Treadmill workout, what do you think ?


300 calorie treadmill routine

This was in the Fitness December 2005 issue, what do you think ? I would hate to do it and be a waste of time. It seems so short, I always feel like I am cheating if I don't do a longer one though I suppose you could do it twice if you liked it the 1st time through.
What do you think, would you do it ?

Minutes MPH Incline
0:00-3:00 3.0 1
3:00-3:30 3.5 2
3:30-4:00 3.5 4
4:00-4:30 3.5 6
4:30-5:00 3.5 7
5:00-6:00 5.0 1
6:00-7:00 4.0 1
7:00-7:30 4.5 2
7:30-8:00 4.5 4
8:00-8:30 4.5 6
8:30-9:00 4.5 7
9:00-10:00 3.5 1
10:00-11:00 6.0 1
11:00-12:00 3.5 1
12:00-12:30 5.0 2
12:30-13:00 5.0 4
13:00-13:30 5.0 6
13:30-14:00 5.0 7
14:00-16:00 3.5 1
16:00-17:00 6.0 1
17:00-20:00 3.0 1

Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Hey laura,

I don't know about the treadmill workout, but your before and after pictures are awesome. You should be very proud of yourself!:) You set out to reach a goal and you did it!

It looks good... kind of looks like the BFL type cardio or the Sprint 8, using intervals and HIIT method. Not sure how they can figure out that the calorie burn is 300 though..
Oh NO Kim, I am so sorry! I got really busy and must of been posting close to the same time as you were. I meant my typing was bad on the layout of that routine.

Thank you very much for the compliment, I did wind up gaining about 10 pounds over the summer but I am working on getting it off now.
Thanks so much, I truly appreciate it :)

Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
I'm sorry I just read it wrong. Miscommunication can happen around here like that. I do think the treadmill workout is a good workout. If it is too short for you doing it twice could be want you want.

Glad it was just a mix up!:7

Hey Laura! I am no good at "reading" workouts unfortunatley. I have to actually do them to understand, but I am still impressed with your being able to type it all out!

Anyway, if you are looking for HIIT cardio treadmill workouts, I have just discovered Cardio Coach and it is amazing! There is a free download of volume 2 to try out. Anything free is worth checking into;) go to and see what I'm talking about. I have them all, and love them! Volume 5 is my favorite.
Hi Laura,

Long time since we have caught up with each other. Hope all is going well.
I just got back into cardio coach and challenging myself to do them three times a week. They range in workout times from 30 minutes to almost an hour.
E-mail me if you want [email protected]

I agree. If it feels too short. Do it twice. Probably would be good for a short cardio set on strenth training day.

Your pictures are awesome. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you loose and how long did it take? What an inspiration you are.

Thank you very much, you are all very kind :)

I lost 116 pounds on Weight Watchers and it took me about 1 yr. and 4 months to lose it all. Now after this summer I need to lose 10 pounds, I guess I enjoyed summer to much, grrrr! Its so much easier to gain then to lose but I will do it, I've done it before.

Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Laura ,

I just saw your pictures too and you look AWESOME!!!

Hats off to you, High fives, WAY TO GO, 3 cheers and all the rest! You should be so proud of yourself!!!

And you if got 116 pounds off, you will get 10 off now! I think most of us struggle with a stubborn few extra pounds here & there, and it's just not that big of a deal !!!
You already did the hard part! Congrats!!
I went to Cardio Coach but did not see anything about a free download of volume 2 .. how do you get to it?

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