carry on until I'm ready, then I back-chapter so I can join them where I left off.

This works fine with the "pre-Hardcore series" workouts, but yesterday, I was getting so frustrated with being sent back to the moment right when the first rep was going to start, with not enough time to get set up. Then I'd have to use the "rewind" feature to go back a ways to give me time (but not as far as the next previous chapter mark).

I always have that time in the other workouts! It doesn't take much, just about 4-5 seconds earlier, and the chapter breaks would be perfectly placed. Since the premixes are based on the chapter points, this also makes the premixes (at least the BSB one I previewed) too choppy and unusable for me without major frustration.

I was even re-previewing PS the other day (to see what exercises there were in it because I was thinking of doing it and I had forgotten), and the chapter points are PERFECTLY placed there...even in one of the earliest DVD's.

Whoever was responsible for the chapter placement this time around needs to try to do the workout themselves using those chapter points. (Actually, they need to be fired, or at least demoted).

End of rant!

(I did get a good workout, and really like BSB in general, which is even more reason to hate something like this that taints my enjoyment of it. )
Kathryn, I understand your rant. They must have had someone new do the chaptering in BSB and they had no clue as to how those chapter points would be used. C&T isn't as bad, nor the other Hardcores. (Although they aren't the greatest either) I still prefer the premixes of BodyBlast and Intensity due to the insert cards telling you what's coming up.

I normally do the same as you - allow the DVD to run and then "chapter back" when I'm ready. But now have learned to pause and restart when I'm ready when doing BSB. I have a worksheet I can reference so know what weights I'll need. Can't tolerate the premixes on this one though - so choppy that it makes them un-doable! I make up my own "timesaver" by chaptering past the final set of each exercise.

Wonder what was done so differently on this DVD? I can only hope the mistake won't be repeated.

I'm in total agreement. The chaptering & premixes in Hardcore are not done well. One must keep the remote control very close. It's quite frustrating & wastes a lot of time.

Seemingly obvious things were overlooked, such as the missing cooldown in LowMax if one uses the 1-4 premix. After the 4th blast, the premix jumps right to the stretch. Anyone feel a little faint?

I agree with all of you. I don't know how these poorly laid premixes got by in editing. There should have been someone reviewing them before they were sent to the printers. Why didn't anyone notice that you can't possibly prepare in time for the next exercise without having to pause your player? Major snafu in this series.
I must be the odd one out....These kinds of thing never seem to frustrate me. I don't have a problem using pause. I have done it in both PLB and PUB before I even got the Hardcores and I enjoy the break when I use pause. I also still get a good workout....:)...Carole
I have no problem with these either. I just have the remote handy. I do heavier weight than Cathe on some of the moves so the pause doesn't bother me at all. That is the advantage to the DVD, you can skip back and start where you left off. It sure does not take as long as video tapes LOL
I did GS BB timesaver this morning. It moves quickly from one move to the other. I had the remote handy and my notes. Anticipating and being ready for the next segment helps.
Diane Sue
That is the advantage to
>the DVD, you can skip back and start where you left off.

NOT if the chaptering is poorly placed, which is my precise point in my first post.
Not annoyed, but suggestion for those who are...

I belong to the group of posters who don't have any problem with the chaptering. I haven't ever really given it much thought, quite honestly. I just hit pause when I need a little more time, and then I rewind a little bit to re-start. Or, I rewind a minute or so and hit "play," and do my own setup for the next segment while Cathe and crew are "catching up" with me. :) Once in a while if I'm doing a premix I'll notice a transition that's a little abrupt or choppy, but nothing for which I can't compensate pretty easily -- certainly nothing that's ever spoiled the moment or the workout for me!

Kathryn and other annoyed folks who are really bothered by this technical issue ;-), it is absolutely your right to complain and vent, no question about it and please don't get me wrong about that. It just seems to me -- strictly MHO -- that this topic would be better placed in the forum for "Suggestions for New Videos." I suggest that you elaborate there on what it is you'd like to see Cathe and the production/editing team do differently next time. You might want to point to some specific examples of places in Cathe's videos where you think the chaptering was done to your liking, and places where you think it was done less well (and describe why, and what could have been done differently in that example.)

Just my two cents' worth, TIOLI. ;-) Kathy S.
I understand where you are coming from... i.e you need to have a little time to hoist that barbell up to your shoulders, you can't just 'skip backward', and the barbell magically appears on your shoulder.
RE: Not annoyed, but suggestion for those who are...

It just seems to me -- strictly MHO --
>that this topic would be better placed in the forum for
>"Suggestions for New Videos."

I've mentioned this in the Suggestions for new Videos" forum, in a couple of threads dealing with premixes.

I definitely will bring this up there, or in 'Ask Cathe' once new advanced workouts are announced.

One of the reasons it bothers me so much is that I'm used to using Cathe's DVD's a certain way, and it's always worked in the past, but not with some of the HC series workouts. I suppose for those I'll have to start getting used to pausing instead of back chaptering. (though I still doubt I'll use the premixes in this series).
RE: Hi Kathryn!

How true Kathy! I was just thinking the other day how I don't do some of my oldies but goodies because I've gotten way too spoiled with my DVD's and it's just way too much trouble to use VHS. This includes some of my old Taebo Live workouts! Let's see am I spoiled or lazy? :) :)

RE: Hi Kathryn!

Okay, I have been spoiled by Cathe's other DVDs and premixes. But when you do a premix and it jumps to the next segment where Cathe has dumbbell (or barbell) in hand, starting the count - it doesn't leave me any room to put down the remote and pick up my weights - that's my problem.

My particular DVD player doesn't have a FF or Rewind feature. It only has chapter forward or chapter back.

Your suggestion to place this concern in the other forum for upcoming ventures is a good one. All I need is a few seconds more! Gym Style BSB has chaptering points that aren't congruent with chaptering points of other, previous, workouts. It makes the premixes extremely awkward for me, to the point of being unusable. That's all I'm saying.

Thanks for the scolding but...

The Hardcore premixes do not compare well to prior releases, & it is simply poor editing. Keeping the remote, my notebook & reading glasses handy while I workout is a bit inefficient & irritating. I have actual found myself balancing my barbell on my shoulders with one hand while reaching for the play button. That is stupid.

It's amazing that pre-DVD workouts such as the Pure Strength series are well chaptered in their DVD form. The Body Blast & Intensity series premixes are incredible. SNM was thinking.

I've been buying Cathe's workouts & active on this forum since her 1st pregnancy. I've paid for the right to grumble.

Total agreement here, Kathryn. Not nearly as good as previous DVD's. I can work with it (using pause/rewind) but it seems to be more effort than necessary. Hopefully the next series will have better chaptering.

I've found that when I literally went through chapter by chapter, that she includes a little break right before the workout begins, so if you skip back 2 chapters, you will get to that break you want. This was really annoying when I was chaptering Legs and Glutes which is already highly chaptered, and I had to add a "break" for certain numbers. But, it's helpful. GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps is the same way.
I know your talking about the GS, but I can't enjoy Imax3 because of the volume level. The GS don't bother me, i'll just pause it if I need more time. But I really need loud music to keep me motivated and in Imax3 you can hardly hear it.

I'm satisfied w/ the other HCs though.

RE: Thanks for the scolding but...

Debra, yikes! No scolding was intended, and as I said, you've certainly got the right to complain. I just think that your comments are more likely to have an impact if they're over in the Suggestions for Next Videos forum, that's all. People who are going to that forum to post their own ideas and complaints/comments might read yours and chime in. Just my two cents' worth. :) Kathy S.

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