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  1. R

    BFL for Fri Mar 14th 2008

    Hi everyone, Today was lower body so I dug out Cory Eversons Basic Body Sculpting workout. I went heavy on all exercises and did 12 reps. So it was a nice change of pace. I also did K Smith Balance Ball ab workout from tummy trimmers. We didn't watch Survivor yet as we went to the Red...
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    BFL for Sun Mar 09th 2008

    Kathy - hopefully this will make sense for the runervals. Workout A (beginner) 29:37 w/u BP + 0mph 0% incline then 3 x BP + 2mph at 30 secs w/30sec rest Set 1 3 X 1 min on, 1 min off BP + 2 MPH incline 2% 3 min recovery Set 2 3 x 1 min on, 1 min rest BP + 2 MPH 1% incline...
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    BFL for Sun Mar 09th 2008

    Morning everyone, I am going to try to get back on the exercise track tomorrow with a leg workout. I do better when I am standing up and not bending over or lying down. The only thing I have left is this nasty cough. Can't seem to shake it. if I start coughing too much then I get a...
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    BFL for Wed Mar 05h 2008

    Hi everyone Glad to see everyone is doing so well. I have been down sick for the past two days. Not sure when I will get back on track. I was so upset because I got my new Runervals (w/Irongirls) and was planning on doing that Tuesday morning but wham I was too sick to do anything. I will...
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    BFL for Mon Mar 03rd 2008

    Morning everyone, Did my BFL UB this morning. Went up in weights on all exercises. Sherry - I do the treadmill but I do mainly walking. I am not a runner. For sprints (as long as they are 30-45 seconds, I try to push myself hard so far I have gone up to 6.5mph, but the recoveries are...
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    BFL for Sun Mar-02-08 02

    Hi Everyone, Late to the party today. I feel so much better than yesterday. Guess that is becaus I took some Nyquil and had a good nights rest. It took me a while but I did get on the treadmill for 40 minutes and did the iTread w/Nick. Had to go slower when he had you doing the side walks...
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    BFL for Sat Mar 01st 2008

    Hi Everyone, today was just a blah day for me. We went to the Red Wing game last night and actually got on the road home pretty early, 10ish. Not even half way home and wham the weather changed and here I was doing 30-40 on the expressway. I hate drive homes like that. Needless to say it...
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    BFL - Sunny Sunday 2/24

    Morning everyone, Today is a rest day. If anything I may do some abs since I haven't been doing well getting those in. But I may just do nothing today. I am finishing up laundrymax this morning. Cleanmax was yesterday. The sunshine looks so nice out but I know it is cold. I hope...
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    BFL for Sat Feb 23rd 2008

    Morning everyone, I got up and did Tracey's Walk Strong. Wow what a workout. It was actually around 53 minutes and then I had a 2 minute cooldown (I added this in) so it was 55 minutes total for me and my HRM said I burned 701 calories. I had to go at my own pace but was able to get...
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    BFL for Thu Feb 21st 2008

    Hi everyone, Late to the party to day but stayed home and had a fireplace put in. Actually a woodstove but fireplace sounds so much nicer. It is so nice looking Anyway I did get up and do Spinervals IronGirl workout B. Good workout and it was 33 minutes. Kathy - I do have all the...
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    BFL for Sun Feb 17th 2008

    Hi Everyone, Saturday I did PLB the whole workout. I was feeling it afterwards but not much today. sunday - is my rest day. I think I am trying to fight something off. It seems like every other day this past week I just haven't felt 100%. My head feels stuffy, headachy, etc. Not...
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    BSN Lean Dessert Protein

    Thanks for talking about this. I have been wondering about this protein powder and now I am going to have to try some. Cinnamon Roll and Banana Nut Bread sound great, especially in a bowl of oatmeal. VitaCost is where I get a lot of things so I will have to visit them again and order...
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    What are your Sat and Sun workouts?

    Saturday was Spinervals 20 Sprinting machine, boy my legs were wiped after that. Sunday is my rest day. Rhonda
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    Just wondering which category you are.

    I said 5 hours or more and lots to lose. I have been around the same weight for years with no health problems but could stand to lose 30-50 pounds. If eating was cleaner I'm sure the weight would come off, but that has always been the hard part for me. Rhonda
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    Hi Debbie (Fitnessfreak) I am planning on starting the leg blast rotation on Monday. A couple questions? For cardio I am doing spinning and treadmill. They are usually interval workouts. Will this be OK to take the place of the cardio you suggest? For the weight training workouts, I...
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    honey crisp apples

    I can't find them either. I am in MI. Would love to try them as I keep hearing people talk about them. Rhonda
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    12-Week Challenge Check-in for New Year's Eve!!!!

    Morning everyone, This challenge has come at a good time as I need to keep motivated and in control. I don't have a problem with exercising but the eating is a different story. I will do good for a couple weeks then bam, back to the old ways. My goals are: Eat cleaner (can't wait for...
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    12 Week Challenge Check in....ALL WELCOME...12/31 START

    I think this is something that I need. I was actually thinking about doing some sort of 12 week BFL rotation. I did this once before and lost weight. I was doing well before the holidays but as we all know what happens during the holidays. I haven't gained weight but I haven't lost either...
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    What do you think of this rotation?

    I am considering changing up my rotation and wondered what others thought of this: Sun - usually rest Mon - Cardio Coach Tues - Bootcamp or some other circuit workout Wed - cardio coach Thurs - bootcamp or some other circuit workout Fri - Cardio Coach Sat - circuit workout or kickboxing...
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    Treadmill workout, what do you think ?

    Hi Laura, Long time since we have caught up with each other. Hope all is going well. I just got back into cardio coach and challenging myself to do them three times a week. They range in workout times from 30 minutes to almost an hour. E-mail me if you want [email protected] Rhonda