

Hi there. I am doing your leg blast rotation, today is day 6, rest day. Couple of questions I have for you. Pretty much I did no more than 10lbs. My next week of Gym Styles I want to increase my weight but if I am not able to complete the reps/sets Cathe is doing this week should I still increase next week?
What kind of a rotation should I do after this?

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
You should at least try and up your weights in a steady fashion with each workout. It's the only way to gain muscle and strength. Push yourself. I know you can definitely go over 10# for squats. If you can't finish the reps, take a quick rest and join with Cathe again. But try and do every rep and try to increase your weights each time. It's the only way you will see results. You don't have to increase a lot, maybe 2-5# at a time.
Thank you for the response tomorrow is step blast so I will do that Day 8 for GSL


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Debbie (Fitnessfreak)

I am planning on starting the leg blast rotation on Monday. A couple questions?

For cardio I am doing spinning and treadmill. They are usually interval workouts. Will this be OK to take the place of the cardio you suggest?

For the weight training workouts, I usually only have time for no more than 45 minutes in the morning. Is it OK to split up the routines if needed? or would I be better off doing less sets, such as 2 sets instead of 3?

The cardio you want to do is fine.

For weight training, I'd do as much as you can all at once. If you need to cut a few of the sets back to only 2, then do that.

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